Atlantis Cotton Heads?

ever since the discussion about the potential risk of using atlantis stock heads, there was talk of convincing Aspire to use cotton instead. has anyone heard any developments on this topic?

i myself only use rebuildables, but my brother does not and i bought him an atlantis for xmas, before i had found out about the potential health risks. told him not to buy any replacement heads until the cotton ones come out. but WILL the cotton ones come out? i tend to think so, so they could compete with Kanger.

i know a lot of people sent messages to aspire but can no longer find that discussion, so here goes. anyone heard anything?  

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Atlantis sub-ohm(0.5ohm) Coil Heads from Aspire
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Bug Bits Abound ( In The Cotton )

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So I thought I'd have a look at the cotton sample in my Kanger Subtank Mini & .. sure enough ... bug bits & little black "dots" (bug poop I assume). Okay ... fine ... I've not used it & will not use it. I have enough cotton (bacon) to keep me going for years, and I'm happily puffing away on the .50ohm OCC premade coil supplied by ........

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Got A New Tank..

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There are some things I don't like about this tank...
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I did find that when I put the Atlantis coil head in that the wicking was alot better then the coils that it came with, now this could be bc I am using a high vg juice.

So let's talk price....I bought this at a B&M so I paid A LOT more then what I've found online.
My price was $45.00
I have found these online for as little as $23.00
and for this price I would probably buy it again, not for $45.00
Iv'e been vaping on this for about a week now, I've gone through 2 coil heads in 4 days & now put the Atlantis coil head in it and am having better luck with it.
So there's my thoughts on my new clearomizer.  

Always A Burnt Taste

Hey all.

So I've been vaping since January. I started out on a kanger ego and an aspire k1. Since then I've gone through aspire cf batteries, and finally made my way to my current set up. An mvp 3.0 or istick50w with my subtank mini.

At first using the stock occ coils with the subtank, I decided to buy some wire and cotton and here I am. Been building my own coils using the RBA section and loving it. I wick it properly and never get a dry hit, going anywhere from 18-25 watts, which is my preferred settings.

Now, it's only my preferred settings because I can't seem to go any higher. On either device. I get dry hits like crazy despite pancake wicking which I've specifically done to prevent said dry hits. I always have heard that it can possibly taste better the hotter it gets. And I don't mind a hot vape. But it won't let me try!

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