So Need My New Gear To Get Here!!!!!

I ordered a new Istick 50 and Lemo II and really need it to get here soon been vaping on an evod 2 for almost 2 months now and totally helped me get off the analogs but now everything I vape on it tastes like crap and very metallic even after cleaning and changing coils nothing helps so need to leave it and start fresh with some new gear and keep on vaping  

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Vaping Orlando

Well, I just got back from a week in Orlando (Kids, theme parks) and I wanted to share what I saw.

Disney: What a pita! Vaping is restricted to smoking areas, and these are extremely rare and far out.
Universal: Awesome. Even though I (mostly) vaped in the smoking areas, they were all over the place, easily accessible.

I also have to say that we (both myself and the kids) were really disappointed in the Disney parks (Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios). Old, stale, lame. Universal was awesome (We went to the Islands of adventure park; wish I had done 2 days of universal and one of Disney, rather than the other way around!)

But that actually isn't the reason for my post. What impressed me is the number of vapers I ran into (in the smoking areas). And I didn't see a single cigalike! Several big-ego batts (usually with EVOD heads) but also some great gear! There was a guy blowing such beautiful vape that I had to go ask - he was using a Herkales (don't remember what his box mod was) and uses an Arctic for backup. And never heard of ECF! (Hopefully he's joined!)

But what stunned me was that:
a) Every smoking area I went to, 25 percent of the people there were vaping, not smoking.
b) Everyone I talked to (was only about 4 people) had just started within the last few months
c) Nobody was using crap gear, or gas-station cigalikes.

Icing on the cake: While I was on vacation, a tree fell on my house. Met the adjuster today, and guess what? While we were walking around the outside of the house, he pulled out his vape! (And he also started just 2 months ago!)

Maybe I don't get out enough, but I was amazed, and encouraged. I think, when the end-of-year numbers come out on vaping some politicians are going to be unpleasantly shocked.  

Gear Beast Shipping\turn Around Time

So I just placed an order for some vape gear on Gear Beast. Been eye balling their site for a few weeks now.... kinda seems like the new fasttech in a way. I've ordered from fasttech many times. Their shipping was actually quite fast when they first started selling vape gear, but that went down hill quick as they got more popular.

So I'm wondering what kinda time line I'm looking at for a west coast USD delivery of my purchase. I figured you guys could help me out as I'm assuming a few people seeing this post will have ordered from them before.  

Can I Bring Vape Gear To Mexico?

I know y'all are the experts.

My husband and I are planning a trip to Cancun this fall. We're flying Delta. I know that Delta allows vape gear in carry on luggage.

However, I do not know if we are allowed to have our gear once we arrive at the airport in Mexico and/or return home from Mexico. I cannot find a definitive answer online.

Do any forum members know the answer? Has anyone traveled to Mexico recently, and what was your experience?

Btw: Preemptively stressing about this. My husband and I have been cigarette free for many years now, but we have never gone without vaping for any period of time.

Thank you!  

Spouse Driving Me Nuts!

My spouse says he doesn't need anything fancy and is happy to vape with the tank and battery he has.... Great! He doesn't want to research anything, but will listen to me when I talk about gear and tanks and whatever.

Every time I upgrade, he gets jealous of my better flavor/vapor, look of gear or whatever has changed. No big deal, he gets all my old gear when I get new....

Except that gear he was once coveting is no longer what he wants because he is now coveting my NEW gear!

Problem is, he has already called me from the road (in the middle of the night) to trouble shoot his Nautilus/Vamo set up, is always getting me to fix his stuff and when I try to show him how to do it he just kind of wanders off.

There is no way I am giving him an RBA!!! I can see me now building all his coils and getting frantic calls when he is on the road!!!

Anyone else have this problem with their SO? If so how do you deal with it? I get soooo frustrated! The man would run out of juice and never have a charged battery if he had to take care of it himself. Maybe I should just let him flounder for a while?  

Is It Normal?

Ok I upgraded from an evod 2 to an Istick 50 with the lemo ll today and built my first coil and wick coil came out at 1.9 ohms and I'm using organic japanese cotton been vaping on it for a few hours now and I'm getting a sore throat never got a sore throat from the evod 2 any ideas why this is happening?  

Let Us Now Praise Sturdy Gear

How often we hear in this forum of pricey gear that stopped working after it was dropped. Sounds to me like planned obsolescence. Let's use this thread to recommend gear that has proven to be sturdy.

