Is It That Hard To Find A Vape Shop That Carries Vapor Shark ?

I have called 15-20 vape shops in the southern california, orange county area and not a single one of them has a Vapor Shark rDNA 40 in stock Are they that popular or do shops just not order a lot for their stores. I hate waiting for things to come in the mail and I am willing to drive 20-30 miles to get one but not even that is an option. I wish there weren't a million little shops here and there. We need a big orange county cape shop that carries all the bigger brands and doesn't run out after a day or two after getting them in the shop.


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Vapor Shark Price Reduction

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Vape Shop Sued For Selling Juul

Franklin County mother sues JUUL, vape shop over twin daughters alleged addiction to vaping

A Franklin County mother is suing e-cigarette manufacturer JUUL Labs, a Hilliard vape shop and its owners – alleging that her twin daughters became addicted to vaping through JUUL’s online marketing campaigns. The lawsuit also alleges that the Hilliard Smoke House allowed the girls to purchase the product with ease – despite being underage.​

Nasty development. Vape shops can't afford expensive lawyers.  

Clark County In Washington State

Just passed a bill that Regulates Vaping like it does Cigarettes.

Clark County passes vaping ordinance - The Reflector: News

Bummer. But can still vape in your home and in vape shops. Which i guess doesn't impact us too much. But where will it end...  

Vaping Equipment At Pawn Shops

After being disappointed with the vape shops in Philadelphia, I saw an odd looking store that had "vapes" on an outside sign. It was a pawn shop! One section of the display case was filled with decent mods, and decent atomizers. It was better stuff than I saw in the vape shops. I bought a new still-sealed-in-the- box Pioneer4you iPV5 mod for $60. I found out later that the going price on is closer to $50. Lesson learned, knowledge and the willingness to haggle are necessary.

But still, this opens up possibilities as things get worse. Anything used, of course, would need to be checked out and should be discounted as used merch.

Its sad to think that things are coming to this.  

4 Vape Shops Within Walking Distance Of Me

I live on the East Coast USA.

Walking down the street, it's hard to notice that vaping is taking off in any meaningful way, because most people that I see still smoke analogs, that includes both young people and older people too. I'm not going to judge them, because it wasn't that long ago that I was still puffing on an analog, and I had failed to see the awesomeness of vaping.

Besides myself, I don't really see too many people vaping outside on sidewalks. I vape outside in the same way that I'd smoke analogs before, so that means practically all of the time, and especially when I'm walking outside. I'm using a thin e-cig, so I don't usually get too many strange looks. I can imagine what kind of looks somebody walking down the sidewalk must get if they're using one of those big, fancy and shiny looking mods to vape with.

Just 6 months ago, there were no vape shops at all in the immediate local area where I live, and now there are 4 that have opened up, all within a very short walking distance of me (10 minutes or less). I'm pretty sure that a lot of non vapers who live here are walking past those stores every day and wondering, what the hell kind of store is that and why are so many of them opening up in this neighborhood?

One of those four stores will probably fail though, because their sign says tobacco/vape store, while the other 3 are dedicated to vaping only. A store can't be both in my opinion. That's a bit of a contradiction and a stupid combination to put it bluntly.

I've been to a couple of the vape stores so far, and in the short time that I was in those stores there were always new customers there who were smokers who were looking to start vaping.

So while I might not notice how popular vaping is by walking on the sidewalks, I think that it's safe to say that vaping is taking off big time with so many small vape shops opening up, and the amount of people vaping will only increase, because there's still a lot of smelly smokers out there who haven't yet given up on their cancer sticks.

And if this is happening where I live, then I bet that similar things are happening all across the country. Every small town should have at least one dedicated vape shop! I like the quick and easy access to all sorts of liquids and brands.

Just today, I was reading online about some premium liquids, and instead of ordering it online (I didn't want to wait), I had acquired a bottle of that exact liquid five minutes later, after sampling it quickly, and I was already at home and vaping it 10 minutes later.  

Any Vape Shops In Albany, Ny?

I will be spending the next 3 weeks in Albany, NY for work and was wondering if there are any vape shops that are good to visit?

