Atlantis In An Ego One ?

So I know the kanger nano fits on the ego one and works pretty good I assume, but what about an atlantis, I know it won't be flush or anything but I was gonna give my boy my atlantis for his ego one but dunno if it's waste of time  

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Thinking Of Grabbing An Atlantis (v1) On Fri.

So after a little over 2 months of sub-ohming with Kanger exclusively (mini and nano), I think I'm gonna get a first version Aspire on Friday. Not because I'm tired of Kanger, quite the opposite actually I'm really satisfied. But, I don't wanna get into the real high wattage cloud contests necessarily, I want to keep good flavor and it seems like the 2 biggest tanks in the sub ohm market are the Kanger subtanks and the Aspire Atlantis. So I found one used for 20 bucks, I figured I'd give it a try. What kind of differences between it and the Kangers should I expect? I know some people think they have better flavor. They use different ohm level coils as well right? What kind of wattage do you run one at?  

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Have Aspire Lost It?

So Aspire have announced an Atlantis 2 and Atlantis Mega along with a CF Maxx battery.
Will I purchase these? Yes! Am I excited? No!

Aspire revonutionalised the vaping world with the birth of the Nautilus. When the Atlantis arrived everyone was excited that Aspire had made a new model, and expectations were high! No way am I claiming the Atlantis is garbage, but after looking at it, there wasn't really a big wow. It just kind of looked small and boring! But performance is the main point!

KangerTech most likely Aspires biggest rivals had taken first place with their SubTank series! Although I hate Kanger! The more options and reliability were so much better than the Atlantis!

When I heard Aspire were releasing these I had high hopes that we would get an Aspire RTA with more Ohm option stock coils and a 50W 18650 MOD! But... Apparently the Mega tank and the MOD is 30mm so pretty big! Also it charges from a USB and there is no rebuild section! So all in all a few minor upgrades including drip tip changes and more airflow. But nothing that will make you want to buy one straight away. I'm an Aspire fan! I will support them and make a purchase regardless! Just think they could of done more!

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Subtank With No Spit Back

Hey guys,

I'm looking for a tank and battery combo that subohm at . 5 but the tank has absolutely no juice spit back. I do know my atlantis and atlantis v2 have tiny droplets of juice that hit the tounge. So small that I don't notice it until I had someone point it out to me. I run 70pg, 30vg juice.

I'm looking for a setup for a friend with a tank that is small like the atlantis v1 or subtank mini with a small frame mod.

They currently have a I stick 30 so ideally I'd like a tank that works with that.

I will say thru personal testing the atlantis v2 will give me absolutely no spit back at 50 watts, but the I stick 30 cannot get to 50 watts.

If a new mod is needed, they will go with the new Kanger 50 box but my big concern is spit back. I'm talking I need a tank that has no spit back.

I'm looking at doing this in the smallest package I can. Ml capacity isn't a issue. Size and weight is the issue here too.

Rba tanks are out of question. Need something with replacement wicks.

Any ideas?

Sent from my LGMS395 using Tapatalk  

Istick 50w And Atlantis 2

Well decided to bite the bullet and get the istick 50w and the Atlantis 2, so far so good I got it off a Canadian website both for 120 and received it the next day! Gotta say the Atlantis 2 is our of control lol nothing compared to my aerotank mega put about 20 ml through it so far and not a single dry hit, seems to eat through juice like crazy tho lol and maybe just a little too much air flow for my liking but I'm sure I'll grow to these things but as they are kind of new their still a little weird for me, anyone else run this setup? Any tips or tricks for me? I noticed to get the maximum amount of liquid in it I screw the coil into the tank fill it right full then screw the bottom part on works well  

Istick Tank And Ejuice Suggestions For Huge Clouds

I am currently using the istick 50watts with the Aspire Atlantis 2. I just upgraded to the Atlantis 2 from the original Atlantis. I certainly like the Atlantis 2 better, I love the improved airflow I just don't like how hot the tank gets. I have it cranked all the way up to 50watts. Does anyone else have a tank they would recommended for the istick 50watts? I love chasing after big clouds. I would also like to hear any suggestions about how to get bigger clouds out of the set up I already have. Such as rebuilding/modifying the coils for bigger clouds or recommendations for ejuices. I've messed around with different pg/vg ratios to see what works best for me. If someone can give some suggestions as far as what they like or what they've found to work best, I will certainly check them out. I have a tendency to lean more to sweet or fruity flavors, but I'm open to try anything. Thank you everybody in advance for any input.  

Atlantis Won't Fire On Kbox

I've been using my Atlantis on a Kamry K101, and just got hold of a Kbox because I wanted to boost power. Unfortunately, the Atlantis won't fire on the Kbox. Charge indicator shows battery full charge, but it won't fire on any wattage selection.

The Atlantis I'm using fires fine on other batteries I've tried, and the Kbox fires an iClear 30S with no problem - it just seems the Atlantis/Kbox combo doesn't want to work together. The contacts on tank/battery are clean, no gunk or liquid in them.

I've tried Googling the issue, but all I'm mainly finding is people recommending the two together as a good combo.

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing the problem?

Thanks in advance for any help.