Have Aspire Lost It?

So Aspire have announced an Atlantis 2 and Atlantis Mega along with a CF Maxx battery.
Will I purchase these? Yes! Am I excited? No!

Aspire revonutionalised the vaping world with the birth of the Nautilus. When the Atlantis arrived everyone was excited that Aspire had made a new model, and expectations were high! No way am I claiming the Atlantis is garbage, but after looking at it, there wasn't really a big wow. It just kind of looked small and boring! But performance is the main point!

KangerTech most likely Aspires biggest rivals had taken first place with their SubTank series! Although I hate Kanger! The more options and reliability were so much better than the Atlantis!

When I heard Aspire were releasing these I had high hopes that we would get an Aspire RTA with more Ohm option stock coils and a 50W 18650 MOD! But... Apparently the Mega tank and the MOD is 30mm so pretty big! Also it charges from a USB and there is no rebuild section! So all in all a few minor upgrades including drip tip changes and more airflow. But nothing that will make you want to buy one straight away. I'm an Aspire fan! I will support them and make a purchase regardless! Just think they could of done more!

One last thing! I was kind of put off of the fact they called it the Atlantis Mega! When there's Kanger AeroTank Mega! I would of thought they would make the effort and come up with something more unique!

Video he https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=swQHODWlqMA  

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Thanks in advance,

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Thanks and and enjoy vaping!