6 Days Bvc Coil

I only seem to be getting around 6 days with these coils I use 2 mls a day with my mini nautilus. They start to gurgle and just not work properly. Would of thought they would last a bit longer as they are quite expensive. Anyone else have the same problem ?  

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Nautilus Mini Gurgling - Tried Everything I Can Think Of

Starting from a clean - authentic nautilus mini - with a brand new 1.6 (or 1.8 it makes no difference) coil (coils also verified as authentic).

1. Turn tank upside down - with tip removed and fill with juice.
2. Take base unit and set so no air holes are open.
3. Put a tiny bit of juice around the o ring of the base unit (i get the issues if I do this or not)
4. Put 2 small drops of juice into the coil (I get the issues if do this or not)
5. Screw the coil into the base unit (as tight as you can comfortably get it without going past the obvious stop point and damaging something)
6. Screw the coil/base unit into the tank.
7. Turn nautilus mini correct way up.
8. Move air hole to a middle setting.
9. Take some primer puffs with no power.
10. Leave standing for 5-10 mins.
11. Begin vaping gently at 6 watts - moving up slowly to 10.

Ive tried all types of juice - both high VG and high PG and in-between. Invariably at some point i start to get the gurgle. Ive tried the following fixes:

1. Using a paper towel blow gently out of the air hole to get rid of juice - doesn't work - if i kept on blowing id blow the whole tank of juice out.
2. Take the unit apart - most times there will be juice in the base unit underneath where the coil sits - dry this out - dry the coil off and repeat from step 2 above missing out steps 3 and 4. - this sometimes works but its a temporary fix.

There seems to be no pattern to the problem. Sometimes the gurgle starts as soon as ive changed the coil - sometimes its ok for a week. I have 2 units and 2 spare tanks and have rotated them all using the above method - still get the issues.

I have actually never experienced the burnt taste or reduced draw because Ive always got sick and binned the coil before that point.

I am vaping generally at 9.2 watts - but have tried as low as 7 and as high as 13 - it makes no difference.

I don't draw hard - I cannot understand why I keep getting juice in the air chamber - its not a problem with a "dud coil" unless they are all intermittently dud coils - they are all authentic aspire and I've bought them from different places - so its not a dodgy batch issue - the rings are all the correct way up - I have spent hours and hours researching to try to fix these issues - and cannot for the life of me maintain a stable nautilus mini.

Can anyone save me from madness and tell me what Im doing wrong - Im tending towards a conclusion of all nautilus mini components are junk at the moment.

Many thanks in advance  

Premature Coil Replacement, And Care?

Hello knowledgeable guys and gals of ECF!!!

I like to switch flavors a lot, perhaps a little to often. I have read here that flavors can linger within the wicking material for quite some time. So long in fact that my habit of switching flavors doesn't provide enough time to work the old flavor out entirely. I have a bunch of extra coils for my nautilus mini and my Subtank mini. For accurate flavor I will switch out a coil for a flavor change. So I essentially have a coil for each flavor.

So here is my question!

How can I properly care for, or store these coils when they are not in use? Right now I have them sitting in a little dish of water so the juice doesn't dry up and gunk them up. Will this method harm them? Can I leave them in the water for a day or so, perhaps a few days even?

Thanks for taking the time to read this! I hope I'm not damaging my coils!  

Nautilus Mini Spitting?

okay so i hope i'm posting this in the right place, but i have a nautilus mini that i've had since december and i just bought a new coil for it yesterday from my trusted local vape shop and it was working okay at first, but then it started gurgling and spitting juice into my mouth

this isn't the first time it's done this, i actually stopped using it for a while because of this problem (and the coils were old, so i thought that's what was causing it) but i just put a new coil in and it's still happening...

i have scoured the internet for reasons why this might be happening and i've tried every trick in the book and nothing has worked


Please Help Me, I Am Out Of Date.

I have been vaping for 4 years now. I am using the baby beast tank. I have 3 of them.
I have never used anything else because,, well, it works fine for me. My problem is that I am having a hard time finding coils. I used to by clone coils on ebay for dirt cheap. There are no longer any coils on ebay. I cant find any coils online. They are either out of stock; or very expensive. What do people do nowadays? Do people still use the baby beast or has everyone
changed to something cheaper/better? I always use Q2 .4 Ohm coils. I only found 1 place online that has them and they are $20 for 5 of them (including shipping). What would you guys do? I was so happy with the clone coils. They were inconsistent but cheap. Some would last 3 days and some would last 10 days; but for $1.35/each I was happy.
Thank you for any advice you can give.

