Another B&m Rant

So, today as I am driving to my doctors appointment, I see a new B&M opened up right down the block. So I figured I would stop in after. It was a 45 min before they opened but the owner seen me and opened the door. I was looking for a new charger and they had the one I wanted for a good price. He was very cool and helpfull. Being the avid vaper I have become I noticed that all his prices were marked and very reasonable, especially for a storefront. I have been to many that are popping up around here that are hipster hangouts and I feel they feed off these youngsters with cash in hand and sell crap knockoffs for double or triple the price. Any way I just wanted to say I am glad that a good place opened up shop by me that I actually feel comfortable with for shopping for unneeded new toys. I hope this store succeeds and stays true to my first visit experience.  

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Need Advice From Knowledgeable Vapers

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Thanks guys  

Lucky Ruckus Vape Shop

I just wanted to say that I am very pleased with the customer service from this company. I ordered a pinoy mod from them (Scud mod) last week and I actually received a phone call the next day to let me know that they received my order and that it will be shipped right away. The owner was very pleasant to talk to and seemed interested in what I had to say about vaping. I have been vaping since 2009 and good customer service is very important to me. Once the device arrived at my mailbox I realized they added two 30ml bottles of eliquid free with my purchase. I have to say I am very pleased. The product came wrapped very well with no chance of it being damaged. I will order from them again. The prices are also very good. I just wanted to put this out there.  

The Advantages Of The Big City

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First Real B&m Scam I've Ever Seen.

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"New people have no idea what prices look like. They don't know it's cheaper online, so don't let anyone know. We gotta make money somehow."

....seriously? I understand markups for profit, but this? It's ridiculous. They also sell 15ml juices for $25. They have a small display case of space jam, but when I asked for Andromada, they kept insisting their juices are better.

Has anyone experienced shops like this?

I HIGHLY recommend if you're new, check out stuff online first. I'm all for supporting your community, but beware of stuff like this. Check out online prices just so you know what to compare them to!  

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E-cigs On Planes

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But anyway, he told me the ejuice has smoother draw that's why there's no throat hit as NIC salt, I did some more research and found that it's the opposite of what I've read, everything I read are saying that ejuice has more throat hit than Nic salt.
Sorry for the long store, the bottle he sold me was 60ml ($30) which is a big waste to throw away. Is there anyway I can salvage this bottle by mixing it with something else to give me that little bit of a throat hit when I draw?