How Did You Start Vaping And Why ?

I did because I was addicted to cigarettes . I found out about them on the net and I was going to buy one of those starter kits but I did not . I researched a bit more and found out that rebuildables are cheaper and better so I bough a rebuild-able together with a unregulated mod . I watched a few tutorials on youtube and my first build was pretty decent so I stuck to rebuildables . Funny thing is up to this day , I still dont have a ohm meter . My 18650s have always been 35A so I was never worried safety . I have never built a coil ( I use 24G ) with less than 4 wraps and never had any problems . Just a week ago I ordered a iStick 50w which I am really exited about . I was going to buy the God 180W but it turned out that it can not be charged though USB which is a necessity for a VW/VV mods .

i would like to hear your stories  

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I Think I Found My Final Set Up...for Now


So I started vaping 5 or 6 years ago. Started with on of those ego pens and some kinda weird atomizer I don't even see around anymore and gave up on it within a month.

About 2 months ago I started again when my buddy gave me his old vv pen(not sure of brand) and his Nautilus (sp?) tank. I liked the flavor much more but it still wasn't cutting it. So I went to my local b&m and ended up with an egrip. Now, that sucker is what got it all started for me.
Within a week, I got the rba and started reading tutorials and safety tips for days upon days. Built my first coil on it and fell in love with rebuilding.

Anyways, I'm getting off subject lol. So I went with the egrip and upgraded to an istick 50 watt with a freak show RDA. Was buildimg on that thing daily, not for bad reasons besides addiction to building lol.
I used that for a while. Then i thought I wanted more power so I then upgraded to a sigelei 150. Using a lemo and magma exclusively. My favorite RTA and RDA.

Last week I was shopping around online and found a rogue RDA for 5 bucks and a kbox for like 12-15 bucks. Went ahead and ordered 3 of each because I figured if I didn't like em I could sale or give them to friends.

Well it turns out that this new 20 dollar set up is now my absolute favorite and don't see myself needing any of the other equipment anymore. Cept the lemo for drives and what not.

I just wish I would have realized this earlier.
Got a picture of it for you, next to can for size reference.
Not sure why the pic is sideways like that but tilting your head makes it look normal ha.  

I Have A Serious Question

So today I bought a pack of cigarettes . I havent smoked in a long time and i feel like vaping has turned me into a complete nicotine addict and this is why I bough the pack , I wanted to test myself since I know how much I use to smoke . Ever since I started vaping I have been increasing strenght and quantity of juice per day and I vape a lot , some days , I would vape between 10 - 15 ML of 6mg juice and absorb another ML though my skin while building . I smoked my first cigarette in almost a year and I finished it and guess what after that I wanted another one but I didnt take it .

Well before I started vaping I was smoking one cig every 2-3 hours and now I want way more . I am honestly considering quiting vaping and smoking all together , maybe 1 cig day , that would be it . Or maybe I should switch to non rebuiuldable tanks and stop making my own juice because I honestly feel like DYI and rebuildables is what made me vape more , trying different build on different attomizers , trying my new DYI e-liquids , trying other e-liquids that I bought , trying this , trying that , and at the end of the day 20ML of juice gone .

What would you recommend me ?  

How Is This Even Possible

8/9 wraps of AWG 29 Kanthal on 2mm bit should give you around 1.8 ohms, right? At least that is what it has always given me. This evening I was rebuilding a Nautilus BVC like I have done so many times before. Lo and behold I put the coil on the ohm meter and it's reading 0.18. I look for sticking out bits of wire. None. I throw out the coil and start over with exactly the same build as always. Again I get 0.16 ohms. I test it on all my regulated mods... same result on all of them.

How is this even possible?!  

Coil Builds

I'm about to venture into doing my own builds and I had a silly question. I have watched dozens of videos on how to do builds and have even done a couple builds on some of my friends attys. I have one friend who on all his dual builds he uses two coils with different wraps. For example one coil with 7 wraps and one with 5. Does anyone else build this way? I have never asked him why he does this and in all the videos I've watched I've never seen anyone else do it. Is there a specific reason? Just curious  

Help A Brother Out!

