New Gear Box

Rescued this at work, they were getting rid of it. It's some sort of media storage case. Felt lined drawers with a few dividers. I'm thinking this is a new home for my juices and misc vape stuff.


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Home Vape Store Organization

Hey everyone.

My bag going to work is quite heavy with juices and tanks and mods I want to bring. Any box organization ideas?

Also my garage shelf is looking bad too. Anyone make a shelf specially for vape stuff?

Pictures are welcome!  

Question About Cigarettes (vape Related)

So here lately with all the FDA stuff I've been seeing a lot about clean rooms & how sanitary different manufacturers juices are. I was just curious if anyone here knew how sanitary cigarette tobacco is, as in how well it's washed / handled / how often it's contaminated by misc. debris for comparison. I tried googling, but was only able to find legal doctrine. Would anyone happen to have a link to a study or similar to shed some light on the subject?  

Anyone From Colombia?

I will be traveling to Cartagena next week. Is there anything to plan for with vape gear? Are the laws like the US? I plan on only taking cheap stuff in case it gets taken or I need to get rid of it in customs.  

Vape Dominos

Often there is a photo posted of someone's collection showing 10, 15, or 20 kits lined up on a desk or a shelf. Right now I have 11 of them lined up behind my keyboard, with the juice bottle behind each one. Every once in a while I go to grab something on the desk and they all go down like dominoes. It's infuriating and hilarious. So far no breakage. I need to build a rack or something. Has this happened to you?  

How Much Stuff Do You Carry?

Just curious if I am in the minority here. I hope this doesn't come off as condescending - different strokes, and I am truly curious.

I usually just carry a mod and tank with me when I leave the house. Generally I don't travel a lot, mainly my commute to work, or out running errands or shopping with my wife. I don't really venture far from the house, typically. I don't go to bars, and eat out a few times per week. Visit friends on occasion. Pretty boring right?

I see people posting their vape kits here, and really wonder if all that is necessary. Certainly not for me, as I don't want to lug all that stuff around. Like today - I grabbed my iStick30 with Subtank Mini, fully charged and full tank, and went to work which is a 25 minute drive. The iStick/Kanger combo is tiny and fits well in my pocket. It's perfect for traveling. Once at work I have that plus an MVP2 with a IBTanked carto tank and a spare bottle of juice on my desk though it is rarely used since my employer outlawed indoor vaping.

If I am going shopping or to dinner I usually carry the same, or something similar - nothing bigger than a single 18650 regulated box with a tank or maybe my Reo Grand. I've never had the need to carry any more than that, so I'm wondering why folks carry wick, wire juice, batteries, tools etc...and curious how many do. I'm not knocking it, just don't get it. I can see if I was traveling away from home for days, as in vacation, but otherwise...

I prefer to pack light, and already have enough junk in my pockets, especially if I'm also CCW. I don't want to carry a man-bag or briefcase full of vape gear. Even a small box or pouch is an encumbrance to me. Never carried a smoking kit either.

So, where do I fall in the vape gear spectrum?...what do you carry?  

First Real B&m Scam I've Ever Seen.

So I walked into a B&M today for the first time. They have a couple of cabinets full of supplies and juices. All the workers seemed really snobby! They asked what I vape on and pulled out my istick 50w w/ Subtank Mini. They basically scoffed at me. Not only that, but they are selling the Subtank Mini for $85!! That's almost double the regular price.

I casually mentioned that the price might be wrong, and they said nope. They said, and I quote,

"New people have no idea what prices look like. They don't know it's cheaper online, so don't let anyone know. We gotta make money somehow."

....seriously? I understand markups for profit, but this? It's ridiculous. They also sell 15ml juices for $25. They have a small display case of space jam, but when I asked for Andromada, they kept insisting their juices are better.

Has anyone experienced shops like this?

I HIGHLY recommend if you're new, check out stuff online first. I'm all for supporting your community, but beware of stuff like this. Check out online prices just so you know what to compare them to!  

Atomizer Seat

Anyone got a good solution for atomizer seats to store them on. Im gonna take a look at my local home depot see if i can come up with something.

This what they look like if you were to get from vape store.(yes there cheap but so am i )
Atomizer Seats - 101 Vape

Im open to your ideas i really dont care what it looks like long as it stands an atomizer up. I got mine proped up against stuff so anything better than that system of storage.  

Can I Bring Vape Gear To Mexico?

I know y'all are the experts.

My husband and I are planning a trip to Cancun this fall. We're flying Delta. I know that Delta allows vape gear in carry on luggage.

However, I do not know if we are allowed to have our gear once we arrive at the airport in Mexico and/or return home from Mexico. I cannot find a definitive answer online.

Do any forum members know the answer? Has anyone traveled to Mexico recently, and what was your experience?

Btw: Preemptively stressing about this. My husband and I have been cigarette free for many years now, but we have never gone without vaping for any period of time.

Thank you!  

Spouse Driving Me Nuts!

My spouse says he doesn't need anything fancy and is happy to vape with the tank and battery he has.... Great! He doesn't want to research anything, but will listen to me when I talk about gear and tanks and whatever.

Every time I upgrade, he gets jealous of my better flavor/vapor, look of gear or whatever has changed. No big deal, he gets all my old gear when I get new....

Except that gear he was once coveting is no longer what he wants because he is now coveting my NEW gear!

Problem is, he has already called me from the road (in the middle of the night) to trouble shoot his Nautilus/Vamo set up, is always getting me to fix his stuff and when I try to show him how to do it he just kind of wanders off.

There is no way I am giving him an RBA!!! I can see me now building all his coils and getting frantic calls when he is on the road!!!

Anyone else have this problem with their SO? If so how do you deal with it? I get soooo frustrated! The man would run out of juice and never have a charged battery if he had to take care of it himself. Maybe I should just let him flounder for a while?  

Trouble Vaping After 4 Years

Hi all-
I haven't posted in a long while. I am in need of some suggestions as to what could be going in with me all of the sudden with my vaping.

Within the past two months I have a very hard time breathing when vaping. I was just thinking at first that I was getting sick or something. Then, I stopped for a few days completely and I felt better so I started again. The evening of the first day back to vaping, I laid in bed trying to go to sleep feeling like an elephant was sitting on my chest and that my throat was closing up. It was very scary. So scary that I have now been to the pulmonologist as well as the cardiologist (because the chest heaviness was bad). My lungs are clear and heart is in good condition. Soooooo....I went and purchased a ZERO nicotine juice thinking that maybe it was the nicotine. NOPE.....that didn't work either, I have used my e-cig only on the past two Saturdays and it has zero nicotine liquid in it and I still have the same problem after the day of vaping. I feel like I am struggling to breath. It is horrible. It takes a day or so to subside. I really enjoy my vape. I quit analogs on April 9, 2011 and have been vaping every since. Does anyone have any idea what the problem could possibly be? Maybe I should try just VG Juices....would that make a difference? Please help....any input would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!!