Mod Heating Up?????

I have a smock mechanical tube mod and when I hit it it gets hot down where the button is. Is this bad? I pulled out my battery and its not warm at all. But my mod is. Your thoughts are appreciated  

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Return Of The Tube Mod

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Dani Extreme V2

5 to 40W with one Li-Ion battery
- Adjustable battery discharge level 2.5-3V
- Up to 12V output voltage
- Up to 15A output current
- Temperature controlled vaping mode with various wire-types
- Mechanical MOD mode (electronically overload protected)
- 10 Power boost modes
- 10 Heater protection modes
- Atomizer resistance range 0.05 to 5 Ohms, total range
- Atomizer resistance 0.2-3.5 Ohms (40W, guaranteed)
- Reverse batteryprotection
- Versatile menu structure
- Individual user preferences selection
- 2Year warranty on electronic


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