Best Disposables?

I was wondering what everyone thinks the best disposable E-cigs are? Ive tried encore, blu, and sapphire. I have a feeling many people would just say get a good mod or something, I have my normal set up, but I want something to keep in my glovebox just in case i forget my normal setup Thanks for any opinions!  

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Are There Any Refillable Vaporizers That Hit Like The Disposable Ones Do!

I love the way the disposables hit but they are so much more expensive then a normal refillable vape. Are there any that hit like the disposables with much smaller airflow? Examples of the disposables would be posh plus or cali plus  

32 Days And No Traditional Cigs--not Seeing People Smoke Might Be Helping

hey All,

I joined here several months ago. Posted that I had done e-cigs for march to about June and then switched back to traditional and came back here for support and knowledge which I have received in spades here.thanks.

32 days ago I came down with low grade fever, 100.5 at most slights aches and fatigue..nothing major but certainly not ordinary. At the time I was back to 10-15 traditional cigs per day. But with the fever and fatigue I immediately stopped tradtional cigs--as I thought it could be Covid and honestly had no desire.

Turns out it was NOT Covid and in the 32 days I have had a total of 3 puffs from an e-cig in my desk drawer. I'm otherwise back to normal and only slightly crave a hit of e-cig and I know can use it I need it but the cravings only are short.

I think one part of this is with Covid and being in NYC--I'm not on the streets as much and I never see hardly anyone smoke or even vape. I do go to an office 4 days a week and the walk to the office is 12 minutes. And like a normal city--pre covid you'd always see people outside having a smoke or a vape and enjoying themselves and for me that's what kind of drove the cravings and addiction. now when I come home from work, I don't have a craving need.

After 32 days without a traditional cig and only 3 puffs of an e-cig --does that happen to people? In my head I have committed that I will be a non traditional cig smoker and if I need the e-cigs I'm fine with that. There is a slight concern that if we ever get back to normal and I " see" people smoke that might bring it back..who knows? Hopefully I am far along enough now that it wont' effect me. In fact I saw a bke messenger smoking at a stop light yesterday and just looking at the traditional cig kind of grossed me out. so maybe that's a good sign?

The benefits so far a my apartment and clothes smell normal. I have more energy and can breath better.

Maybe for me (and others) the visual appeal or or just seeing others enjoy a cigarette was part of the addiction?  

Horrible Mucus

Hi everyone I have been vaping for about a month now and loving it so much, I haven't smoked any normal cigs since I started, everything was going good until about a week ago when I noticed some yucky mucus/phlegm in the back of my throat now it's built up so much that it's causing me to constantly try to bring it up but it just won't budge no matter what I do. Dr told me it is from quitting cigs and my body is getting rid of it however someone told me it can also be the PG, I use 50-50 and 12mg Nic I really don't know what to do because I need the PG for throat hit as I was a heavy smoker but if I don't have PG then I won't get the hit...I'm at a loss... Has anyone had this mucus problem and if so how did you get rid of it? Feeling really down atm  

Getting Used To Sub Ohm

I've been at this since 2009 and I've been a die hard MTL-er. I recently decided I wanna try sub ohming. I picked up an Innokin Isub B because it works at lower wattages. I picked up some 3mg juice (i usually vape 12mg). When i vape the Isub i get a bit dizzy feeling. I know this is normal at first, but I was wondering how long it will take to get used to the sub ohm setup. Anyone else gone through this? Thanks in advance for your advice or tips.  

Wicking Speed And Liquid/atomiser Temperature

Hello everyone.

Now that I'm stuck at home I have been observing some things that I never realised before.

Where I am now it has been very cold (0°C and a bit lower sometimes) and my wicking is behaving differently.

When in normal daily routine/home, my atomisers are usually warmer when I give them first pulls of the day or pulls after some longer inactivity time. House or weather is warmer, because the setup was in my pocket or car, etc.

