Safety ?

This might be a stupid ? I have tons of different wire and was wondering if it was safe to twist say 26g and 28g together, or would it short out.

Ive wondered this for awhile and havent been able to find any answer after a bit of searching.  

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Safe Vaping - Battery And Build Safety In Simple Terms

Here's a short vid I made to comprehensively, yet simply explain what you need to know about batteries and resistances to keep you safe

Direct you tube link:  

Safe Link Mechanical Mod Safety Device Prevents Over Fire Finds Short, Volt Drop??

Safe Link Mechanical Mod Safety Device Prevents Over Fire Finds Short Volt Drop | eBay

Thinking of buying one of these for my Nemesis, what do you think of them?


Test Your Safety Knowledge!

Due to a recent rash of vapers using mech mods without proper knowledge. here is a simple test for vapers who want to use unregulated devices, if you can confidently answer these questions, you just may be ready to take the plunge to a mech or unregulated box mod. If you cannot answer all of the questions, don't be discouraged, use the test as a base for the knowledge you may need to acquire.

1. Define ohms law using a short paragraph, and show the equation below.

2. Define watts law using a short paragraph, and show the equation below

3. Draw a simple open circuit.

4. Draw a simple closed circuit

5. Find the resistance of a circuit running at 3.9 volts with a 20 amp current

6. Find the voltage of a circuit running at .54 ohms with a 5 amp current.

7. Find the wattage of a 4.1 volt circuit at 2.3 ohms

8. You are wrapping a dual coil set up, while pinching your coil with metal tweezers you accidentally press the fire button,
the leg of the coil you are wrapping fires bright and then disintegrates, why has this happened?

9. Your mechanical mod is getting extremely hot, is making odd noises, and has an odd smell, what is happening
and what is the procedure in this situation?

10. What is the lowest safe resistance of a 4.2v lithium ion battery rated at 20 amps?

11. You have been using a battery for several hours now, and have noticed a sharp decline in vapor production,
why is this happening?

12. You wrap a coil that reads .42 ohms on your multimeter, what important factor should be remembered while using this coil?

13. You are using 2 stacked 18350 lithium ion batteries in your mod, what kind of circuit is this? what changes because of this?
what does not change?  

I Wonder, Is Fasttech Safe?

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I know tons of people order there with no issues, but if I don't get an assuring answer from the Chase fraud crew, I might have to just assume that's where this problem derived from. Scary! Now I should be sleeping for work in 5 hours, but I need a drink!  

How Educated Do I Need To Be For What I Am Doing?

Hi guys,

Just been reading a few things (insulators burning through & shorting, the recent mod explosion, etc) and just wondering if I am in over me head with what I'm doing or if I'm in the 'safe' category.

I don't have any mods, and the sub-est of sub ohming I do is the 0.5ohm Subtank coils. I have the Subtank Nano & Mini.

The two batteries I use are the Ego One and the Aspire CF Sub Ohm. I'm getting into rebuilding the stock OCC Coils and my coils clock in between 0.6 & 0.8 ohm.

So a few questions...

- with the two batteries I have, what could go wrong? I've read about the safety features of the Ego One & the CFSubOhm but my knowledge of electronics is really basic. The have short protection, over charge protect, etc? The CFSubOhm has 9 second cut off on the fire button, not sure about the Ego One.

- What would happen if the insulators on the OCC coil burned through & shorted?

- the Ego One does heat up when charging, is this an issue or is it considered normal?

I really just want to be as safe as possible, and I'm not sure if I've got the time & patience to get educated.

What do you guys reckon?

Thanks a lot for any help.  

Safe Vaping Range For A Dual Coil Clearo

I have tried this a couple of different ways in other threads, without really getting edumucated completely.

One more try. I generally consult that Power Chart 2.0 to identify safe vape ranges for different resistances.
Some say that those charts do not apply when there are two coils in parallel. I don't understand how. At the end of the day, the resistance is the resistance.

Anyway, is there a chart anywhere that can identify Safe vape ranges for different resistances - when the coil design is not single but dual, in parallel.

My clearo, by the way, is a dual coil Eleaf GS Air. I love what it does in the safe range, but when I occasionally cheat and push it up a bit, I Do get more vapor and flavor. But, I don't want to be doing it if it isn't safe. [aka firing hot enough to generate formaldehyde, etc.]
Eleaf says it is designed for 3.5v to 5.5v. But then again, any company citing specs is focused on selling, not necessarily my safety/health.

Anyone have a genuine factual answer?  

