Who Ever Thought Of Stalking The Mailman On Sunday

Yep, the delivery was on time and I do not like it, Bought some things with Amazon prime two day delivery. Figured since second day was Sunday, the package would be here Monday. Not so, it seems my campground is in an area with Sunday delivery. Who ever thought of stalking the mailman on Well since the campground is a business and not open on Sunday my package could not be delivered. Oh well, prolonged excitement over vapemail.  

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Usps Package Intercept

Has anyone ever used the USPS Package Intercept feature? I was thinking about trying it to get my package delivered at my work because I'll be there during my usual delivery time. It seems a little too good to be true and it is non-refundable if the intercept fails. Also, if anyone has used it, does the intercept still get processed even if you havent paid for it? My tracking hasnt updated in a day and I filled out the intercept form last night, but didnt submit it. I wasnt sure if it would still go through. I know USPS is slow when it comes to scanning so I'm not too worried about the tracking not updating.  

Myvaporstore {edited}

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At the time it satisfied me. I didn't enjoy it a bit but it quelled my nic sickness. Although what I found horrible is the fact that even having one, I still could smell it under my nose. I washed my face and took a shower later that day and it was still there, the smell was horrible.

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First And Last Time Ordering From Gearbest.

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O/T: The website seems to be much more responsive after the switch to XenForo. Good job!  

Waiting On Vapemail Sux

Ordered 3-17, shipped 3-18 from the UK, I'm in Virginia.....

I scared the crap out of the mailman yesterday. I happened to be right at the front door when I heard the mailbox lid drop. Swung open the front door like a madman...

No joy

Now I wait.  

Vape Mail And Lazy Postman!

I am tracking junkie when I see my vape mail is out for delivery. So I was excited when I seen my package was delivered early!

But after walking all the way to the mailbox there was nothing! I have heard that some mail carriers will scan their packages early so I am hoping that is what has happened. Just hoping somebody else didn't get my mail...but this has happened before when I received packages so Im pretty sure it just early scanning!


Vapin Mailman Blues....

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Thought I"d share it, I'm sure most of you can relate!


"heads Up" Avoid Usps For A Bit.

Something is up with USPS lately. Ive never had any problem with them until lately. Right now I have a few packages stuck in transit and way past there delivery date. Just thought I would let everyone know.

If this is not the right place for this just move it but I think this needs to be front and center cause vape mail is important.  

Problems With Orders From Ft

Has/is anyone having a problem getting any delivery from fasttech? I have two separate orders,one setting at "label created but not yet in system" for two months as of today. Second order setting for same length of time at "origin post is prepping package for shipment".

Has the USPS already stopped accepting ecig deliveries for shipping,even though the items were order months prior? It's nothing really expensive(which is good) but still I can't get any answers.

Thanks for any help or replies.  

"how Many Hours A Day..."

I was asked this question yesterday by a friend who remarked "Every time I visit you, you're playing around with your (ecig) stuff. How many hours a day do you *spend messing around with it?" (*I think he actually used the verb "waste", but I'll let his non-vaper's judgment slide for the sake of friendship)

I hadn't given it any thought till he said something, but it's true. Every time this friend drops by, he seems to catch me in the process of washing, building, wicking, or tinkering with something ecig related. After thinking about it, I'll estimate that I spend an average of 30 to 45 minutes a day tinkering. On a day like Sunday when I have a lot of free time, it's probably more like an hour and a half.

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So, how much time do you spend washing, building, wicking, filling, swapping batteries, and generally tinkering with your stuff? This is NOT including actual vaping time, only tinkering.