Mfs Has Coils At 40% Off

They are have another sale of 40 percent off if you need coils.  

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Mfs 40% Off Coils

They are having their 40% off sale

Promotions - MyFreedomSmokes  

Lightening Fast Shipping...

I mistakenly posted this in the e-liquid forum, sorry.

Just ordered from and my order was shipped in less than 10 minutes.

BTW they are having a 40% off sale on coils. Limit 2 boxes.  

Ni 200 Coils

Everything that I have read so far says that you want to use spaced coils when working with Ni200. Will the coils not work as well if you use contact coils? I am asking because I have a Goblin RTA and it has a small build deck and Im not sure if I will be able to fit spaced coils in it (also, I have never made a spaced coil lol)

Thanks for your help guys!  

Confused On Kanger Coils

Ok so I know that kanger subtank .5 ohm coils are good for up to like fifty watts and the subtank 1.2 coils are good for up to 26 watts, my question is this kanger has released vocc coils pretty much the same coils they have for the aero tank , genitank ,etc except now they have organic cotton like the subtank coils. Is it safe to think that the 1,2 and 1.5 ohm vocc coils will be safe as the 1.2 and 1.5 subtank coils at the 26 or so watt range, if not how many watts are safe so I don't burn them to hell  

Destroying Atlantis Coils, What Am I Doing Wrong?

To keep it short, my coils are lasting a day on average. I vape a 12mg store bought Skittles flavor and occasionally mix it with 18mg Menthol juice between 25-30 watts. The coils taste burnt and get clogged with some black crud. I'm priming the coils with juice, doing the dry hits that's recommended, essentially everything by the book but I can't get any decent lifespan out of these coils. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!  

Vapeonly Atlantis Ni200 Coils...

I was strolling through sweet vapes website and seen they had these Atlantis coils made by aspire.I plan on ordering a temp control mod this week and wanted some nickel coils to go with it I have the maganus/starre tank...well I seen that the vapor shark nickel coils are twice the price so I was wondering if any one had any experience with these. I heard the Atlantis coils would fit in the Maganus but didn't know if these would and I see the vapor sharks ni200 coils are 0.15 and the vapeonly coils are 0.25 would that be noticeable or have any effect such as having to use more watts or temperature? Here's a link VapeOnly vAir-T Atlantis Nickel OCC - Aspire Coils - Aspire - Clearomizers Tanks  

Cleaning Coils With Surgical Spirit - How Do You Reuse Your Coils?

Hi there,

so I got this idea to reuse coils. My coils are expensive and some people on Youtube reuse successfully because it saves money and works.

If you reuse your coils, HOW do you do it?

Can I use surgical spirit (and water later of course) to clean them?  

Uforce N1 Coils

I recently got a VOOPOO mini. Came with a small low wattage coil installed already. Used that one and got great flavor. Just went thru 2 N1 coils. Terrible burn and horrible flavor. I let both coils prime for over 15 minutes and set at low wattage to begin with. I am very unhappy with these coils so far.  

Leaking Coils?

do coils start to leak after long use?

ps i use a kanger genitank mega which uses there dual coils!  

Best/cheap Mtl Tank And Stock Coils With High Ohms?


After vaping (sub-ohm) quite heavily for many years, I think it's time to quit that and switch back to MTL now.

What's the best/cheap MTL tank, affordable higher stock Ohms coils that use less liquid? I'll up my nic content to 12mg.

Thank you.