Is It Safe To Let Ecig Vapour Dissipate In Your Lungs?

I'm running low on Juice and i'm trying to make the most of it while my new shipment is on its way.

Are there any long/short term negatives to letting a PG or VG based juice dissipate within your lungs?


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Wales (uk) To Ban Ecigs In Enclosed Public Places.

Non-smokers just don't understand the difference between smoke and exhaled vapour - a cigarette gives off smoke even when you put it down between puffs, all anyone else gets from an ecig has already been filtered by your lungs.

Its easy to see how non-smokers may see a a plume of vapour as just as much an invasion into their space as cigarette smoke though.

How long before vaping is as restricted as smoking?!!!

They hate it because they've noticed it - and less of them would notice if it wasn't for the cloud chasers.  

The Longer The Inhale, The Stronger The Hit?

Hi all

Sorry, if this is sort of newbie question, but I can't post new threads in the new member's section.

I wanted to ask whether we absorb more nicotine the longer we hold the vapour in our lungs? I've tried holding it for longer, but then there's only a little vapour on the exhale, which I'm guessing because it's been absorbed or it's evaporated

Also, does this mean that when we're puffing out a lot of vapour we're losing nicotine? I have to admit I feel a slight bit of a stronger hit when I do hold in the vapour, but might this because lack of oxygen?


Vaping And Running Vs Smoking And Running

So I started running again. I can say from experience that vaping has to be better for your lungs than smoking ! I was up to running 5 or more miles a day and up to 10 miles while smoking a pack a day. (I'm a former Marine so I tend to do things to the extreme.) When I was smoking in the beginning of a run I would feel a tightness in my chest and I used to attribute to having to get into an aerobic heartbeat. Breathing would be hard for a while. But I would always push myself to do the run. I would finish a run and stop and hack a bit then light a ciggarette. (..... I am lol) I always wondered how it would feel to run if I wasn't smoking. So I haven't run in quite some time (Old Man Winter) and I have been quit smoking for a while. So I started out with a short 2 mile run today. Guess what ? No tightness in the chest, no hard breathing and no hacking ! Can't wait to get back up into the big mile range again ! So if vaping actually had an effect on your lungs would I have not felt it ? In contrary vaping has greatly improved my lungs. So I don't need any scientific studies I just completed my own study ! Hey if anyone else has noticed the same thing let me know I'm interested in your opinion.  

Something To Remove Vapor From My Office


I have a small office in my house in which I enjoy vaping a lot. But I need the vapor to dissipate more quickly than it does! If I open my office door and leave it open for less than a minute, the vapor comes out and sets off our smoke alarm which is attached to a service that dispatches fire response! Thankfully, I've been able to run downstairs to, hit the code and talk to the alarm company to stop the trucks from coming, but as one might imagine, this is not fun. And it's anxiety-provoking for me. Additionally, the vapor filling and remaining in the room is... unattractive for Skype meetings.

I would love a desktop exhaust of some kind that can dissipate the vapor at least a bit if I smoke into it. But here's the thing, it needs to not be a window exhaust. It's too cold in the winter to have that running in the window and in the summer, I have an A/C unit in the window. Smokeless ashtrays are meant to collect smoke off a burning cigarette and by my research do not pull exhaled smoke.

Any thoughts?  

Best Vendor For Pure Nicotine Liquid And A Few Other Questions


Unfortunately they are about to ban nicotine E juice in my country in 6 months time. I was stocking up on my regular E juice but this is not really a long term feasible solution.

Luckily I vape unflavoured, so I figure it shouldn't be too hard to make myself.

I had a bit of a look around and found liquid nicotine, up to 250mg/ml, or nicotine salts, both USP, whatever that means.

Just wondering what the best nicotine product would be for long term storage and quality. If someone could recommend a vendor and product that would be great. I normally vape 70/30 pg juice from Heather's heavenly vapes.

I would prefer a liquid than a salt unless there is a big difference in shelf life.

Thanks for your advice  

Its Time To Upgrade The Pipe

Hi all,
I have used this pipe for a long time: 5pc 1.8ml Vision V.Tox BBC Bottom Coil Changeable Tank Cartomizer
it is leaking from time to time and taste burned after about a week use.

I use this juice: 30ml Dekang E-Liquid E-Juice VG Based with 21 flavor, DeKang eLiquids
Can anybody recommend a new ecig for me that is not leaking, not too expensive, and just work well? I did not follow the ecig evolution this last years

If anybody have any opinions about that ejuice i use please share. (Quality?/bad for health?)


How To Get That Strong Deep Feeling In Your Lungs?

Hi, my boyfriend has tried vaping but says he doesn't get that strong deep feeling in his lungs like he does with a cigerette, he is using a ecig from the corner shop so probably not the best one and used 24mg eliquid, is there any way he can get that deep strong Lung feeling?  

