I Miss My Mod

A buddy of mine is in his last week of methadone treatment and is a complete wreck. He has been using disposable cig-a-likes to help clam his nerves but I know that those things are not very satisfying. I let him try my Billow a top an IPV mini 2 and it blew him away. He asked me how much for a set up like that was because he thought it would help him out immensely. He is newly married with an eight week old baby so money is a little tight. I decided to let him borrow it to help a brother out, but man I miss that thing. It's like a child to me. Oh and just to make it clear, I let him use my Fogger v6 cause I don't care if he breaks that lol  

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What I Miss ....

Do you know what I miss... I miss walking into my favorite Vape store and the people there are tooting over the latest and greatest Mod or device that just came out.
I miss seeing the group of trick vapers testing out there New " O " or " Jellyfish " and everyone taking videos or photos.
I really miss when I could sample flavors and get real genuine feedback on what others tasted like. When there were no Bans, No Hate demonstrated by the media, and the FDA trying to shut vaping down.
Here is some words for thought. . . With all the ban and all the hate why the F*** are cigarettes still around? I mean I know they follow guidelines but that .... is KNOWN to cause CANCER and DEATH! Why stop the only thing keeping me, you, family from them?
Backwards, this human species of law and order is so backwards.
I just want to Vape in Peace...  

Still Cool To Not Sub-ohm?

Whenever i go out for a drink on the town with the lady, I'll see vapsters here and there with their sub-ohm setups. And here i am with my Nautilus Mini and whatever low-wattage mod I decided to pair it with.

Honestly, each day I seem to enjoy using these low wattage devices, such as the VV4 and a Nautilus Mini, more and more as opposed to my sub-ohm gear.

With my Nautilus, the flavor and throat hit is always spot on, and the vapor is nice too for what it is. I seem to be using this setup more and more lately... And when subbing, it's rare for me to get that satisfying hit, i just find myself vaping more and more to feel satisfied thus burn through a ton of juice. With a Nautilus, I get that satisfying hit right away and vape here and there.

With my sub-ohm gear, juices can be a hit or miss at times in terms of flavor and hit. But i can always count on my Nautilus Mini to give me exactly what I want each and every time.

I even bought a MVP20 at a killer price to perfectly compliment the Nautilus Mini. I wouldnt be burning through nearly as much juice, thus saving me money in the long run.

It's nice to blow crazy big clouds in public, but im starting to fall back on mimicking a standard cigarette with vaping rather than chase clouds.

Am i crazy for shying away from sub-ohming? Maybe it will be fun again after i take a break from it?  

Iclear16's Breaking

Has anyone else had their iclears breaking? Mine break less than a week after buying them. The first thing to go is the tip which swells and gets soft at the bottom where is seals with the white rubber cap. After that the plastic tube breaks where it is attached to the metal. I just placed some epoxy around the joint where it breaks apart. I have just tried a solution but would like to hear others experiences with these. Has anyone else had them break so soon?


My Tanks Won't Sit Tight On My Gen Mod

Recently my 2 Tobecco Super Tank Mini tanks won't sit tight on my Vaporesso Gen Mod. It doesn't spin, when it's all the way tight but they both wobble a little while on the mod. It's kinda annoying & I try my best to keep my thumb against the tank just to make sure it won't move while firing but just wanna make sure I'm safe to continue vaping as I can't afford a new tank, definitely not a new Mod right now. On the other hand, I have a daughter to take care of. Just trying to figure out if it's fixable & tanks or mod? I hope I explained it well enough?!  

May 18 2021 Was 10 Years Without A Cig

I keep posting the same old thing, every year. Adjust to suit!

It has been 10 years recently, since my last cigarette. I haven't been posting in recent months/years, I have been keeping up on the treadmill of life. For the last couple of years, I have been pasting this exact same thing on my anniversary. I think it still works.

Thanks to ECF for being here, to the mods for keeping it sane, CASAA for working so that we can have a future, and all of you for helping each other and yourselves!

Like most of you, I spent too large a percentage of my life killing myself slowly, and eventually spending a lot of money to do so. In my particular case, I still loved smoking, but grew disgruntled over the health realities, Big Tobacco, and the taxation of cigs. I have quit many times, in many ways, but never for more than a few months. During those few months, I was never pleasant to be around.

