Web Md Smoking Cessation

I just got an email from Web MD (I get them on various topics almost daily) dealing with smoking cessation. While the main article didn't mention e-cigarettes, there was a link to another article at the bottom of the page which did:

E-Cigarettes: Health and Safety Issues

Seemed fairly reasonable to me.  

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New Cessation Vape Pen With Oils???? Are They Kidding?

As e-cigarettes come under fire, Hava Health readies a vape pen to help people quit smoking – TechCrunch  

Pharma Vaporizer And The Billionaires

Pharma Vaporizer Brings Big Billionaire Names

Gates and Bloomberg
"Donating money to anti-vaping efforts while simultaneously investing in a pharmaceutical grade smoking cessation “vaporizer” that is completely in its own category – Pharma – could appear suspicious. Hale won’t need PMTA approval, because it will not be a tobacco product, but will require FDA approval as a drug."

As e-cigarettes come under fire, Hava Health readies a vape pen to help people quit smoking

By contrast, Hava Health is pitching a smoking cessation tool. “We have a patented design,” says Israel. “What we do is we separate nicotine from the other compounds. We reduce the nicotine as we leave the other oils the same. Over time we reduce the nicotine and increase the clean oils and we get them to zero percent.”

Reduce nicotine percentage downward. Umm, I think we've been doing that already with open system vaping. I bet it won't be as cheap as my diy.


Let's Be Honest, Smoking Cigarettes Is Far Cheaper Than Vaping!

I am new here and I am surely not the type to stir the pot, but something is bothering me. I see all these members with banners at the bottom explaining how much money they have saved thus far by not smoking, and vaping instead? I just have to shake my head and wonder what planet they come from.

Ten years ago I purchased a top of the line cigarette injector for $25. That same injector costs $35 right now, and it has been highly improved. I can buy top quality bulk tobacco wholesale on the internet, top quality filtered cigarette tubes, and produce world class cigarettes for just about $1.25 per pack. A few years ago it was less than a $1.00 per pack. These are first class top quality cigarettes, better than anything you can buy in any store. You can make them in any style or strength you like, regular or menthol.

A fumble fingered klutz with no practice can pump out one cigarette every 30 seconds, I can do 5 or 6 per minute, and I am kind of a klutz myself! I know poor people and rich people who make cigarettes this same way. Who still buys cigarettes in stores for $5 to $10 per pack? Seriously, who does that? Certainly not anyone with an IQ above 75.

Don't tell me it would have been to difficult for you to do, because messing with Mods, and e-juice, and batteries is far more time consuming and difficult than pumping out cigarettes on a tube injector. So my former habit cost me $1.25 per day for a pack. I can already tell that I will be burning far more than $1.25 in e-juice daily.

All I am saying is that vaping is more expensive than smoking for anyone with common sense, so stop bragging about how much money you saved, that is disingenuous. Brag about why you are doing it for your health.  

Bt Is Not Trying To Kill Vaping

Why not?
Simple. Money.

Smoking rates are reducing year after year. The cessation methods vary plus more smokers are dying than new smokers being created. Vaping is a new stream of users to continue sales after cessation.

Next factor is margins. In Toronto Canada, a pack of cigarettes is $10-15 depending on size, brNd and store. BT probably gets no more than $2 of that when you back out retailer markup and insane taxation.

A BT pod, the Vype ( Vuse in the US) sells pods for $6.50 each (2 pack for $13) which does not have several hundred percent excise and sin taxes. Only sales tax which was not added here. BT is probably taking $3-4 of that $6.50.

So why would they kill vaping?  

Smoking Cessation Device?????

I recently purchased an authentic Billet Box that I luv, luv, luv.

A young guy, new vaper, that works with my husband really liked it and wanted to order one. For what ever reason (price, availability ....) he decided to buy a clone from China. Now he's having to jump through hoops to get it because the vendor listed it as a "Smoking Cessation Device" on the customs forms. Is that common?

I had no problem at all receiving my Billet Box, surely because it said 'Billet Box' on the customs forms. I don't understand why a Chinese company would even think to list their products that way. They can't possibly know if people plan to quit smoking with them. Yes many do, but there are lots who don't also.

