New .5 Ohm Occ Coil Reading .7 Anything To Worry About?

Hey everyone. I just threw a brand new .5 ohm OCC coil in my mini Subtank and its reading .7 on an MVP 3 and iStick 50. I tried unscrewing and retightening and everything else seems fine. It usually reads my .5s at .6. Seems to Vape fine. Anything to worry about or you guys think it's normal?  

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Istick 20w With Subtank Nano?

Hi all

So I'm currently set up with an iStick 50w and a SubTank (big un) all thanks to you guys im in Vape Heaven.

want i want to ask is this -

My Girlfriend is now getting more into Vaping and hasnt touched a Cigarette in quite some time. she has an iStick 20w and loves it (cos its pink -_- )

but she's not liking the tanks (aspire Viva Nova, one with a cross on it (completely forgot the name) and a protank 3 mini)

Shes tried my subtank AND LOVES IT! she's liking the airy draw and the ultimate flavour.

My question is she likes to vape at around 3.0-3.3V. Will the Istick 20w be able to SAFELY handle the protank nano with the 1.2ohm coil in?

I've told her she may have to up the power abit but other than that she should be fine right?  

Dropped My Itaste Mvp 3.0. Something Weird Happening

So I dropped by brand new MVP. I had the Eleaf Melo tank installed when it hit the ground. Didn't see how it landed or anything. But when I picked it up and tried to vape the resistance reads "-.-". The device seemed to be fine, so I thought maybe the coil or tank fell out of wack and tried it on my iStick 50w. It worked fine!

So obviously it must be the MVP then?? I installed another Melo that I bought and it works fine on the MVP. But after disassembling the older Melo (that was originally on the MVP) and putting back together it still will not fire on the MVP, just the iStick. I tried playing with the center pin on the Melo but have had no luck.

So what the heck is going on?  

Coil Ohms Reading Question?

I have a new istick 30w that I use with a smok micro adc2. I've used it with a new 2 ohm coil at 8 watts and is great. I changed to a used coil I had cleaned and things got weird. It's a 2 ohm coil and the istick is reading it at 4.9! At 8 watts the throat hit was too much so I went down to 6 watts. According to the manual the istick doesn't even fire to 4.9 ohms. So let's see what you got?  

Ohm Meter Accuracy

Hi all,

I have a quick question - I have been getting some inaccurate readings on my coils and I'm trying to figure out which is the closest to the real reading. I have an ohm reader I purchased at Mad Vapes that reads my coil at 1.93. I bought a new ohm meter from USA Ohm Meter (?) that reads it at 2.05. The Cloupor Mini reads it at 1.81 and the HCigar Heart beat reads at 1.83. Provari reads at 1.9. It is 8 wraps of 30 gauge Kanthal. Do any of these numbers even sound accurate?  

E Cig Works Fine For About 5 Minutes Then Goes Burnt

I'm having trouble with my Jem Pen E cig - hopefully someone can help me.

I take the coil out clean the tank and battery area, put it back in with liquid + prime the coil. for about 5 minutes it tastes fine and is vaping as normal. then a really horrible burnt taste comes in which is unbearable to smoke and making my throat hurt.

I take the coil out and clean again, put more liquid. the same thing happens! it tastes absolutely fine again and then gets burnt.
any idea why this is happening ? the device gets quite hot too...
i don't think the coil is the issue because why does it taste fine for a few mins?
I've ordered new coils so going to try that but worried its the device. i've only had it for 2 weeks and changed the coil about 5 days ago.  

Coil Placing Question

I was building my Avocado RTA today and for my second coil, I noticed that I must’ve wrapped it backwards as the upper leg went in the lower slot (the other coil had the top leg going in the top slot and bottom in the bottom). The tank reads on the ohm meter just fine. I am just wondering if I should re-wrap the coil so that the legs line up with the slots or if it’s fine as is? I hope this question makes sense. Thanks in advance!  

Low Vapor Output From Istick 50w

So I pulled the trigger and decided to upgrade my istick 20w and get the istick 50w.
Came fully charged so threw on my nautilus and started vaping and I have to draw really hard to get some vapor. I've tried different wattages from 7-18 and the results are still low vapor. Not no vapor but not as much as I should be getting. So I thought it was a bad coil or atty so I threw the same tank onto my istick 20w and worked perfectly with a ton of vapor.
Threw it back on the 50 and made sure the counter was counting and took a vape for 7 seconds with about half the vapor from the 20w.
Am I doing something wrong?

Kanger Subtank Question

Does anyone know why with the original Subtank mini the coils that came with it were
a .05 ohm coil and a 1.2 ohm coil i have noticed with the new subtank it comes with a .05 ohm coil and instead of the 1.2 ohm coil it comes with a 1.5 ohm coil
does anyone know the reason for this
thank you  

Why Do Sub Ohm Take So Much Voltage?

Hello vapers! first! I'm a noob at this stuff because I just buy my tank and use it with the coils it comes with and second, my english isnt that good but I can understand it perfectly fine.

Anyway, Ive been searching everywhere but I couldnt find a solid answer to my question.
Im using an Aerotank Giant right now with a 1.8 ohm coil, if I put a 1.2 ohm I would have to use less voltage because I get a burnt taste and the coil burns pretty quick, Im about to order a Sub ohm tank soon and I'll use the stock coils, the one im getting is the Kangertech SubOhm tank.
Why do subohm coils use more voltage when normal coils use less?

I mean, Ive seen people do things like 0.2 ohm coil @ 100W + If I did anything over 3.5V on my 1.2 ohm coil itd burn instantly... SubOhm takes more voltage the lower you go and normal dual coils take less voltage the lower you go!

1.9 Ohm Dual coil = 3.7-3.8V for me
0.5 ohm OOC subtank sub ohm coil = 12-30W?!

Thanks in advance for taking the time to reply to this post and your patience!


Edit: by the way, Im planning to use my subtank with a 50/50 PG/VG 16mg nicotine, Is that ok?  

Subtank Mini - Vertical Vs. Horizontal Coil?

Still semi new to vaping and have had my subtank mini for around a month and I have seen some unique builds lol, something that interests me and caught my attention is the vertical coil and to have the wicking around the coil instead of going through it. Has anyone tried this in the subtank mini? Pros/con's?thanks so much