Hello everyone!

I have a smok al85 which i have owned for a good 2 years or so and ive been pretty happy with it. However i'd like to upgrade to a new mod kit- from research i have found 2 i like a lot- the vaporesso gen and luxe nano.

I need help choosing the right one- With a 220W mod, am i able to vape at 50- 60w with the appropriate coil without sacrificing flavour?

I like the nano, but i hear the battery is pretty bad, however it is cheaper than the Gen.

If anyone can help me out i'd very much appreciate it~
Thank you!  

Opinions On The Eleaf Istick Mini???

I just started vaping last week. I also just ordered my istick mini. I watched a few reviews they were good. I don't want to sub ohm just clearomizers and such for me. I have gotten adventurous and switched from a rgular bcc to a BDC.  

Someone Help Me.

Hello everyone. I have a problem. I'm gonna need some help to get through this, I may not even make it. Who knows?

I'm addicted. Not the good kind. The kind that costs money... The kind that makes my long hours at work perish with the swipe of my debit card... I'm addicted to.. Upgrading.

So I'm in need some some help from the best of the best with you guys. I'm looking to upgrade! I'm currently looking into going from my istick50w and Subtank Mini, to a mech mod and rda. I'm gonna start my way with single coil builds, and go up to dual. I am thinking I have about $100 I want to work with, so can someone make some recommendations?!

I already have some cotton and kanthal from my rba with the subtank. I'm just looking for a good starter mech and battery set up, with a pretty decent rda. Now, since this is my first, I'm not biased at all against clones. I welcome them! As long as they are decent quality and get the job done, so be it!

But here's one catch: I don't really like shiny stuff, oddly enough. I mean brass, or really shiny silver. I don't like scratches that stuff seem to get in my pocket. I love stuff to look perfect all the time!

So any help or recommendations are greatly appreciated! I have no idea about batteries or their chargers, but I'm more than willing to educate myself.  

Cigalikes Are Garbage

Any veteran vaper will tell you this truth.
We have all probably tried them at first. I know I did. I can tell you a universal and undeniable truth about them.
They are garbage.
They are nothing more than a most introductory lesson into vaping. I know of no vaper in my circle of friends that started with a cigalike and continue to use them. They have many flaws and 1 in particular comes to mind.
In the cartomizer, the unit that holds the 'liquid', no one has any idea what is in there. Sure, the package might tell you but how do you know? These cigalikes were the only product used in a study in 2008 to determine what was in the liquid. The results were disturbing but not surprising. They found formaldehyde, cyanide and other toxic chemicals usually found in cigarette smoke. So, yes, they really are cigalikes. But at the same time, painted the entire industry with a broad brush so now everyone thinks that vaping is just as deadly, if not more so, than smoking analog cigarettes which is nothing but one gigantic lie. Any vaper will tell you that.
Why were these chemicals found in a vaporizer? Because most cigalikes are, and have been, produced by Big Tobacco. They don't want to lose customers or money. They want every former smoker to be just as addicted to their cigalikes as they were to their cigarettes. There are several videos on YouTube of interviews with BT representatives that say this very thing.
Don't buy the garbage because it's cheap. Go to your local vape shop and talk to someone who was in your shoes.  

Do You Save Your Coil Builds?

Hey guys just recently got a Lemo2, wasn't happy with the coil that it came built with for some reason so built my first one to put in. I think it came out pretty good, I believe it came with 24g Kanthal and I did 11 wraps around 3.5mm came out to 0.9ohm. It takes a while to ramp up but seems to give a nicer vape to me than the stock one which was like 5 wraps around 2mm at 0.5 ohm.

Anyways, I tossed the original coil and now am wondering if I really had to or could have saved it. When you guys try new coil builds do you save your older builds? And being that it's really just resistance wire does a coil ever really need to be replaced or is it just for novelty/trying new builds?  

Recommendations For Dual 18650 Regulated Mods

I love my Istick 50 for ease of use, size, battery life but I'm looking to get something similar with replaceable batteries. I don't vape over 20w and mouth to lung inhale. I'm not into rebuildables. Thanks