Can I Bring My Building Tools On A Flight As Carry On?

I'm flying to Denver tomorrow and this is the first time I've ever flown anywhere and want to know if I can bring my building tools with me when I fly. I'm talking mini screwdrivers, wire, scissors, wire cutters etc. would I be permitted to bring these items considering they're all less than 7 inches long?  

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What Building Tools Do I Need?

So I have been buying up a decent stock of RTAs over the past few weeks, and today it hit me. I have no building tools. My question is this? What exactly do I need. Should I buy one of those fancy Coilmaster all-in-one kits? Should I just buy items seperately? I am having a hard time figuring out what are necessary items, and what things are just kind of extra (nice to have, but can live without). Any guidance would be appreciated.  

Trying To Pick What Online Store To Buy From. (auth & Clone)

Hey. As the post states Im trying to decide what online store to buy my next purchases from. Im looking at buying a few different things. It is basically a new start into the world of rebuilding.Both RTA and RDA. Maybe a regulated device or mech mod, but Im more concerned with tanks and attys. I also need to purchase a few rebuilding tools.

Here is what I have so far and where Im headed:
Already have Kanthal A-1 26 and 29 gauge wire. Also have Koh Gen Do Cotton. Also have tweezers, clippers, pliers, scissors,etc. Basic stuff. My setup is iStick 30w and Nautilus Minis.

Looking to get:
1 or 2 RTA's (almost certain on Kanger Subtank Mini)
1 or 2 RDA's (possibly Magma)
Coil Jig, Screwdrivers, spare parts such as o-rings, etc
Any other useful things not already listed. Not opposed to authentic or clones. But im not gonna spend a small fortune

As far as websites are concerned Ive looked at Fasttech and Focalecig alot. Leaning towards Fastech but really dont want to wait a month ...


Thank you guys always  

Gfv Coil Building Tool Kit 8 Pieces Universal Household

GFV Coil Building Tool Kit 8 Pieces Universal Household..

Sorry for the bold, cut and past... I just wanted to throw this out there for anybody looking for a reasonable priced tool kit. I got this from amazon for $32 and it has everything you need except an ohm reader. I purchased the two from amazon with the mini tab v2 and the case and tools were a POS. I used the alien coils and cotton included and was astonished with the flavor. Good buy  

Can I Bring Vape Gear To Mexico?

I know y'all are the experts.

My husband and I are planning a trip to Cancun this fall. We're flying Delta. I know that Delta allows vape gear in carry on luggage.

However, I do not know if we are allowed to have our gear once we arrive at the airport in Mexico and/or return home from Mexico. I cannot find a definitive answer online.

Do any forum members know the answer? Has anyone traveled to Mexico recently, and what was your experience?

Btw: Preemptively stressing about this. My husband and I have been cigarette free for many years now, but we have never gone without vaping for any period of time.

Thank you!  

China Kanthal

I am looking at buying a large ammount of kanthal from lighting vapes. They told me it was China wire but higher quality then most China wire (whatever that means) and assured me it was A1. I am wondering, anyone use lighting vapes specifically. Would go through Temco but the shipping is crazy pricey on E Bay to Canada and way to long otherwise. Lighting Vapes I am looking at 1450ft of varying gauges for 106$ shipped, wire for life-hopefully literally lol, thats a lot a wire. So, is it as good as Temco wire? I really hope it is and doesnt taste disgusting or whatever seeing as I am getting 1000ft of my primary 24/26g and 450ft of 22, 28, 30 and ribbon haha.  

Delta 2 Rba With Max Vg?

Hey guys how does the delta 2 rba vape with max vg? any dry hits? i usually dont bring up the wattage too much probally around 30 watts thank you keep in mind i am talking about the rba base not the jfc coil heads  

How Much Stuff Do You Carry?

Just curious if I am in the minority here. I hope this doesn't come off as condescending - different strokes, and I am truly curious.

I usually just carry a mod and tank with me when I leave the house. Generally I don't travel a lot, mainly my commute to work, or out running errands or shopping with my wife. I don't really venture far from the house, typically. I don't go to bars, and eat out a few times per week. Visit friends on occasion. Pretty boring right?

I see people posting their vape kits here, and really wonder if all that is necessary. Certainly not for me, as I don't want to lug all that stuff around. Like today - I grabbed my iStick30 with Subtank Mini, fully charged and full tank, and went to work which is a 25 minute drive. The iStick/Kanger combo is tiny and fits well in my pocket. It's perfect for traveling. Once at work I have that plus an MVP2 with a IBTanked carto tank and a spare bottle of juice on my desk though it is rarely used since my employer outlawed indoor vaping.

If I am going shopping or to dinner I usually carry the same, or something similar - nothing bigger than a single 18650 regulated box with a tank or maybe my Reo Grand. I've never had the need to carry any more than that, so I'm wondering why folks carry wick, wire juice, batteries, tools etc...and curious how many do. I'm not knocking it, just don't get it. I can see if I was traveling away from home for days, as in vacation, but otherwise...

