Save The Children!!!!!!!!11

Saw this video online and was wondering what you guys thought about it. I know second hand vapor is safe so does that make this video ok?  

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Completely Disgusted By A Vapor Review Video I Just Saw (your Thoughts)

I was researching some things on the computer and came across a box mod called the Moxie by Avail Vapor. Avail is a local shop near where I live. I found this video that came up and behold it is a review. It isn't a review by Twisted, Rip or anybody else you wanna add. The video is done by what appears to be a 12 to 13 year old kid. I didn't even find this video cute. What is a 13 year old kid doing with a troll rda and a box mod? I mean come on vaping is supposed to be for 18 and older. People like this are giving vaping a bad reputation. I posted a link to the video. If you get a chance watch a few minutes or seconds and tell me what your thoughts are


I'm Out, But Some Things Need To Be Said Before I Go.

I've had it with the anti mech and cloud attitude that has been developing here. I see threads pop up weekly about how much of a jerk off I am because of my choice of device.
I made a little video for you guys before I go. It is difficult for me to express myself through words sometimes.

NOt all of the people here are so unwelcoming, so for those of you who have been supportive and informative thank you. For those of you who vilify and judge, this video is for you. Maybe in the future I'll pop in and see what is going on. Until then, so long and thanks for all the fish.  

Cutting Into My Subtank Mini

Alright guys, so I'm fairly new to building. Actually, I've never done it!

After reviewing a subtank mini about two weeks ago, I am loving everything about it. The flavor, the vapor, the compacity! Everything.

So after watching rip trippers video of building on the rba I noticed he had to move the wick away from the channels so the juice can properly be wicked into the chamber.

On one of the comments, a guy said he actually drilled a hole into the side of the cap that goes over the coil to insure that he gets no dry hits.

What's everyone's take on this? Is it really necessary to do? I'm really worried about getting dry hits.

What's a safe way to do this? If it's needed at all!  

Ted Talks ~ No More The Way It Has Been / Should Be

Just commented on an appalling Ted Talk. Hope you guys are with me against this garbage.

Link at the bottom of the post. Pls hit that link and comment there as well. Our voice matter, even tho that useless video will accumulate additional views.

Clearer picture he

Video link >here<  

Second Hand

Hi ecf! From what i read and understand that second hand vapor isn't that bad for you(please correct me if you can). Was wondering if i did it in a closed room with the window open would even reduce what little harm there is?  

Vaping Question

Hello ecf, i recently bought a sigelei 150w and an atlantis v2 subtank (amazing btw). I was outside vaping and a very kind gentlemen came up to me and asked me some questions about vaping. He told me he wants to quit cigs. We were both waiting for the bus so i thought yeah i dont mind. He starts asking me pretty common questions; is vaping safe, do i actually save money, etc. He then asked me a question i havent heard before. He asked me if its worse than cigarettes or if i get more nicotine because of the amount of vapor i was blowing out. (.3 at 85watts pretty big clouds) I've never heard this question before and was wondering if anyone has, or if they know the answer. TIA  

Is There Still Some Support For E-cigaretes & Vaping . . .

Okay - I found it very interesting that with all the recent hoopla, hysterics and diatribe & condemnation of E-Cigarettes and "Vaping" (inclusive) on all major Media oulets - that one of the local 3 PBS Stations here in South Florida - WLRN (out of Miami) has actually been showing a very good older educational/documentary program from BBC that I saw a couple of years ago :

"E-Cigarettes: Miracle Or Menace" (2016):
Can't embed video here - So here is the link to video:

(BTW: It is also shown on Netflix: Netflix)

AND - Then online there was a repeat of CBS Sunday Mornings Report last year:
"Clearing the air on e-cigarettes" (Oct 2018)

Besides Canada's Networks: CBC News - 5th Estate:
"Investigating e-cigarettes: a less harmful way to smoke?" (2016)

Also, there is an excellent documentary (mixed languages - sub-titles) :
"Beyond The Cloud - Documentary film about vaping" (2016)

AND - IMHO - While these maybe older videos, i do believe they are still relevant. SO - I hope this info will be enlightening and open the conversation to the general public and "You", your Family & Friends that keep asking you if is Ok / or that "You" NEED to Stop, and can be especially helpful about what "Vaping" is and is not when and if Ya' are ever confronted by others. That is if they are willing to watch and learn . . . Just Sayin' . . .


Time To Go On Offense

Got approached by security guard today at work who directed me to the smoking area. Company just moved to a new office complex. I've always went out walking to vape in non-traffic areas. At this new place, security guard must of been alerted or something, must of followed me waiting for me to take a vape. Another fellow vapor in the smoking area said he was scolded too.

This is getting out of hand, not sure I can do the smoking area, smell of cigarettes just gets to me now. Thinking about trying the side walk, thinking side walk should be public right a way, should be safe there or not.

Seems like we need some offensive. Defense is getting us no where, regulations getting enacted without question. The standard is vaping allowed only in designated smoking areas.

I mean is this stuff bad for you or not!! And, if not, if they have no proof that second hand vapor is harmful to the general public, then what right do they have to make me inhale second hand cigarette smoke.

Heck, they should be thanking me for not polluting the corner of the parking garage they call the smoking area with butts and smoke.

End of rant.  

How To Go About Being A Reviewer?

I've been vaping for a bit and I'm interested in becoming a reviewer.
I bought some juices and asked the manager if he'd mind if I did a YouTube video on the juice. I've done the video and now I'm just waiting. Can someone steer me in the right direction. Thanks in advance  

Mount Baker Vapor Shocked Us.

I ordered some unflavored juice and some flavorings from MBV and explained in a comment what it was for," Please ship as soon as possible. My uncle has had a stroke and has been in the hospital rehabbing for three weeks. He goes home March 6, 2015 and i want to make sure he has supplies on hand to make the switch over to vaping as easy as I can make ity for him. Thanks Guys." Here is their letter back.... ​