Not Blowing Smoke

Please check out a website dedicated to countering the latest campaign of disinformation in California called Still Blowing Smoke.

Detailed in Grimgreens vlog starting at 07:40


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Major Anti-vaping Propaganda Fightback - Please Share!

In response to the California Department of Public Health's new $7 million anti-ecigarette propaganda campaign "#stillblowingsmoke", which launches today, a new website has been published.

Please visit the site and share widely on social media and with friends and family, and let's see this go even more viral than the #curbit fightback!  

Just Set Off The Smoke Alarms In The House With My Sigelei

So last night my GF was saying I was going to set off the smoke alarms because I was blowing some huge clouds and I told her that it doesn't work like that because I read it on the interwebz.

Lo and behold I'm rocking some clouds laying in bed with her tonight and she is telling me to stop and I say, "but babe. the internetz, remember???"

2 seconds later the entire house is filled with that dreadful ear shattering beeping and everyone is getting out of bed (it was 11 PM) yelling and there was a big commotion with everyone freaking out and I'm in here opening windows and fanning the air with pillows so no one would know it was because of me vaping because I would constantly get crap about vaping inside for the rest of eternity.

So yea.. all you vapers out there.. don't fish bowl your rooms with vape. Guess we aren't immune to smoke detectors.  

Potential Advantage To Cloud Chasing.

I have no quarrel with those that cloud chase or those that do not. I do think cloud chasing should be avoided in a crowed area as I dislike someone blowing a huge cloud in my face same way I disliked someone blowing smoke in my face. Moving on, after no significant cloud chasing and no new gear for almost a year I decided it was time for a toy. Grabbed a IPv4 and a little boy rda. Once I adjusted my coil build technique to accommodate so much extra power gotta say I'm really enjoying it. So the point of my rambling, besides the fact I can, is I have always hated 0nic liquid. Seemed so depressing and missing my TH which is important. But with the right build a 0nic liquid has just enough TH to make me think it's possible to go to 0. Not saying I want to go to zero but it was never an options before due to it being unsatisfying. So to anyone who does want to give up nicotine you may want to consider a setup that chucks out more vapor.  

For Those Wondering Why Their Istick Or Other Usb Charged Device Is Melting The Charging Port.

In the USB 1.0 and 2.0 specs, a standard downstream port is capable of delivering up to 500mA (0.5A); in USB 3.0, it moves up to 900mA (0.9A). The charging downstream and dedicated charging ports provide up to 1500mA (1.5A). USB 3.1 bumps throughput to 10Gbps in what is called SuperSpeed+ mode, bringing it roughly equivalent with first-generation Thunderbolt. It also supports power draw of 1.5A and 3A over the 5V bus.

From he How USB charging works, or how to avoid blowing up your smartphone | ExtremeTech  

Not Sure If I Should Be Happy

I just found out my 17 year old cousin started vaping a few months back and he was afraid to tell me, and his mother! To be honest, part of me is relieved!

a little background: I come from an entire family of smokers, aunts, uncles, cousins, all of us smoke with the exception of maybe 5 (out of 50+ people). Most of us starting at around the age of 13-15, it just seems like the thing to do in our clan I guess. Secretly I worry about my younger cousins picking up on our bad habits, just as I did. Seeing your entire family smoke and being around it all the time, its kind of hard to imagine NOT ending up a smoker yourself.

any who, when he told he was vaping, and that he things cigarette smoke is disgusting... I smiled inside soo much. there is hope for us yet!  

Oh Please Dont Call It ...

I get so frustrated with people and trying to keep them informed.. I am Sick of hearing , "Wow thats a lot of Smoke" Or Go take your Smoke break" and calling it smoking flat out! I get sick of repeating my self ... Finally my Mother Inlaw has gotten the language down.. Vape shop not smoke shop and vapor not smoke, I wish others would finally get it! Anyone else having this issue??  

Dont Buy Smoke Xpro's

Me and a neibour got smoke Xpro's, me the M45 and he got the M65, just aboute a week after we used them they both start auto fire and not recocnizing any atomizer .... just gone nuts. We both used the Subtank Mini with the 0.5 OCC so it couldnt be our fault. They say (SMOKE does) thet this hapens sometimes ... but rly we had 2 and both are broken ... and he have no idea how to fix them. We sented tickets to Fasttech no respponse yet ... in Romania smoke has no deallership so they have no idea what to do ... local shops sell them but if we dont got them from theyre place they wount eaven look at them. Pretty cool, ... back to normal smokes.  

Cant Get Any Smoke Out Of Logic Vapes

I had a logic vape that worked for a month or so and then I could not get much smoke out of it. The white light shuts off after only a second of inhaling. I went and buy another one. It worked on the way home from store then after pluging it in to my PC it wont vape much. I have to suck an eye ball back in to my skull just to get a tiny bit of smoke out of both of them and they are only two months old. Yes i do charge them so i cant explain why two of them would both have the same problem.  

Smoke Co2 Alarm Recommendation

I know this is kind of a strange question but I see people say all the time that they set off their smoke and CO2 alarms. Who has a smoke CO2 alarm that they can Vape in the next room and it doesn't set off I need to get another detector but I want to make sure that it's not going to go off every time I Vape in a room next to it a battery-powered not hardwired  

Vapor Goes Down, Cig Smoke Goes Up

I still smoke one cigarette a day and I noticed that upon exhale, cigarette smoke drifts up, whereas the vapor from vaping drifts down, like dry ice. Anyone else notice that, or know why it might be?