Searching For The Perfect Vape

I still cannot find it; as all my mods stop firing. Right now I'm using my first mod.The K100. It outperformed all of my other mods that I had before they all took a poop on me. Its crazy. Could it be the spring, that makes it so good? I have no idea. I tried the tugboat mod, it failed me. It stopped firing after a few days. And that thing hit like a champ. But this k100, seems to be knocking me out. Like taking a uppercut from Chuck Liddell. I just want to know if there's a magnetic k100 type mod, or should I just stick with this? ( I hate the way it looks BTW. Cause all I have is black rdas. )  

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Hey Everyone!! Some Juice Talk?

Hey guys, pretty new here only one previous post...
Was having problems with my K100 & Mini Nautilus combo for vaping, that's why I originally signed up!!
Talked about it with members & found my K100 was ultimately the problem, upgraded to a IPV Mini & I'm vaping like a king

& that's the issue so now I'm vaping about 6ml a day, I just smashed through a 15ml 12mg nicotine Cinnabun & 15ml 0mg nicotine Cinnabun.
(Mixing the two gives me great flavor & the right amount of nicotine hit)
So the point of this post was...

Where do you guys buy Juice?
( I usually buy from a local smoke shop about 10$ per 15ml )
Is that expensive ?
I've looked online & factoring shipping price I need to buy 3-4 bottles + to be saving money & I've bought online before, ( ordered 60$ in samples & the flavors were horrid in my opinion I guess that online vendor just isn't my taste ? )
So I'm just wondering is 10$ every 2-3 days the best I can do juice wise ?
Or are there some trusted online vendors you guys can agree on with good flavors & good prices?

I'm currently smoking from a local vendor I believe ( MadHatters )
& love there flavors.

Smokless Owl Firing Button Fix

I have had a lot of mis fires on my Smokless Owl 25.00 squonker and had to press down extra hard

and sometimes side ways to get it to fire.

I just done some contact cleaning and scraping on the Smokless Owl Button.

I took my wifes Emory board finger nail file thingy and depressed the firing button and held it depressed and rubbed it

across the firing pin and then took a small jewlers screwdriver and scratched it back and forth across the end of the pin and

did the same thing to botton ground pin.

I noticed some black color on the end of the firing pin before I started this cleaning process.

I gently took the screw driver and scratched back and forth across the positive and negative end of the battery just to

take any small film or oxidation from the ends just to make a better connection.

It seems to fire now just like it should with no MISFIRES---mod is now perfect !  

Battery Reading Fluctuates

Okay so I did look this up and it appears that other people have mentioned this specifically with sigelei mods but I didn't see any that were more recent. I look at my mod to see what my batteries charge looks like to see if I need to go ahead and change batteries and I swear to God the thing starts jumping around as though the batteries are charging themselves and then going back to the 40%. Apparently that's a problem that the mods have and isn't something to be concerned about but it freaked me the heck out. They're doing just fine now that they're in their external charger thingy but I just want to make sure that that's not a sign of something going wrong with the batteries that it's just my mod being weird I've checked the connections and everything to make sure it was clean and that the batteries were fine and not dented or unwrapped and everything looks good. I just need some assurance that the batteries were not like failing or that a regulated mod would shut itself off if batteries were jumping around like crazy in reality if that's even possible
For clarification it was doing this when I was not firing it  

80 Watts Or 150 Watts?

The 65 watt M65 I got is defective. So I'm returning it and replacing it with a new mod. But I'm stuck between 2 mods. The Smoktech X-Pro M80, or the Vape Connexx 150. Both look great but I'll give you a quick run down on the pros and cons of both.

Smoktech M80

Pros - 4400 mAh built in battery, 80 watts max power, .2-3.0 ohms, pass through vaping, decent sized and stylish.
Cons - only 80 watts, built in battery, 4400 mAh.

Vape Connex

Pros - like the bulkyness of it, huge firing button, 180 day warranty, interchangable 18650, magnetic back, .1-3.0 ohms.
Cons - no pass through, never heard of the brand.

So should I stick with a brand I know? Or risk it and get a really powerful mod? Any input is appreciated. Thanks y'all.  


I posted a thread a few days back about being new two rdas, I want to thank everybody for your help, I got it up and running and everything is perfect with a one coil build. Putting out more than enough Vape. Now I just want to find me an RTA. I'm liking the geek Vape RTA. I found it at a really good price, let me know what you all think is a good RTA, keeping low price in mind. Thanks everyone.  

Spar Urethane Coating Brass And Copper Mods

I was just wondering if anyone has had any luck clear coating their brass and copper mods with spar urethane.