I prefer to pack light, and already have enough junk in my pockets, especially if I'm also CCW. I don't want to carry a man-bag or briefcase full of vape gear. Even a small box or pouch is an encumbrance to me. Never carried a smoking kit either.

So, where do I fall in the vape gear spectrum?...what do you carry?  

Round Wire Vs Fused Clapton

I’m a mouth to lung vapor and currently using the holic rda and galaxies rdta. I’ve tried using ni80 round wire and superfine mtl fused Clapton ni80 wire. The round wire is so easy to work with and the superfine is harder but I’m getting the hang of it. My question is with coils that ohm out the same with each wire I get flat flavor with the round wire and the flavor definitely pops with the fused Clapton wire. Is this normal? Same juice, same wattage, same ohms and same rda and squonk.
I love working with the round wire but not worth it if I can’t get better flavor.  

Wire Safe Duration

Hi, despite all the info on the internet these days, I ve been unable to find an answer to what is the life use of a wire on a rta coil (not the cotton or liquids) before it gets exhausted and become a bad element to health, maybe to the point of releasing metal particles that could go into the lungs... I know this is highly relative and depends on what kind of wire, liquids and vaping frecuency, but if I give you a straight case, maybe I ll make a good relation between other materials and their durability. It happened that during 2020, with the pandemic on full first impact, importations were very slow and in some cases, closed for long periods of time, I was trying to get some imported wires but I didn't have enough luck to find those I needed, just very thin wire for mtl equipment, which I didn't have. All was sold out from vaping websites... I ve managed to get a Zeus X rta and with it, the included premade coils (I think these are Nichrome)... Thing is, I used the same (and only) metal coil for almost 6 months, obviously replacing the cotton when needed (I had all the other materials, bags of cotton Bacon, tools, fresh liquids, etc), the liquid I ve been using is Don Juan sweet tobbaco and reserve, from King Crest. In those six moths I didn't vape all days or weeks, since finding or importing liquids were also a problem, so confinement and the lack of products, push me to smoke again, sadly, but I didn't give up and I start to build again the coil meanwhile the purchases arrive from other countries. The metal coil doesn't seems to be exhaust in plain view, it gets datk or black, as normally should be after several days of use and when tasting a bit burnt, but once I clean up with a brush, water and some short dry burning when building again, it gets back its grey metal color, not the same shine as a new one, but close. My vaping frequency was sometimes in chain, due to anxiety, but not all day or days and I was careful to rebuilt often. Mods are one Aegis X and one Smok P3, wattage I use is between 40 and 60 because even if the coils can be auto detected and suggestion is 75w, this is always overrated and burning taste triggers in 3 days. Only thing I did notice was sort of a metal taste for a period of time, that after went away and never got back. If someone wants to drop an answer, be welcome please, thank you all...  

Sigelei 50 Watt Vr2 And Subtank Mini Upgrade Opinions Needed

Hey all. Been awhile since I’ve posted but I still snoop daily. Happy to say that this month makes a year off the cigs!!

I’m hoping for some advice on a setup I’m considering upgrading to.

For awhile now, I’ve been rotating a nautilus mini between my provari mini 2.5 and an istick 20w. I find I still get a more consistent flavor and vape on the PV but the istick comes in handy when I’m out and about. Ultimately, I’m looking to enhance my vape experience and hope to get more flavor and more vape production. I typically vape 70VG/30PG 6mg nic juices

I’ve been thinking of moving on up to a kanger subtank mini (found on sale for $30) so I can begin to learn how to build coils, etc. in hopes of saving some extra $$$ on replacement coils down the road. I’m also considering upgrading to a Sigelei 50 Watt VR2 (found them on sale for $50) so I’ll have plenty power for the tank. However, I have no experience with the Sigelei’s, just see that they are a fairly popular box mod with the community and online reviews. Also found the Sigelei 150w on sale for $80 but feel it may be too much for my needs.

So here’s my questions to you fine folks:

- In your opinion, do you think this setup (subtank mini w/ Sigelei 50w VR2) would be a nice upgrade for me based on the price? I’d really like a good setup that I can use to begin learning how to build but also want a mod that is powerful enough so that I won’t feel like upgrading a few months down the road. I also like the fact that I can still use/buy premade coils.

- To build a good sub ohm coil, what supplies are necessary such as what gauge/brand wire, cotton types/brands, tools needed, etc. Keep in mind that I’ve watched a few videos on building coils for this tank but am a complete novice and would need to purchase all the supplies/tools.

- Also, what are the best/safest 18650 batteries to power the sigelei?

I realize that I could probably search for this information individually through this forum and various review videos but am hoping for some additional input/opinions as well. Plus, there's so much information available online it becomes overwhelming and confusing to a noob such as myself.

Thank you in advance.