Mod Questions

Okay so my question will be about two mods i currently own, a turtleship v2 mod and a nemesis mod (both clones). So first the turtleship: is there a way to clean the parts so it hits as hard as when i first got it? i dont get much of a hit but theres still lots of clouds when i exhale. Ive tried cleaning the pins and parts but still the same thing happens. As for the nemesis, i dont have that problem but when im inhaling it feels like my hand is being lightly shocked from the mod. Is this normal? Should i be worried and not use it anymore? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!  

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Pissed. - My Turtleship V3 Firing Pin Broke And The Store Wont Find A Replacement. Please Help

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I am so irritated at the customer service there. I have spent well over a couple grand on crap from them over the years and they basically told me "oh well, that sucks, buy a new one"

Im hoping that someone on here can either help point me in the right direction of someone to talk to that makes the Turtleship V3 Mod, or someone that might have a replacement part. It cant be more than a couple bucks for the little piece. I would of expected them to contact the manufacturer and just give me the replacement pin for free.

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Help! :/  

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Freshening Up An Old Friend

OK - so my nemesis clone from FT has been looking kinda ganky lately. The patina had gotten to a splotchy brown stage. The performance has been suffering too. I had ordered a "hybrid style" connecter to delete the top ring with the posi contact. However, in order to get it to fire, I had to back my negative contact screw out a half turn. The button had gotten both finicky (as a result of the backing out of the negative pin - not recommended procedure) and crunchy (wear, dirt, loose fitting, and poor spring alignment). The whole mod felt cheap and I had to keep careful tab on that negative post.

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What difference! Not only does the mod fire properly with the negative post screwed in properly while using the "hybrid" top cap insert (making the whole rig look super sexy) but the whole unit feels and operates like a much higher end piece. The button feels great, like I've never felt. Super smooth, and the constant pressure resistance from the Fat Daddy magnets really makes the button feel classy and well made, nothing like the light duty springs it used to have.

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Overall, I am super glad I decided to put some real effort in to fixing all of the complaints I've been developing with this work horse mod. I've had it for eighteen months, and used it as my one and only for twelve of those, so it's been a good and loyal friend. Now it really looks and feels like it's gotten the love it deserved.

Oh - and a super plug for Fat Daddy - fit and finish for all the parts were impeccable. Materials high quality. Shipping fast. Price reasonable. All told, a real class act!  

Inhale And Exhale Method

I recently tried some dl vaping (restricted) and I noticed the flavour was much more detailed or pronounced....on both inhale and exhale...than mtl
Then I realised it was cause when I dl I tend to inhale deeply while when I mtl I usually dont.....I just mtl like a cigarette fast puffs or slow puffs but not deep inhales...once I changed that and inhale deeper the flavour was much better in my also...also I like to exhale trying only from mouth but of I can't and some goes through nose also and that helps with flavours....but I don't like exhale from nose only cause I feel like my nose is running ewwwwww I hate that feeling....
You guys? Do u like exhale from nose only sometimes??  

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Thanks for anyone with a reply, i appreciate your time.  

Making Variable Voltage Battery Powered Supply For Silver Plating Small Parts Need Help

I am not sure where this should go but this was the best place I could see. Anyway I need a bit of help here it should not be too hard. I am look to build a dual 26650 variable voltage cordless power supply for electroplating small parts . I need to be able to vary the voltage from about a .5 volts to 3.5 volts if it possible average voltage about 2 volts I would like it to compensate as the battery runs down a bit don't have to perfect but just help it keep the voltage steady so it will need to have a volt meter I see those all over in the diy mech mods
So I want to use a dual 26650 battery sled
A 1 amp usb charger port
I need a project box big enough
digital volt meter
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I have a basic idea for this thing but last time a built any kind a power supply it was in high school and I am 53 now so I am rusty as Hedouble toothpicks LOL. So I really use a bit of help from someone that is good with this stuff I am sure I can build it that not the problem is getting the right values and wiring diagram and finding sources for the parts I sure one I have a wiring diagram and the values I can google most of that stuff but tips pm someplace maybe you got stuff from that has good prices and don't take a 100 year to ship LOL

In the end this will be the power supply for a silver plating with I have hope to maybe add some little videos picture and stuff of it. this will be kinda fun and I want guys to see how easy and cheap it is to electroplate silver for your box mod so when I done with the power supply I will do a tutorial help fold out in return for help with this
I will be doing stuff like nickel silver platinum. even gold plating

Any help with this would be great if it works out maybe I can plate some small parts for you as a thanks  

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