Here in the Portland, Or area there are quite a few shops so we are kind of spoiled with the quantity and quality of the local shops.  

Vape Shops Closing

I've noticed a lot of online vape shops are closing. Brick and mortar shops are still open in my area, so it doesn't seem like they're being affected. I've been getting emails from online shops announcing their closing dates. Do you think it is from all the vaping hysteria going on and flavor bans? Are brick and mortar shops closing in your areas?  

Dna 40 Authenticate Devices

Looking for a list. I know of the vapor flask, vapor shark and Hana boxes. Needs to be 18650 replaceable batts. Ready go!

Sent while on the move with Tapatalk  

Helping A Long Time Heavy Smoker To Start Vaping

Hey guys, I'm sure this topic pops up quite often round these parts but since everyone's a little different I thought I'd make my own thread

I, myself, have been vaping for 2 years now and I absolutely love it. I'm 26 and I smoked for about 7 years at around 15 cigarettes a day, and then spent about a year and a half transitioning exclusively to vaping. I'm now happy to say I've been smoke free for nearly 6 months thanks to my vape

My aunt has been a smoker for much much longer than I was, around 25 years I believe, and she goes through more than a pack a day (possibly 2). I'm going to visit her in a couple days and I plan on bringing all my old vape hardware for her to check out, and we're gonna hit a b&m as well. Since this forum has done a great deal to help me in so many aspects of vaping, I was hoping you could help me to help her by answering some questions, giving some of your opinions, etc. In framing your answers, it might be important to know that as of now she's pretty lukewarm to the idea. She doesn't reject and is willing to try it, but she's skeptical it'll work for her.

First: from someone who's done this with a serious heavy smoker before preferably, what's the best way to go about this in your opinion? What worked for you? The last thing I would wanna do is overwhelm or do something that turned her off to the possibility of vaping.

Second: what is the comparison of cigarettes to ejuice. Everyone who doesn't know much about vaping seems to want to know: how much ejuice equals one cigarette/one pack/etc. At this point I don't care much, and I never really did, I found something that works for me and that's what matters. But I'm sure she'll want to know. So lets say, for this questions purposes, around how many cigarettes would a 15ml, 6mg bottle of juice equate to?

Third: do you think it's worth investing in a set up more advanced than a basic ego twist/cartomizer initially with the thought that something higher quality might have a better chance to work long term for her? I'm thinking something like an istick/atlantis set up might be a good way to go since they're so popular and replacement atomizers will be easy to pick up online or in a store.

Fourth: I live in southern California, but my aunt is in Leander, Texas, which is around an hour drive from Austin. Can anyone suggest a quality b&m that we can go check out? I've been to enough b&ms myself to know if it's a quality shop or not, and I'd feel much better about her chance to succeed with vaping if I found a nice shop with great customer service to leave her with. we'll likely go into Austin while I'm there and it'd be fun to check out some shops there so feel free to suggest Austin shops (in sure there's a lot) but that would be a mission for her on a regular basis. Something in Leander that she can frequent would be best.

I know this is horribly long so thank you to anyone who reads it all and replies to help me out with any part of this. I love my aunt very much and I know her want to quit is there. She just needs to find something that'll work and I really hope it can be vaping. Thank you again.  

Vape Shops Suing To Lift Bans. Why?

I mean I know why and I am right there with them opposing it. I am glad that many have prevailed (at least for now). When I say "why?" I mean that if I were a vape shop owner, I would be looking to liquidate all of my inventory long before May 2020, because at that point my shop will only have 3 or 4 disposable, non-refillable, over taxed pieces of junk to offer with just 2 flavors (tobacco and possibly menthol).

Are they just ignoring the writing on the wall or are they oblivious?

I mean obviously, for some, the bans came out of nowhere and they did not have time to liquidate, and maybe the legal fees were not over-the-top... but from this point on I would be looking at May if I were them and I would get out while I still can (or I would have already done so by now). As sad as it is, I just know that there are going to be all kinds of fantastic sales in April and early May.

Come May 2020, odds are that there will no longer be any vape shops in the US and it looks like online sales will be a thing of the past with the exception of from out of the country (if they will even ship here) and then you're taking the chance of it being confiscated by the FDA.