Hopefully he'll get it eventually but what a hassle, for nothing.  

I Have To Stop Reading The News

I really have to stop reading the news.
Every single day there is a new article bashing and smearing vaping as a viable, healthy alternative to smoking the 'stink sticks' (I coined that yesterday, patent pending).
Anyway, it absolutely infuriates me when I read these one-sided articles that is backed by little to no research. Not to mention that these articles are most likely written with some sort of bias. Whether it be BT, BP or the numerous anti-smoking groups, very seldom do they actually ask anyone who knows anything about vaping and the initiative of the hobby/lifestyle and they sure don't interview actual vapers or want to hear the numerous stories of how vaping has saved so many lives.
They say they don't want to 'normalize or glamorize' smoking because it will make it more attractive to kids.
Well, you know what? The more you tell kids NOT to do something, the more they WILL do it. I know, I have 2 of them.
As a former smoker and now around 6 months smoke free, I detest smoking cigarettes. But having said that, I would rather see a kid puffing on a vape than on a Stink Stick.
So, yes, I can see the need for regulations, but the vaping industry does a good job with self-regulation and reputable businesses do not sell to minors.
But, kids will be kids and they will find a way to get their hands on cigarettes just like they do with alcohol.
Let's discuss and vape on!  

Another Seemingly Misleading Article

@bombastinator I saw your article, and I got hit with a "breaking news" alert this afternoon.

Family issues vaping warning as man fights for life after collapsing outside Brisbane club | Daily Mail Online

Condolences to the affected and his family, I'm still not convinced that it was strictly PG/VG/Flavour vapes. I gave it a quick skim and didn't see any mention of what the liquid was, only the effect. Now those who know the Valley in Bris wouldn't be surprised if his vape was spiked in some way. What gets me is how it's taking the guy [affected] his condition and using it to push the anti-vape narrative.  

New Study About Vaping

Hopefully the link will work now lol

New Study: Adults Who Vape Flavoured E-Cigs Have More Smoking Cessation Success %  

Vape-related Deaths Are Scaring People Back Into Smoking Cigs

Vape-Related Deaths Are Scaring People Back into Smoking Cigs

Mark, a Massachusetts man who has worked at a vape shop for two years and requested anonymity for fear of losing business, said he had heard from many customers in recent days that they were making the transition—getting rid of nicotine-based e-cigarettes because of what they've been seeing in the media.

Although any shift was in the earliest of stages, it was still a remarkable concern for tobacco-control experts like Michael Siegel, a professor of community health sciences at Boston University, who views getting smokers off traditional cigarettes to be the primary public-health matter. Even now.

"There are two big fears here," Siegel said. "That former smokers are going to return to smoking cigarettes, because they'll think, Why not just have the real thing? And also that smokers who might have otherwise wanted to try e-cigarettes won't any longer."
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What hast thou wrought?  

Usa Today: Scientists Want Probe Of Ucsf Tobacco Research (glantz)

Scientists want probe of UCSF tobacco research
One of the country's best-known tobacco researchers is under fire this week after one of his federally funded vaping studies was retracted and other academics are calling for federal review of some of his other influential anti-vaping research.
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additional Glantz studies deserving of the most scrutiny include two major publications in 2018: A meta analysis of other vaping studies published in the British journal Lancet Respiratory Medicine and one in the journal Pediatrics about teen vaping and smoking.

The Lancet analysis of several studies was based on a "misleading negative correlation between e-cigarettes and smoking cessation"and used studies that had nothing to do with quitting smoking, Abrams said. This violated the basic tenets of medical research review, he added.

"It has had a massive misleading influence in the field to this day because it is cited as the main reference" to show vaping makes it harder to quit smoking, Abrams said.

The other study concluded the "use of e-cigarettes does not discourage, and may encourage, conventional cigarette use among US adolescents." Rodu, who analyzed the claim, found only 11 of 9,000 teens studied vaped before they started smoking and 80% of the kids who smoked hadn't used tobacco product previously.

Using that data, Abrams said the "effect of vaping is not just diminished, it disappears."
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