Now because the atomisers are reaching much lower temperatures, I have to be carefull on first pulls and avoid some chain vaping before they heat a bit (overall heating liquid included). If I forget and give some sequence pulls there's a big risk of dry hits.

I vape 70/30 or 80/20 vg/pg and it's very noticeable that the wicking speed changes a lot with temperature. I know the atomisers I'm using inside-out and know the wicking is perfect for my normal use. This is new to me.

Never realised how much liquid temperature influences wicking speed. This could explain a great number of people having problems with fast burned coils or fast burning cotton. Not only how you wick it matters but also we have to take into account environmental variables and vaping habits/timings.

Any thoughts on this?

Stay safe everyone.  

Miss Vaping...

I quit smoking to start vaping and have never once missed smoking. A little over a month ago I quit vaping all together after two years of slowly working my nicotine level down from 36mg to 0mg.

I quit vaping at zero milligrams of nicotine and never experienced nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

I guess these would all be good things except for the fact that I miss vaping. Multiple times a day since I quit the thought of having a vape pops in my head and just as soon as it does this weird feeling of loss follows as I realize I no longer vape. I would think by now these feeling would have subsided but they have not.

I wouldn't think much of it but since quitting I have gained 10lbs, have little to no energy, find myself easily frustrated and worst of all have found myself drinking a lot more than normal (which is probably why I gained 10lbs anyway). A huge part of me just wants to go back to vaping.

I guess my question is, Did anyone else quit vaping and experience weird side effects from quitting? If so, how long did it take you to feel normal again?  

Mesh Vs Coil

Hi I've been in the vaping industry for years now and have had many tanks over the years both mesh and normal coil, for me mesh was amazing at flavour and for more cooler vape lovers, however I found that normal coils provided more cloud and less juice consumption with some tanks and were able to achieve the same amount of flavour as mesh with the right build. But I still curious as too how many people prefer mesh over normal coils and vice versa and why ?  

Recommended Disposables?

Hi everyone. I ordered a vape (Voopoo Drag X Professional) that's on back order from Hong Kong to replace my problematic Uwell mod and I think I might need to go with disposables in the meantime until it gets here. I don't know anything about disposables. Can anyone make recommendations? Thanks.  

Now They Are Talking About Banning Refillable Systems.

At first I was not too concerned about a flavor ban because my wife and I use no flavoring and I mix my own... But now Romney and some dude named Jeff have a bill on the floor that includes banning refillable cartridges. That scared the holy bejesus out of me. It sounds like they want all e-cigs to be like the "Mojo" (a disposable closed system).

The frustrating part about this current situation is that all of this seems to have started from some black market THC cartridges, which has absolutely nothing to do with vaping. PG is used in children's asthma medication and nicotine is really not much more dangerous than caffeine, but everyone out there thinks that e-cigarettes are killing people.

I think our first mistake was calling them "e-cigarettes" instead of something like "nicotine delivery device"... The name "e-cigarettes" just causes those that are clueless group them in the same category as cigarettes. Big Tobacco and Big Pharma are probably loving this right now. Smoking kills 450-500k people per year, as far as I know vaping has killed 0, but sure, go ahead and put severe restrictions on vaping. I know it saved my life, 12 years ago I could not manage walking up a flight of stairs, every time I laughed it ended in a coughing fit. Then e-cigs came along and all of that changed.

I wish there was some way to educate the public, especially our government officials.  

Day 6!

I havent touched a cigarette in 6 days. It's a miracle !! Lol.

Using stigs from Vgod disposable pods. 6% nicotine.

Day 1: lots of heart burns, feeling buzzed and lazy/slow.

Day 2 : more heartburn, still feeling buzzed and lethargic. Few times during the day had shortness of breath and a tight chest feeling

Day 3: woke up coughing like a ******. Not feeling so lazy and slow anymore. Some chest tightness comes and goes.

Day 4: still coughing in the morning, but not feeling slow or lethargic anymore

Day 5: feeling amazing. No cough, no heart burns, no tight chest feeling.

Day 6: great till now !!!