Vaping Question

Hello ecf, i recently bought a sigelei 150w and an atlantis v2 subtank (amazing btw). I was outside vaping and a very kind gentlemen came up to me and asked me some questions about vaping. He told me he wants to quit cigs. We were both waiting for the bus so i thought yeah i dont mind. He starts asking me pretty common questions; is vaping safe, do i actually save money, etc. He then asked me a question i havent heard before. He asked me if its worse than cigarettes or if i get more nicotine because of the amount of vapor i was blowing out. (.3 at 85watts pretty big clouds) I've never heard this question before and was wondering if anyone has, or if they know the answer. TIA  

Wire Safe Duration

Hi, despite all the info on the internet these days, I ve been unable to find an answer to what is the life use of a wire on a rta coil (not the cotton or liquids) before it gets exhausted and become a bad element to health, maybe to the point of releasing metal particles that could go into the lungs... I know this is highly relative and depends on what kind of wire, liquids and vaping frecuency, but if I give you a straight case, maybe I ll make a good relation between other materials and their durability. It happened that during 2020, with the pandemic on full first impact, importations were very slow and in some cases, closed for long periods of time, I was trying to get some imported wires but I didn't have enough luck to find those I needed, just very thin wire for mtl equipment, which I didn't have. All was sold out from vaping websites... I ve managed to get a Zeus X rta and with it, the included premade coils (I think these are Nichrome)... Thing is, I used the same (and only) metal coil for almost 6 months, obviously replacing the cotton when needed (I had all the other materials, bags of cotton Bacon, tools, fresh liquids, etc), the liquid I ve been using is Don Juan sweet tobbaco and reserve, from King Crest. In those six moths I didn't vape all days or weeks, since finding or importing liquids were also a problem, so confinement and the lack of products, push me to smoke again, sadly, but I didn't give up and I start to build again the coil meanwhile the purchases arrive from other countries. The metal coil doesn't seems to be exhaust in plain view, it gets datk or black, as normally should be after several days of use and when tasting a bit burnt, but once I clean up with a brush, water and some short dry burning when building again, it gets back its grey metal color, not the same shine as a new one, but close. My vaping frequency was sometimes in chain, due to anxiety, but not all day or days and I was careful to rebuilt often. Mods are one Aegis X and one Smok P3, wattage I use is between 40 and 60 because even if the coils can be auto detected and suggestion is 75w, this is always overrated and burning taste triggers in 3 days. Only thing I did notice was sort of a metal taste for a period of time, that after went away and never got back. If someone wants to drop an answer, be welcome please, thank you all...  

Old Battery Safety?

I have a couple old 18500 baterries that would not hold a charge for too long but they still work. I just use them at home and switch them out when they die. The tube mod I use them in, Itaste 134 mini, seems to get very hot while vaping and I was just wondering if it was safe to use them until they are completely dead and won't fire. I am just cheap. Thanks.  

I Think I’m Ready For Mech Mods!

Hey Guys,

I have been wanting to use a mech mod for quite some time now. But I didn’t want to rush into things, given that they can be dangerous if not used properly.

To prepare I have studied ohm’s law and have a pretty decent grasp on it. And have a calculator app on my phone.

I have checked out Mooch’s battery recommendations and have a good idea of what batteries to use and which to avoid.

I still do have a few questions I was hoping an experienced Mech user could help me answer:

- What would be the “sweet spot” as far as resistance and safety go for a dual coil set up? Obviously I want to go as low as possible and have a hard hitting vape. But I also want to be safe. I plan to use a dual 18650 Parallel mod (The Clutch X18). I would be most likely be using Sony Murata batteries as I cant find any Samsungs where i live. I’m thinking somewhere around 0.17-0.2? Or would it be safe to go lower than that? I will of course test my build on an ohm reader and regulated mod before throwing it on the mech to be safe.

- Are there any other general safety tips? Ive heard that you want to screw the Atty down all the way first, before inserting the batteries. And then insert the batteries. And when removing the batteries i heard you want to slightly unscrew the atty first, and then carefully remove the batteries? Can anyone please confirm if this is correct.

- Is its safe to chain vape on a dual 18650 parallel mod? When I say chain vape I mean like maybe taking 5-6 big hits back to back. Then waiting 3-5 minutes, dripping some juice and then doing another 5-6 hits.

- Is there anything I should be monitoring while I’m vaping? Like the heat of the batteries? From what I’ve read, the batteries drain quite fast on a mech. And after some experience you will just kind of know when they need charging because the vape experience changes. Is there anything I’m missing? Or something i should be looking out for?

- I can only vape in my kitchen. And sometimes there might be a little bit of water on the counter from someone’s drink sweating, or drops after someone washed their hands etc. Is this a risk? I will of course do my best to keep all surfaces dry. I’m not talking about large amounts of water or submerging or getting the mod really wet. But just what one might find on a kitchen counter.

- Any other tips you could throw my way would be great!

Thanks in advance!