Poping Or Crackling Noise When Vaping

Im using ipv mini with Atlantis aspire tank and im vaping unicorn milk. I have it set at 28 w. When I vape it makes a piping or crackling noise. Is that normal?  

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Really Frustrated

Sorry don't know if this is in the right forum.

I have had a mini nautilus for about about a week now.

I've been through so many threads on other people's issue with gurgling and can't find a fix.

I don't get spitting it's just the noise. It's really frustrating me.

I checked website for my mini and it is verified genuine.

Anyone with any suggestions?.

Tried everything mentioned else where. Tried new coil and still making noise. My coils are BVC that cake with verfied mini.

On very rare occasion it doesn't happen it seems to be when I'm on my car which is strange.....

It's leading me to believe it is a problem caused by temperature.

If I can't get this fixed then I'm going to just go back to using my profanity 2 which is a shame as the mini provides better flavour.

I don't see how it's got such good reviews..

Please help  

Help .2ohms Aegis Mini 80w Tc Bad Taste

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Why Does The New Aspire Atlantis V2 1.0 Ohm Coil Need 40-50 W?

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Thanks and and enjoy vaping!  

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