Anyone From Colombia?

I will be traveling to Cartagena next week. Is there anything to plan for with vape gear? Are the laws like the US? I plan on only taking cheap stuff in case it gets taken or I need to get rid of it in customs.  

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Cheap Vape Question

So, I recently came across this cheap vape mod in aliexpress and thought i'd give it a try to see if i would enjoy vaping,and later on upgrade to a better one.
This mod is a 2200mah,3.0ml tank ,Wattages are 40-80-100w and i can only cycle through them. The coils that it comes with are 0.5ohm,does that mean i will only be able to vape at 40watts?
I plan on ordering 0.2 ohm for the same device of course,but for the time being will i need to only vape at 40w?
This is the device  

How Much Stuff Do You Carry?

Just curious if I am in the minority here. I hope this doesn't come off as condescending - different strokes, and I am truly curious.

I usually just carry a mod and tank with me when I leave the house. Generally I don't travel a lot, mainly my commute to work, or out running errands or shopping with my wife. I don't really venture far from the house, typically. I don't go to bars, and eat out a few times per week. Visit friends on occasion. Pretty boring right?

I see people posting their vape kits here, and really wonder if all that is necessary. Certainly not for me, as I don't want to lug all that stuff around. Like today - I grabbed my iStick30 with Subtank Mini, fully charged and full tank, and went to work which is a 25 minute drive. The iStick/Kanger combo is tiny and fits well in my pocket. It's perfect for traveling. Once at work I have that plus an MVP2 with a IBTanked carto tank and a spare bottle of juice on my desk though it is rarely used since my employer outlawed indoor vaping.

If I am going shopping or to dinner I usually carry the same, or something similar - nothing bigger than a single 18650 regulated box with a tank or maybe my Reo Grand. I've never had the need to carry any more than that, so I'm wondering why folks carry wick, wire juice, batteries, tools etc...and curious how many do. I'm not knocking it, just don't get it. I can see if I was traveling away from home for days, as in vacation, but otherwise...

I prefer to pack light, and already have enough junk in my pockets, especially if I'm also CCW. I don't want to carry a man-bag or briefcase full of vape gear. Even a small box or pouch is an encumbrance to me. Never carried a smoking kit either.

So, where do I fall in the vape gear spectrum?...what do you carry?  

Low Budget Shinyitis

"Cheap is small and not to steep, but best of all, cheap is cheap...
I'm on a low budget!
I'm on a low budget!
I'm not cheap, you'll understand;
I'm just a cut-price person in low-budget land"
--Ray Davies, "Low Budget"--

A few months ago, I got back into vaping after a two year absence. I figured that I wouldn't really need to buy much more gear than what I already had from 2014-2017.

Well, a lot that old gear still works and I use much of it frequently. I was using it, doing just fine, when I decided to get a new high power mod to replace the ailing eVic-VT, whose built-in battery is dying a slow and agonizing death. Can't run subohm coils on a Provari.

So I decided to buy a mod...

I'm good at finding closeouts, liquidations, etc. It's one of the ways I keep costs low for my guitar business. Much of which comes from China. With vaping, we have a whole industry located almost entirely in China. Most of the major manufacturers seem to introduce new gear and discontinue "old" gear on an almost weekly basis.

"Who still wants that old piece of junk mod we were making last month with a measly 95 watt output. Now, for just $5 more, you can have the new totally badass mod that looks almost the same as the old one, but in new colors and...get this...105 watt output!"

So for low power me, there was all kinds of cool stuff. I don't care about TC, 'cause I vape too cool for it to work. Just give me variable wattage or even VV. Last month's model is OK.

So I'm finding all sorts of cool stuff, and started seeing a lot of good stuff for under $50. A lot of good stuff under $35. Some really cool stuff for under $ of course I can buy that mod. Doesn't cost half as much as that carton of cigarettes that I didn't buy this week.

So here's a cool starter kit (mod with tank) for under $25. About half of the list price that nobody paid in the first place:

The Sigelei Sobra is a cool looking, long lasting, 200W monster. I love the Moonshot tank it came with. I added the heat sink all by myself. But it has a fatal flaw for tootle-puffing me. Minimum output is 10W! I frequently vape at 7W, so this setup just won't work for me all of the time.

So I really needed to get another mod, this time a high ouput device with a minimum output of no more than 5W...

I can't deny it--I quickly developed a bad case of low budget shinyitis. Not too hard to click on "Buy" when it's so cheap--such a good deal--and what's another $25, anyway? If it's less than $15, I swear, sometimes the "Add To Cart" button clicks itself.

