Turbo Rda Review

A couple days ago I met a guy at a party, and everytime he would take a hit of his mod it would make this whirring sound. Turns out he just picked up the new Turbo RDA by Tobeco which was designed by their USA Team "Ohm Nation". I have to say it is very innovative. I have never seen anything like it so of course I asked him the name and where he purchased it from. I finally got my hands on one and its a great RDA with the proper build. The whole design of it is a B+ the reason for that is...the airflow control (which is the upper piece and where the fan is mounted) is made out of plastic which is a big downside because once you get your coils fired up, the plastic SLOWLY begins to met and in my case, melted in peices of the wick. Other than that, the post are wide so it can accommodate lower gauge wires. The posts are also milled into the deck to prevent the posts from spinning and they also give you a super wide bore glass drip tip. Its also constructed out of 304 stainless steel. Overall, i am pretty happy with it and one of the builds that i believe best suits this is 20g Nichrome 5 Wraps. Its super hot, the fan definitely gets put to work and you're getting a lot vapor production.

It is definitely stands out on design and is DIFFERENT to what we usually see out there which I do love about this RDA. It's great that companies are getting creative and trying new things with the products they are creating. I do hope they revisit this and make the next one with a stainless steel airflow control. Other than that, wow.  

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I Did Something Different...mesh Inside Of A Recurve Rda!

Can one man have it all? We'll see.

There's 3 things I really wish I could combine in my vape setup:
-Mesh coils
-A small flavorful chamber
-And the ability to squonk my e-liquid in.

I really love how mesh coils never seem to burn, and they give you next level flavor from their surface area, the problem I've experienced is all the RDA's that are designed to hold mesh are frankly garbage (the ones I've tried), the best I've tried is the Profile RDA. The profile does the job but it's airflow is either WAY too wide open giving you a cold and almost dry hit (still great flavor though), or if you twist it to shut half the airflow off it's not even being directed at the coil anymore and you get a spitty, starting-to-burn-but-still-somehow-cold hit. My favorite RDA I tried last year and have never looked back on is the Recurve, even using normal stainless steel 31 coils, it blows the Profiles flavor out of the water due to it's smaller volume chamber and perfect airflow holes, and provides a rich, warm, satisfyingly dense hit. THE PROBLEM with the recurve is that it's not designed to accept mesh as you traditionally need a flat clamp to lock your mesh ribbon into place.

Well I got a bug up my butt and had some time on my day off so I decided to make it work. It was alot easier than I thought it was going to be, I simply twisted the end of a strip of mesh so that it could be inserted into the Recurves circular wire mount hole, I pre-heated the mesh to temper it so it would lose it's springiness and wrapped it around a diameter smaller than 3mm so that when it relaxed it would be about 3mm, it worked surprisingly well (I also cut the mesh ribbon so that it was half it's original width, otherwise you wouldn't be able to make one wrap without exceeding the width of the chamber. The only tricky part was getting the terminal end of the coil to land perfectly in the other mount screw while keeping the diameter consistent, I just kept trimming the end and twisting as needed until it was a perfect fit, and looked good. Once everything was mounted it was alot more cooperative, and I simply teased it with tweezers until no parts of the helix were touching (so-as to avoid hotspots, in the picture you can see a hotspot that I fixed near the mounting screw where it was touching the actual body of the RDA, a little nudge fixed that). I then wicked it so it was fairly snug, and at this point everything pretty much stays exactly where you move it, super easy to position where you want it.

The coil ended up being 0.56ohms, and I'm running it temperature controlled at 450F, and I've been vaping pretty hard on it for the past two hours and it's amazing. My honeydew e-liquid got doubly sweeter, the notes a little bit more obvious, and because the recurve has a small chamber it's dense and warm too with no spitting whatsoever. I'm also noticing the wick doesn't dry out as quick. If they could come out with a Recurve with mesh clamps I think it would be a GAME CHANGER.

Let me be the guinea pig for a few days if you're thinking about trying it, it feels too good to be true (besides saying a few curse words installing it) and I'm sure there's a problem I'm not finding yet haha. I'll report back if anyone is interested!  

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My Complete Setup (mod, Rda, And Juice)

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To kick things off I've got a Seeker Mech Mod by EHPRO. It's a sleek design, all copper, and easy to press button. Little short and thick for those of us who like our setups to look beefy.

Atty- The Tobh Atty. It is a pain in the butt to take apart from the get go but once you get a bit of juice on all the O rings it comes apart fairly easy. Good deck to build on all pre-drilled holes on the three posts 1(+) and 2(-) (Obviously). Deep basin to hold plenty of juice for our drip and drivers safety. My current build is a dual single coil coming in at 0.28 ohms. Using a regular cotton wick.

Juice- "Bliss" made by The Artisan Vapor 100%VG This juice is an explosive flavor of fruits, and for being 100%VG it has a heavy flavor. 39ml bottle runs at 20$ not to bad for a good juice. When I drip with a full basin it lasts roughly an hour, and I heavily use my vape.

Battery- This thing is one of the best right now but I'm still limited on what builds I can do. My 0.28 is safe, however my 0.22 is unsafe (Go figure) ANYWAYS! (Specs) MNKE IMR-26650 3.7(low) 4.2(High) 3500mAh.

So I think that's all. Thanks for reading guess, and questions or comments just drop it down below. Goodbye and VAPE ON!