It's easy to make excuses to keep smoking, I made them all.

I am *not* an expert, and nobody asked me, but since I am waxing eloquent I will make suggestions about how it worked for me. YMMV

1. To quit smoking, you really only need two things. A device that works for you (charging, form factor, blahblah) and juice that you like. Three things. The desire to quit.

2. Don't feel obligated to stop smoking immediately. I was an accidental quitter. Initially I wanted to smoke some and vape some. I could save some money, and not have to stand outside in the rain. It's OK to smoke while you are learning what works for you. You can do that for the rest of your life, if you want to.

2b. Keep an idea of where you are on supplies. You need backups of everything (home, work, car). After I decided to actually quit smoking, two weeks in I had two battery deaths in two days. I only had two batteries. After 12 hours of crazy, I had to smoke.

3. Learn your device well, before you start collecting more and more! It can be convenient to wind up with a couple of different styles that work for different life situations. If you buy one every week, you will spend a lot of money and could still be deep down unhappy that "it's not working like I thought it would". Many of us as smokers can be a wee bit OCD anyway. Don't let collecting get in the way of Not Smoking (tm)

4. Don't buy a gallon of the first juice that you like. It will take a month or more before your damaged sense of taste/smell start regenerating. What you loved initially you may hate in a month. Buy lots of small samplers, to discover what you like.

5. Yes, you will save money, lots of it. See #3 and #4 above.

6. At the end of the day, all these devices are just batteries and heaters. How long they last, charging, the form factor, the ability to adjust them during use are all just variations on a theme. Some of the cig-a-likes have a lifetime of 30 charge cycles. Some larger ones can be charged 500 times. Find the balance that works for you. What *does* matter, is the actual vaping end of it. Explore attys, cartos, tanks, RBA. Try them all, this is what determines the taste and vapor production.

7. Support your local vape shop. I know you can get this stuff from China for cheap. Your local brick and mortar shop is spending a lot of money for rent and employees, and the ability to sample juice is not possible on AliBaba. They are also providing a valuable service in being a first exposure to vaping for many. Go in and hang out. If nothing else, buy some drip tips, juice, attys or doo-dads. Check out the new PVs.

8. With few exceptions, the kiosk at the mall is not a good deal, nor a good idea. Free trials online or from radio ads are always a ripoff. You will spend a lot more on much inferior equipment and then have a hard time getting it off of your credit card.

9. Don't be arrogant about vaping in public. They don't know that you are not smoking from 10 feet away. My area has illegalized vaping. With low VG juice, I can discreetly vape after a meal. It beats standing outside in the rain.

10. Don't get in flamewars on ECF about your favorite device. Yes, there are idiots here, don't be one. If it works for you, that is the best one for you.

11. Once you get comfortable with vaping, consider DIY. Juice is what costs the most in the long run. Start small, measure with precision, keep detailed notes, be safe. You know what you like better than any description on a web page.

12. Join CASAA, and do things.

13. ECF is great for support. Don't be afraid to bare your soul to kindred spirits here in a hard time, you can find a lot of strength.

#14 for 2017. Consider a banner. I forgot about mine here. For several years, I kept one going on my phone. It was a good motivator for me. I would await milestones. When I had a hard time quitting, my banner helped me. "Only two more days until <whatever exciting increment is coming up>".

#15 for 2017. Reward yourself with the money you save. I am not wealthy, but after a few months of not smoking, I realized I was not as broke before payday. Buy something fun. Take your significant other out. Buy those tires you have been needing. If you are not inclined to buy 'things', invest in something risky. Or in something conservative.

#16 for 2019. Now? I find myself mixing juice with zero flavor, a few mg/ml of nic. It's mostly ritual now. But I like it!

#17 for 2021. I missed posting last year, Covid-Crazy. My devices have all died. My beat-to-sheeit Vaporshark 40 has finally quit functioning completely a few weeks after my 10th anniversary. It has been disassembled *many* times, cleaned the switches/contact points with rubbing alcohol, that always brought it back. I never got into the high-wattage 'cloud machine' aspect. The Vaporshark/DNA/Evolv devices run at about 12-20 watts was fine. I'm 66, just retired, don't think I will replace the vaping devices. I find I miss vaping, I don't miss smoking. Attached is the old 'About' screen of my Vaporshark. It lights up, but the + button for wattage had died (and I've re-soldered the connections). At least it was 'Genuine' and not a fake..


