Help With Finding Clearomizer...

Hi, I am having a hard time finding a clearomizer that's mouth piece is not made of steel, I like the glass clearomizers, but it seems most I find for my istick 20v have steel. I am soon going to upgrade to a 50v but for now I am really having issues with my front teeth and tend to from time to time hit them a little and they are sensitive as it is. I am very new to vaping so I am not yet up to the rebuilds when I get better at this I will but till then this is what I am using.. any ideas will be helpful ... Thanx  

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Things I'm Discovering About Vaping

I hope my naivete amuses you. Lol.

I recently graduated from a 600-ish mAH ego battery to a variable voltage pink Vision spinner ego thats somewhere in the neighborhood of 1100 mAH. I am finding out that I prefer a "sweet spot" of around 4.5 v, but that it varies depending on the eliquid's nicotine content, flavor, vg/pg ratio, & even brand. I found out that certain fruity flavors can melt a plastic clearomizer. I had the Kanger T2 2.2ml plastic clearomizer and a 6mg nic 80vg/20pg cherry ejuice from Mt Baker Vapor. The cherry juice melted TWO T2 clearomizers. The drip tip melted right off the top washer/band of the clearomizer, and I'd gotten a mouthful of juice. Gross. Quickly rinsed my mouth out. Now I'm using the Kanger glass pyrex 2.4ml? Protank, and it's a better vaping experience. Heavier than the T2s tho.

I've also discovered that I REALLY like the 80vg/20pg ratio better (even though, honestly, the cherry tastes like Robutussin). The texture is noticeably thicker. It hits my throat well, but I like the moderate lung hit it gives me. I am also liking the bigger clouds that more vg and a higher voltage give me.

The downside of the ego manual batteries, for me, is that it doesn't give me enough of a hit before the led indicator light flashes several times in quick succession and it quits until I release the driptip from my mouth and exhale.

I'm glad I found my husband's spare ego usb charger (he's deployed), because I'm going through 2 of the smaller ego batteries AND draining the Vision vv.

Just for the record, I quit smoking. I'm down from the 36mg nic. ejuice to the 111-12mg, & now I'm trying 6.

One thing more I learned: change out a wick more often than once yearly.

Have a good ya'll.

--mamma from Tacoma  

Steel (opaque) Tank Tips For Gauging E-liquid Levels?

I am considering a stainless tank for their looks and durability. I have a phobia because I have never been able to not break anything made from glass, including pyrex. I tend to be kind of rough with my gear, and always prefer the most durable option. I'll probably drop it onto the tile floor, or concrete. It would render my tankomizer unusable, as well as wasting the e-liquid. Then, I'd be worried someone's pet would come and lick up all that poisonous nicotine and get sick, so I'd have to carry paper-towels around with me or something.

Is there a neat trick to gauging the e-liquid levels in the steel tanks, or is it always just a guessing game? Do you use time as a fuel gauge? Like, knowing how much juice you go through in an hour, then do math?

Is there some sort of magical electronic device that you hold up against the tank to read its levels? Or how about some special tiny floating magnets that surf the e-juice, then you see where a screwdriver sticks to the outside? I'm being facetious, of course. I'm just wondering if someone knows some cool trick, or if it's just unscrew it and peer into it: old school.

I did order an Aspire tank that is a neat looking stainless cage around the pyrex, which might be the best of both worlds, but I'll probably still break it.

Then there are those like the Joyetech Delta II with little slits for a sight-glass, but I think I want a KayFun with no window.  

Melo Atomizer

So I"m thinking about getting a MELO tank so that i can have something for driving and being out and about. I have 2 big questions. 1) It says that the wicking material in the pre- built coils is something called 'glass fiber cotton"......what on earth is that? Surely to goodness they aren't using actual fiberglass but does this stuff actually contain glass? 2). It looks like a very well made piece. Does anyone know if it is 100% stainless steel (especially the chimney assembly and the coil) or is it that plated brass that will flake?  

504 Vs 304 Stainless Steel?

What's the difference between 504 and 304 stainless steel? And how does it effect vaping? It seems like those are the 2 that rdas are made out of most I think but yeah thanks!  

Upgrade Suggestions

Hello. I'm currently using an Eleaf iTwist Mega with a Tabac BCC clearomizer and using Kanger T3 2.2 or 2.5 ohms resistances. I used an Evic mod before but it broke.
Basically a lot of times I use this setup I get the gurgling sounds and also the airflow holes must be cleaned often.
I'm thinking of upgrading and here's some of my vaping preferences: main thing - strong TH. I prefer the mouth-to-lung vaping technique. The more vapor the better. Also, prefer using tanks that are not using dripping technique (so I must change the liquid very fast).
I went to a store and the guy there really recommended the Eleaf 50W mod, however, from what I've read from some posts, not a lot of people vape at that high of a power anyways, so there could be the Eleaf 30W or 20W options then(?) - basically if the mod can last a full day I'm good with that.
As for the clearomizer/atomizer I'm not sure which to choose. I see the eLeaf Mega being recommended, the Nautilus as well - but which one can support the best resistances?
Also, not sure about the value of resistances I should use after the upgrade: can the non-drip tanks handle sub-ohm? Is it worth it if they do? Thanks.  