Steer clear of mentioning yet again the gear that didn't make it. B-o-r-i-n-g! This is a good-news blog.

My own example: the no-brand-name ego-style clones I got in a starter kit at two vapes, etc.--which cost me $26 (now down to $22). I've replaced worn-out batteries ($7) and gotten extra clearomizers ($2-$2.50) for different flavors, but I've dropped that vape just about every day. No problems!  

How Have You Progressed Since You Started Vaping?

I started vaping and smoked my last cigarette Oct 12th 2013. I started with this..

This was my first setup and I loved it when I first got it. Then I got sick of dealing with the ego-c atomizers and upgraded to an Evod and boy I thought that was awesome! Lol.
December 6th 2013 I got my MVP2. (I remember the date because I got it the day before my friends wedding that I was in). Then came other clearos like an I smoke bcc mega, protank, etc.
Christmas 2013 I got an iTaste vv3 along with an iclear30s. I used that setup for quite a while until the Nautilus came out. I got one of those and used it up until last Christmas when I got an Atlantis along with an aspire sub ohm battery. After using that setup for a few months I really missed having a regulated device. I missed all the features and the adjustability of the MVP but wanted something more powerful that could power my Atlantis as well. So a few weeks back I ordered a 50w istick and that's where I'm at now.
I have yet to get into rebuilding but would like to try it out with something like a sub tank mini.
So when did you start vaping and how have you progressed?

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk  

How Does Vaping Actually Change The Taste Of Analogs?

Seen it mentioned over and over here that after vaping for a variable period
of time analogs start tasting 'nasty' to many (most?) people. Happened with
my father in law after about two months. Has not yet happened with a coworker
who vapes and still smokes. Think he has vaped over a year total and at
least four months with a proper rig.

So, exactly how can vaping while quitting change the taste of cigarettes when
cold turkey or the patch do not? At least they did not in the past, wife and
I quit and started back at least four times each before we finally
succeeded. Final time was almost six years ago so we were well before the
fire retardant / carpet glue was added.

Anyone quit and restart via vaping both before and after fire retardant was
added? Was the nasty taste absent back then or less pronounced?

Curious to hear from from anyone who has quit and restarted with different
methods and how the taste differs. Have read that Chantix and similar also
can cause a nasty taste. Is it the same as from vaping or different?

Never seen or found a thread devoted to this so though I would start one.  

Quitting Cigarettes Again

After around 7-8 years of vaping, I started smoking again. It happened Labor Day weekend. Some triggering, stressful, and highly irritating things went down. There have been a few times I've smoked before (since switching), but not for any amount of time.
The gear I have right now isn't doing much for me. Which makes me feel like a spoiled a hole, because I originally quit with 808 cig likes
My mod is an MVP 4.... I think The tank is a cleito pro. The other mod I have is so so. My e liquid is 9 mg DIY mint. It does not feel harsh enough. Buying new gear doesn't excite me at all anymore. So do any of you have some suggestions, for gear? I know what I need to do regarding the e liquid.  

Finally! No More Urges To Buy New Gear!

Finally! I've tried so many sub ohm tanks with a shelf of them to prove it along with box mods and I've found my perfect set up that I'm 100 percent happy with. That urge of "must have more" and "must have the latest and greatest" has finally subsided after 100s of dollars spent. I can finally relax on hardware and focus on enjoying good juices. I still stay up on new tech but I'm finally happy on my go to juice vendor and hardware. Oh what a good feeling!

My goto set up: Atlantis V1 with cotton coils and 5ml upgrade and ipv mini 2 at 32 watts. Any higher then 32 and the vape is too warm to enjoy. To justify this, I personally own the following:

Atlantis V2
Subtank mini using both Occ and rba
Delta I I using both coil and rba
Lemo 2
Arctic tank
Starre tank
Herakles tank
Kay fun v4

Ipv mini 1
Istick 30
Istick 20
M50 with 65w upgrade

My go to juices are all from itcvapes. 20$ for 120ml for the win.

Time to sell off old items or give them to friends to help them quit smoking.

FYI I'm so busy that rebuilding isn't an option for me. It's much Cheaper, and I have a ton of kanthal in different gauges with a big bag of Koh Gen do, but I'd rather pay for convenience of coils.

Wonderful feeling!