Well It Happened.

I make the choice that I'm certain I'll be vaping forever. I figured since I enjoy it, I'm gonna learn everything I want to know and make it a hobby.
Me being a perfectionist, I decided it was time to piece together a setup that was not only powerful, but pleasing to the eyes.
After much consideration, I made the choice to not go sub ohm. I instead decided a higher power, higher ohm setup would please me.
So this is what I ended up with.
Aspire CF VV 1600MAH battery. Instead of rocking a VV+ most people use, I went the route I did to get 600 more MAH battery and didn't care about the beauty ring because after all, my Aspire K1 tank is a backup now and can't be used with the VV+
The tank had to be good too. This was where I wanted to upgrade the most. I wanted adjustable airflow, and better coils.
The Nautilus Mini was the only clear choice. 2ml is fine for me as I switch flavors now and then, and the new redesigned OCC coils you can purchase was a selling point.
I've been using the setup since last night, and WOW!!! This tank brings the flavor through in ways I never thought possible. Also, the vapor production is amazing to me. I don't care about cloud chasing so by my standards this is a fog machine at higher voltage lol.
Overall with 5 additional spare coils I'm about 65$ in this setup and that's a bargain. It performs so well.
Also wanna throw out that GWAR Spew from MBV is friggin amazing in this tank!!!!  

Tough Week

Well, this week was a tough one. Actually, the last two weeks have been weirdly roller coaster like, and not in a good way. I lost two childhood friends back-to-back and the last one was a complete shock. He was online posting motivational memes on FB on Friday - and mentioned he was going into the hospital for kidney stone treatment.

He never came back. His treatment went horribly wrong and he was rushed back to the ER with symptoms of a heart attack. It wasn't a heart attack. He was almost immediately placed on life support and almost as fast, his organs began shutting down - and now he is gone.

He was a veteran and I always remember him as being one of those guys who was always quick to defend the kids who were prone to being bullied. He was always a really good guy and I wasn't surprised at all when I heard he'd joined the Air Force. And he was also one of those guys you had a stinking suspicion was going to out-live everybody.

This is one of those weeks when it is almost instinctive to reach for a cigarette because I was still reeling from the loss of another childhood friend when this happened. I am relieved and happy to say I didn't smoke. It did serve as a reminder that sometimes the unexpected happens, and it's those moments when that cigarette monkey is going to try and catch you off guard.

Anyway, just some thoughts. I don't want to be a downer. Just remember to be careful - and hug your loved ones.  

Miss Vaping...

I quit smoking to start vaping and have never once missed smoking. A little over a month ago I quit vaping all together after two years of slowly working my nicotine level down from 36mg to 0mg.

I quit vaping at zero milligrams of nicotine and never experienced nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

I guess these would all be good things except for the fact that I miss vaping. Multiple times a day since I quit the thought of having a vape pops in my head and just as soon as it does this weird feeling of loss follows as I realize I no longer vape. I would think by now these feeling would have subsided but they have not.

I wouldn't think much of it but since quitting I have gained 10lbs, have little to no energy, find myself easily frustrated and worst of all have found myself drinking a lot more than normal (which is probably why I gained 10lbs anyway). A huge part of me just wants to go back to vaping.

I guess my question is, Did anyone else quit vaping and experience weird side effects from quitting? If so, how long did it take you to feel normal again?  

What Is Your Favorite Disposable Vape?

So, I want to try out these new disposable vape things. They seem to be catching on like wild fire. I mean I guess the prices have come down a lot. I see you can get these things for the cost of a pod coil replacement.

Do you vape on a Disposable? If so which one is your favorite? Please send along some recommendations.  

Am I The Only One?

Sometimes I feel like the Lone Ranger when it comes to RBA's, RTA's etc. I just can't stand them. I've spent more money than I care to admit buying wire, cotton, torches and all the other supplies. I've watched countless hours of "how-to" videos. I've built and rebuilt coils. Not to mention the money I've spent on various RDA's. After all this, I just love my Nautilus Minis with BVC coils. Nothing else is as satisfying to me. After 6+ years of vaping, they are my perfect set-up along with a nice VW box mod. Anybody else with me on this?