There Is Nothing Wrong With Your Television. Do Not Attempt To Adjust The Picture.

Imagine your self filling an RTA with fresh juice, only to have the worst vape you can endure as you cough up a lung. No its not a dry hit. Do you blame the juice or a clogged up coil? In this episode, I will take a short journey and explore to a better vape.

After a week of chain vaping, over 50ml of juice, a mix of 3mg and 6mg Nic, the rayon wick has finally given up and no longer produced a clean vape. After visual inspection, the coil and the wick has indeed had a significant build up from juice. To the point that I could no longer see wick material between a spaced coil.

After discarding old wicking material and cleaning the coil, i wicked an RTA with fresh Rayon and filled it with juice. My favorite tobacco juice has come a live, i can now take long and deep direct lung hits with enjoyment. My taste buds are intoxicated, as my lungs fill up with smooth and silky vapor with every inhale.

Keep an eye on your coil by visually inspecting it on daily basis. Trust your body and your taste buds when a juice no longer tastes as it should. Re-wicking your RTA/RDA on regular basis or every few days, will help you eliminate many concerns and issues that you might be having with juice flavor or vaping experience.

It only takes ten minutes to rewick, and in return you will continue to enjoy many hours and days of pleasurable vaping experience.

Good Night.  

Seriously, What Does Happen To The Pv & Vg In Your Lungs???

Does this stuff absorb into your lungs? Does it just build up? Does it just go away? Don't take those questions as bashing vaping in any way but I am curious and in all of the posts I have read about how it affects people differently, I have yet to see a definitive answer about it. I know that the VG & PG that is used is FDA approved but when I see any information about the two, it is usually in reference to it's use in food and drinks and not in the context of inhaling the vapor of them. OK, let's hear it!  

If Nothing Else Makes You Consider Quitting Vaping, This Probably Should

So I've been vaping 4.5 years now. Really still a low watt tootle puffer. I probably vape 6ml or so a day now and that has been as high as maybe 10 ml a day. For about my first 3 years I vaped 50/50, for the past 1.5 years mostly 70/30. Not one cig and yes, all bad physical signs from ciggies have appeared gone for ages now. All my juice has come from very well known suppliers.

I could/should? have taken a couple pics but I think I can describe the situation adequately.

I drive a 5 door Ponitac Vibe. I got it in Jan before I started vaping in April of 2015. So yes, I did smoke in this car for about 2.5 months. Still, I've Vaped in it Daily for at least 20 min a day for 4.5 years now.

Yes, I AM probably a pig but I still haven't felt the need to clean the inside of my car windows until recently. On the drivers inside window I've noticed a clear, flaky film on my window, bad enough that it's started to actually flake off. Interesting. One important note, I had the full inside tinted the month I bought the car so the windows were essentially sterile when I started vaping inside the car.

I critiqued things carefully. The film was by far the worst on my window. Next came the window Behind me. Next came the front passenger window with the cleanest being the passengers rear window. This makes perfect sense as the car HVAC is 100% aimed at me. There Really Is Nothing Else the flaky film can be but vape residue. Arguably very similar to what has actually been going into my lungs. Again, medically, I have no known respitory issues.

My tint peeps said clean with just warm water with a few drops of Dawn dish detergent. You'll recall that Dawn is what they use to get crude oil off of birds caught in oil spills, how be it much stronger amounts of Dawn than I'm using. So I got some micro fiber and *important* water As Hot As I Could Stand, Easily 130-140F and a dribble of Dawn in about a 1/2 gal container. This again was the reco from the tint folks to not damage the tint when cleaning it.

Now comes the scary part.

VERY Hot Water, light Dawn and Heavy elbow grease with the micro fiber were Barely Able to remove the vape residue. These were WAY WORSE conditions than I EVER want inside my lungs (to clean). Honestly, it took Three Heavy go arounds to get probably 95% of the residue off. Even Worse was honestly, I don't think the Very Hot water and Dawn were effective At All against the film. (??!!) Most of the film came off from elbow grease After the window was dry from any cleaning juice. Pg and Vg are Supposed to be water soluble and Water Soluble IS what you want near your lungs. My personal experience here Does Not bear out the Totally Water Soluble point, at least not to me anyway.

This is pretty damn scary if you ask me. I enjoy vaping but this will have me switching to 3mg juice Soon in preparation for quitting. As I said, I've already been decreasing my vape amounts before this.

I am not a Dr or a Chemist but I am fairly certain of this.

What I was almost not able to remove from glass was definitely vape residue.
It is logical to assume the same deposits that were on that glass are inside my lungs. BOTH have been exposed to vaping the same amount of time.

Honestly, to me, thus means a Much Higher Chance of some serious respitory issues from long term vaping.

Bruce in Ocala, Fl