Here's a bunch of low budget gear that looks cool, works well, and none of it cost more than $35. I also bought all of it in the last 3 months:
Low budget shinyitis is a common affliction. Some folks collect different pod systems in all of the available colors. Some folks just can't resist a good $20 RTA. Some people start collecting mech clones...
HCigar "Turtle Ship" clone with a custom built Subtank. Good quality, really. The only thing that gives it away as a clone is the engraving, which was left rough. Of course, I sanded and polished it, and now it's much smoother.

So low budget shinyitis is real, it's dangerous (to your wallet), and is perhaps a far more widespread affliction than previously thought. Now somebody please show off your low budget (under $50) shinies, so I know I'm not alone!  

Does Anyone Want To Try Stepping Down To 0mg With Me? -accountability Partners Thread-

Hi everyone! I am going to be stepping down to 0mg liquid and I figured I'd make a thread and see if anyone would like to join in on the experiment. I've quit nicotine a few times throughout my life and I think I've nailed down a pretty good method. I basically just create an interval between the time I wake up, and the time I vape liquid with nicotine in it. So to begin, for example, I would go a week where-in I am vaping only 0mg nicotine for the first hour I am awake, then a week where I go 2 hours before I vape nicotine liquid. If anyone here is struggling to step down, you're welcomed to join in. This thread can serve as a goals and accountability thread if a few of us commit together. If you are interested in joining, please comment below and follow this thread. We can begin in a week or so to allow anyone who wants to join that doesn't have 0mg, enough time to buy/order 0mg. We can check in with each other and report how we felt going without. If all goes according to plan, we can then begin to plan our next step down due date. You can also play along by just abstaining from vaping for your first hour. Maybe we can choose a goal to hit by New Years.

Let me know if you want to give it a shot. Lurkers welcomed.  

New Gear Box

Rescued this at work, they were getting rid of it. It's some sort of media storage case. Felt lined drawers with a few dividers. I'm thinking this is a new home for my juices and misc vape stuff.


Looking To Get A Good New Setup, Been Out Of Vaping For A Long Time. Please Point Me The Way.

I've been out of vaping since about 2011. I'm looking to get a good setup to start up again, I might be starting a job which requires a nicotine hit now and again to keep me alert. What is going on these days? It looks like the laws have all gone stupid and I hear about people saying they only have tobacco flavors now and other lame stuff I'm hearing. I thought technology would have improved, not regressed. So back before I quit I was considering a custom titanium or otherwise setup with aftermarket batteries.

I'm very familiar with this type of stuff having been a flashlight collector and electronics hobbyist for over twenty years, but I don't understand what is going on out there these days with the laws and all the proprietary systems I see out there nowadays with the proprietary batteries. I have a lot of spare lithium ion batteries setting around, so I'd be happy to use them in custom setups. For reference the last vape setup I had was an Ego-T with the refillable tanks and that had an internal proprietary rechargeable battery. And I used to purchase my vape juice separate from custom online shops like Mom and Pop's Vape Shop. Could someone point me in the right direction so I can get a decent new setup? I'm taking it they don't have flavors like cotton candy or /pineapple-watermelon anymore? I guess that's only reserved for marijuana these days.  

Smoking Cessation Device?????

I recently purchased an authentic Billet Box that I luv, luv, luv.

A young guy, new vaper, that works with my husband really liked it and wanted to order one. For what ever reason (price, availability ....) he decided to buy a clone from China. Now he's having to jump through hoops to get it because the vendor listed it as a "Smoking Cessation Device" on the customs forms. Is that common?

I had no problem at all receiving my Billet Box, surely because it said 'Billet Box' on the customs forms. I don't understand why a Chinese company would even think to list their products that way. They can't possibly know if people plan to quit smoking with them. Yes many do, but there are lots who don't also.

Hopefully he'll get it eventually but what a hassle, for nothing.  

Who Here Is Not Stocking Up In Preparation For The May 12th, 2020 Deadline?

I am just curious... Who here is not stocking up on a lifetime supply of nic and hardware before the May 2020 deadline? And why not? Do you plan to quit vaping? Do you plan on going back to cigarettes? Do you plan on just vaping whatever three or four hunks of junk (i.e. nJoy or Blu type) tobacco flavored garbage the FDA approves?

And if May 2020 wasn't enough of a reason, are you not worried about other things like the bill on the floor to add $2,780 in taxes per 1 liter of 100mg nic?  

Has Anyone Ever

Not that I plan on it but, has anyone ever got juice from fasttech? I do not plan on getting any from them I was just very curious if anyone had any and what was it like? Again, I'm not ordering any. I figured it would be some nasty juice lol  

What To Do At A Vaping Convention?

What to do at a Vaping Convention?

Never been to a vaping convention. Plan to go but need some suggestions.
What are your favorite things to do? What should you bring other than what you plan to vape with/on?
Any suggestions of the best way to have fun?
How many hours do you devote to the convention other than visiting the booths?