Rba Is Not My Friend.

Well I decided to eff around with the rba section on the subtank mini tonight. And I swear I have the worst luck when I comes to rebuildables. Had a horrible time with my egrip rba base and now this -.-
Wicking is spot on, everything's together right, and I'm getting a good amount of juice into my mouth when dragging on it. This is becoming a headache  

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Subtank Mini And Coughing

I've searched the forums and really couldn't find anything spot on with the problem I'm having, but if there is something I missed please forgive me. Anyways Ive been vaping for about 2 months now. I've had no problems with coughing and not being able to Vape up to now. I was using an Aspire Nautilis mini, and I decided to get a Kangertech sub tank mini. This is where the problems have begun. I'm coughing like crazy with this thing. I've done mouth to lung hits, let the it sit in my mouth before inhaling and still cough like crazy and it's only with this subtank I'm now using. I was using the 0.5 ohm coil that was on the unit. I switched to the 1.5 to see if that helped and it didn't. I've adjusted air flow, played with wattages and voltages and really no help. Is there a reason this is happening? What would be the cause of me having a coughing fit only when using this subtank? By the way I'm using a 50/59 mix of e juice.  

Mouth Juice

Yeahh,okay so I ask this seemingly often...but it happens...coil is working fine but I get little bit of juice...I can't figure out y.I'm using my subtank mini with rba nd I take the tank off the base n hit the trigger n try burning off some excess juice n it's still getting juice in mouth...What cud b the reason or reasons nd what r some ways to prevent it or stop it  

Kanger Subtank Mini Spitting Juice Please Help

Hi, I have having issues with the kanger subtank mini sucking hot juice into my mouth with the rba deck it doesn't happen with the occ coils please help....  

Kayfun V4 Or Kanger Subtank Thoughts

So I have been using 2 kayfun tobecco clones V4 I really like them but do have the issue of juice control ring getting stuck at times and though I have gotten to the point when it only happens once in while due to i lube the inside of the base with eliquid everytime i rewick. anyway i just purchased a Kanger Subtank mini and i do really like it a lot It is so much easier to rewick Oh yes I am using the RBA section and i dont have to worry about anything getting stuck my only compliant is that it is so noisy makes it very hard to stealth vape at work
So I am torn I like the easier rewicking of the subtank but am i just hung up on The Kayfun Being the best
any thoughts to help me sort this out having a hard time letting go of the kayfuns but love the subtank  

Problems With Spit Back On Subtank Mini Rba

Just built first coil on subtank mini RBA and it works great otger than excessive popping hot juice to my mouth...any suggestions? ????  

Always A Burnt Taste

Hey all.

So I've been vaping since January. I started out on a kanger ego and an aspire k1. Since then I've gone through aspire cf batteries, and finally made my way to my current set up. An mvp 3.0 or istick50w with my subtank mini.

At first using the stock occ coils with the subtank, I decided to buy some wire and cotton and here I am. Been building my own coils using the RBA section and loving it. I wick it properly and never get a dry hit, going anywhere from 18-25 watts, which is my preferred settings.

Now, it's only my preferred settings because I can't seem to go any higher. On either device. I get dry hits like crazy despite pancake wicking which I've specifically done to prevent said dry hits. I always have heard that it can possibly taste better the hotter it gets. And I don't mind a hot vape. But it won't let me try!

I'm well saturated, well wicked, and my juice can be anywhere form 50/50 to 70/30pg. I can do quick pulls on fully open, and slower toots on the middle setting on the subtank. I just can't go any higher than 25watts and I don't know why!

And that's not for just the coils I built. It's for the stock occ .5 ohm coil as well. And like I said all my cotton is beyond well saturated. Any help?  

Bad Luck With Egrip

I haven't been having much luck with the two egrips I ordered. The first had broken plastic on the inside (little bits of plastic were caught in the threads, and had probably fallen into the tank). Number one is on its way back to the vendor.

On number 2, the atomizer base won't sit flush with the bottom of the device, and I think it's causing all the gurgling and leaking (e juice was also leaking out of the bottom of the device). I tried taking off the atomizer head and reseating it, and that didn't work. I'm hoping a new base might fix this problem. Any ideas?

Both devices are brand new. When I ordered the first one, I wasn't aware that it was available in a wood finish, so I ordered the second one.  

Subtank Mini - Vertical Vs. Horizontal Coil?

Still semi new to vaping and have had my subtank mini for around a month and I have seen some unique builds lol, something that interests me and caught my attention is the vertical coil and to have the wicking around the coil instead of going through it. Has anyone tried this in the subtank mini? Pros/con's?thanks so much  

My Subtank Is Really Starting To Taste Bad!

I'm using a Subtank Nano on the KBOX. Should be absolutely no problems.

But my coils (both the 0.5 and 1.0) are tasting awful. I prime them great, I make sure everythings good and secure, and I'm using a 75%-ish VG juice.

But I can't go above 20 watts with two new packs of coils I have, and especially on the 1.0 coils, that's ridiculous. I'll get a vaporized rubber taste that tastes like the worst clearomizer coil I've ever come across.

Dry cotton should just have sort of a cottony, almost doggy or smokey taste. But this is a pure rubbery flavor. Are the gromets going to crap? These things should be built for Sub-Ohm Vaping!

I have no clue what's wrong but I can't use this thing anymore.

I'm also getting more juice in my mouth than I would if I drank it. These coils have started to spit and spew like nothing I've seen. I've used these coils for months and could always go up to 30 watts, no issues!  

Mouth Piece Getting Juice In It. Is That Normal?

I have an aspire Atlantis tank on my ipv mini. Juice is getting in the mouth piece. is it supposed to do that? Its not a lot I can just look in it and see a couple little drops. I don't think its getting in my mouth. Also any one had problems with mouth ulsers from vaping? I quit smoking 10 days ago and I have like 3 or 4 :-(