The 'better Flavour' Reviews..

I read reviews all the time on atties and tanks where the reviewer starts going on about the intense/superb/awesome flavour.

This was brought home to me by a couple of experiences i had with my home-made ADV. I love it in a Kafun but find it unvapeable in an Orchid.
Njoy AC Hedons Bite - Overwhelming melon flavour in a Kayfun - Predominantly apple flavour in a Subtank mini.

One device may well bring out certain aspects of a flavour that are more appealing and yet make other flavours taste mediocre.
To me it is over simplistic to announce that a particular device is best for flavour. In fact i believe anyone who says that should be forced to never leave a review again. Ever.
I know that wattage plays a part but to me the airflow is the biggest factor in flavour and not coil / chamber size / wick / colour of device.......

Or am i wrong ?  

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How Strong You Inhale Vs Flavour

Hello everyone.

How strong you inhale vs Flavour... does it make a difference?

I don't think I saw a thread or anything regarding this specific subject.

There are lots of information about atomizers, airflow, building coils and wick, MTL and DTL but in my opinion this small detail makes a huge difference.

Technically speaking, the amount of air (volume) you inhale can be the same but spreaded over a different period of time. I am a hard inhaler meaning, that when I think about it, I usually tone it down and next inhales are slower, softer and a bit longer.

Speaking from my own experience with the gear I have here is my conclusion.
-Taking a less aggressive draw usually leads to more flavor and a bit less clouds.
-There is also flavor notes that can be different in both situations.

This can also explain a bit why people coming from MTL to DTL sometimes are overwhelmed by the flavour and people doing to opposite get weak flavor results... they are just pulling too hard.

Just changing the way I draw on same atomizer, same build, same liquid, same power, will give massive different results.

Vaping is a fine balance on so many little things and in the end, when finally I hit the sweet spot, it's all so satisfying.

Stay safe.