Kanger Subtank - Occ Heads Problem

My first .5 OCC coil only lasted 3 days . I put my device up to 25 watts and it totally fried it. A terrible burnt hit. I backed it back down to 20 watts and it was fine for a little while, but then another bad burnt hit. Down to 15 watts and I literally sucked hot particles in my mouth when taking a hit. ...? The cotton and/or coils are literally breaking apart? That's totally gross and I can only imagine, not that safe.

My second .5 OCC, I never put my device above 17 watts, keeping it at 15 watts for the most part. Within 4 days, same thing ... total burnt hit one day, sucking up hot particles the next?

What's going on? I thought I was supposed to be able to hit a .5 coil up to 30 watts ... Is sucking up hot particles from the coil normal? Should I just keep it at 12 to 15 watts and that's it, taking 1 to 2 second drags and that's it? Is it just a string of bad coils?


EDIT: Thought I should mention that the juice I used for both coils was 50/50 watermelon. I hear it's better to use higher VG liquids with sub ohm tanks. But can that be part of the reason why the coils are being fried so quickly?  

Why Do Cotton Based Coils Hate Me?

I can only get about a 1-2 day life span out of coils that are organic cotton based. After 1-2 days, they start seeping a dark colored liquid into my tank and ruining the juice. This has happened in my Atlantis tank running Melo coils vaping at 32 watts and my Herakles tank running 55 watts. Keep in mind I vape about 7-10ml a day. Juices are 70VG/30PG or 80VG/20PG all at 3mg nic.

On the flip side, if I vape old school Atlantis coils at 32 watts on the same juices, I get a full week before this happens.

Any ideas on how to make cotton coils last longer?! For this reason, I can't wait to get my Lemo 2 in. I'll be able to rewick daily and not worry about cost.

The way things are going, I am losing so much money on coils it's nuts. See picture to see whats happening.

Oh yeah, this is happening on all kinds of juices I vape. Mt Baker Vapor, Vista Vapors, 4 Pillars, The Milk Man. Some are budget juices - others are premium. No matter what juice I use, it happens.

The BIGGEST killer is Zeus Juice with 80%PG, 20%VG. This juice kills a coil in one tank full. I'm guessing the sweeteners in that juice do it.

It's frustrating because I LOVE my Herakles tank running at 55W but if I have to replace the coil every 1-2 days, that's SO expensive.  

Can You Use A Bdc Coil In A Aspire Nautilus Mini?

My GF is a chronic smoker (over a pack a day) and Ive been doing a heap of research into vapors in an effort to help her quit, I just bought an Aspire Nautilus Mini for her but upon further research i notice some users were worried about the ceramic fiber in BVC Nautilus Coils.

I know Aspire claims the ceramic filter is ok but there is lots and lots of research to show ceramic fibers cause cancer, so whilst my GF has bigger problems with her excessive smoking i dont want to give her something to compound the chances of cancer.

Question: Can i fit and use a BDC in a Nautilus Mini? the filters are different but i know they are interchangeable, i just dont know if it will work? anyone tried?

The BVC contains the ceramic coil and the BDC doesnt?

Thanks for anyone with a reply, i appreciate your time.  

What Happened Recently To The Nautilius Mini Bvc Coils?

the nautilus mini for me was a godsend, simple, repeatable, no playing around etc etc.. Well all of a sudden I have noticed the coils are different in there actions, real muted taste, very hard draw and generally last me about 2 days before they are useless. I happened upon a youtube video that mentioned they have changed the wick material, any truth to this? If so I need to change to something else because these coils are garbage comparatively speaking to the old ones.  

Ugh, Why Did I Get Talked Into Something That Wont "work" With My Device?

I've got a VTR that i was using with an aero tank, but was burning through coils like every 4 days. Local vape shop recommended the nautilus mini since that's what the owner uses with the same juice I use. Doesnt quite fit with the VTR ring, but they showed me how to screw the base in and just pop it in that way. Cool, no problem right? Yeah right.

I go to refill and i cant get this ....ing thing off at all. The 510 connection is not stuck in to the device, but the bottom ring to unscrew the glass part is just not budging at all. So now I basically have a inert device and tank that cannot even be used and I'm out 52 bucks in total for this damn tank and coils.


Best Standard Set Up?

with no interest in sub ohming or rebuilding at this minute what is the best standard tank to use for liquids?

I currently use a nautilus and a vision spinner 2 and have done a for a while now. The problem I have to be honest is better liquids like flavours by Joe burn the nautilus coils out within a couple of hours and fusion vapours (my personal favourite) last only days which I know isn't normal.

so to someone with a limited knowledge of vaping and looking for very easy set ups rather than technical building, what are the best tank and battery to use for a swap out coil and generally not a high power Vape ( I tend to 3.8 it)