I was going to try a polyurethane clear coat but I've seen too many mods that would still patina beneath the clear coat. I don't want that happening to any of my mods. Today I picked up a can of Miniwax Helmsman Spar Urethane and so far I have only coated the top cap and the exterior of the firing button on my 4Nine mod. I figured I would test it on this mod first since it's my least liked mod. It's still to soon to tell if it's going to patina beneath the coating.

If anyone has experience on clear coating mods pls let me know what products work the best.  

Mod Firing By Itself?

So I recently bought a smoktronic abs box mod v2 and whenever I screw on a tank or rda on it, it fires without me firing it. What could be the deal and how can I fix this?  

I Remember Back In The Day...

So why don't some of us old-timers reminisce a little bit about how it used to be....

--I remember when new members would be struggling constantly trying to find the path to a satisfying vape
--I remember when the 510 came on the scene, with a somewhat lower resistance atomizer, and new vapers started having increased success
--I remember when 510 cartridge mods were all the rage, as folks kept trying to find a good way to continue getting those consistently good vapes
--I remember when the KR808D came on the scene, and cartomizers started pushing new vaper success rates even higher
--I remember the ensuing 510 vs KR808D wars
--I remember the Boge Cartomizers for the 510 models that may well have turned the tide towards 510 models
--I remember when low-resistance (LR) atomizers came on the scene and the ability to vary your "power" became a reality
--I remember the FDA court case, and the formation of CASAA from members on this very forum
--I remember when CASAA started working closely with long-time harm-reduction advocates, thus giving long-time THR advocates new life and consumer backing
--I remember when the Chuck came out with custom graphics
--I remember the Chuck vs Silver Bullet wars
--I remember when the Reo Mods came out, and took dripping to a whole new level
--I remember when Egos came out and new vaper success started to skyrocket
--I remember the Buzz, which if I remember correctly, started the variable voltage revolution
--I remember when the Provari came out and started the variable voltage wars
--I remember when the Nhaler came out with the Darwin and started the variable wattage vs variable voltage wars

And I look at that the New Members sub-forum these days, and find very few struggling at first vape anymore.
Success, now, is nearly guaranteed.

That's progress.

What do you all remember?  

Time For A New Box Mod - But What To Get?

Alright, it's been a while since I've been on ECF, so I figured since I've got a reason to post - I will. My 150w box mod shorted out my batteries, and the firing button and + button broke so now they're loose and disconnected. I figured since the warranty is still valid I'd exchange it or get my money back. But note I will NOT order from fasttech or anything that'll have me waiting a month for my purchase to get here. My budget is $70/usd, so I know my options are a bit slim. But here's my average vape set up: usually under 50 watts, but I'd prefer at least 60 watts+ on my device (I'd be willing to go with a 30 watt, but it'd have to be amazing for me to consider it). Coils on my RDA were usually under 1.0ohm (.2ohms-.8ohms) I HATE built in batteries so something I could use my 18650's in would be ideal (preferably dual 18650 but I'm willing to compromise), mechanical box mods sketch me out so I'd rather not get one of those. I don't care about the brand, as long as it's reliable, fits my budget and most of my preferences. Now that you have a base, lay it on me. What do you think would be a good new mod for me? I'm willing to compromise, but not by much. Thanks guys, I appreciate any suggestions.  

Pissed. - My Turtleship V3 Firing Pin Broke And The Store Wont Find A Replacement. Please Help

I paid $250 bux for a full set up a while back, and the little inner copper firing pin contact broke, right where the thread screw into the bottom button. I got the broken piece out of the button threads, but I need a new copper contact pin. I went to the store and they said they don't have it, and they cant contact the manufacturer.

I am so irritated at the customer service there. I have spent well over a couple grand on crap from them over the years and they basically told me "oh well, that sucks, buy a new one"

Im hoping that someone on here can either help point me in the right direction of someone to talk to that makes the Turtleship V3 Mod, or someone that might have a replacement part. It cant be more than a couple bucks for the little piece. I would of expected them to contact the manufacturer and just give me the replacement pin for free.

Once I have the money I am going to buy something like a hexohm or similar 100w box mod, but until then, I need to fix this, and plus I want to have it as a back up for if my boxmod goes out and needs to be fixed. Given that, I have a seperate question on who you guys think has the best customer service and warranty for box mods? What are the "flagship" devices on the market with all the bells and whistles and most reliable / durable build design?

Thanks a lot for any help you guys can offer as far as being able to get my mech mod fixed. Id have to just throw 200 bux in the trash.

Help! :/