Has Anyone Quit Vaping And Still Dehydrated/ Cotton Mouth

Vaped for 2 years , had my e cig in my mouth for most of that time . I suffered from pasty mouth all the time only since I started vaping .

I stopped vaping a week ago and have been downing water but it seems like 5 min after drinking I get pasty mouth and can chug so much water again . I don't like this because I often wake up with a really dry mouth and my lips are always chapped.

I have no other underlying issues . I know its only been a week but still !
anyone else with similar experience?


Looking For An Answer

Looking for a compatible battery for the Aspire CF VV. It’s been discontinued and because I already have 10 Clearomizer tanks and 5 boxes of the BVC Clearomizer Replacement Coils, I’ve been looking for some time for someone to answer the question of what battery I could use to replace the discontinued CF VV 1600mAh
Thanks. <3  

Having A Hard Time Finding The Right Set-up

I'm having a mad time trying to find a tank or clearo to fit a relatively small battery to upgrade from my triton without having to go to a MOD set-up I need a nice drip-tip too.It seems like an in between of my Triton tank and a MOD I can't quite find the vapor production I'm looking for I lowered my ohms on the triton 1.8 it did produce a bit more vapor but the tanks just aren't built for those ohms and they run to hot.I've already gone through three coils.I looked at the Aspire Nautilus mini premium kit not completely sold on it, eGo One battery with Nautilus mini but I think the tank I'm looking for should hold more e-liquid.Any help here much appreciated.  

Some Very Bad Person Stole My Istick

So I have been vaping for a few months now. I started with the ego type battery starter kit bought from a brick and mortar ( you all know the deal, littile carrying case, 650mah battery, junk clearomizer, and bottle of funky juice). I knew after a week I would not stop smoking with that alone. I then went and bought the Vision Spinner 2 and a Protank mini 3. I was feeling quite happy with this setup and went from a pack a day down to 4-6 analogs. I was even feeling better health wise. I soon discovered the vast world of vaping and "needed" the iStick mod. I bought that and threw the Protank mini 3 on it and life was good. I had no problems with my iStick and it was a huge step up from what I was using prior. It "satified" my need of "smoking". Everything was going well untill one day I busted the glass on the tank. I was not gonna let that get me down though. My vaping buddy gave me a some sort of knockoff topper that used the aspire coils ( I beleive it was a Nautilus mini clone of some sort, branded with the local shops name ). Still it fed my habit well. Now let me say I live in a small town and there is 2 brick and mortar shops. I usally would buy my coils from them and a bottle of liquid every now and then but.....I bought my iStick online. Fast forward a couple months now and I live with 2 roommates (one is a total jerk, and the other is a party machine. We all are in our mid 30's). Well recently I get off work and come home to a "party" on a tuesday night (like usual). Now remember I live in a small town and everyone vaping is using the ego type with plastic clearomizer. The brick and mortar shops here selll those and $100 RDA (which only a few friends I know have). Well this particular night my iStick was the talk of the kitchen table. Everyone wanted to try it and push the buttons. "Who can hit it at the higest watt?" type conversations. The night is ending and Im getting ready to go to my room. I set the iStick on its "charger" (just a handmade cutout box I made for it) sitting on the kitchen counter. 8 hours later I hit the BREW button on the coffee maker and reach for the iStick. IT IS FREAKING GONE!!!!!!!!! Now here is the deal. Noone there the night before knew anything about using it or finding the "sweet spot". The thing is that the knock off tank I was using is a 510 thread and I was using the included adapter to ease the wear and tear on the threads. So I am left with a Vision 2 spinner and a tank that just does not fit it. I AM SO ANGRY! I bring it up to my roommate and she is like "no one stole it, you misplaced it". If anyone of you guys and gals are like me, you know where your setup is at all times. So that leaves me with a MARK 3 disposable for now.
Sooooooooo does anyone have a lead on a good deal right now online? I see threre is a 30 watt now available. So if anyone know of a great deal please PM me or reply. I have limited funds right now but do not want to go back to Parliment analogs. Thanks for looking and letting me vent.  

Istick 30w Advice

Wich is the best (clearomizer) option for istick 30w?I know that MELO was specially made for 30w one but I don`t know,maybe you know a better than this.I want with replaceable coils.I was thinking at Kanger SubTank plus v2 with 1,2ohm coil,Delta II with the same 1,2ohm coils,Aspire Nautilus mini BVC or the MELO.
Now I`m waiting opinions for those who know!