Is Your Tip All Crusty?

If so, please see a doctor!

Sorry. No, what I mean is, every single drip tip I use - and I have quite a few now, from Smok, Kanger, Atlantis - ends up looking like this after a day or so of vaping:

Apologies for the poor reproduction, I don't have a proper camera handy, only my mobile phone whose "macro mode" leaves a little to be desired.

Hopefully you can vaguely see what I mean: regardless of the kind of juice I use - again quite a variety of manufacturers, and a range of ratios from 50:50 up to 80 PG / 20 VG - leaves a crusty residue around the edges of my drip tip.

I find that after 24 hours of vaping on a single tip, it's pretty noticeable, and a bit nasty. I prefer vaping custards and other dessert flavours, but do have a number of fruity juices and they do the same thing. Though I've never watched closely to see if one kind of juice leaves more residue than others, or at a faster rate.

Of course I clean them regularly and it's no big deal really. I'm just wondering if this happens to everyone, or do I have some weird and incorrect method of vaping? Loose Lip Syndrome?  

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Used To Think "dripping Was Dumb".

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I settled on the dark horse. I watched a short tutorial on youtube and built my first coil at 0.6 ohms.

Safe to say the atlantis and nautilis will go into retirement today.

I have never felt a nic buzz from vaping, but I can actually feel a buzz off this thing : I vape my atlantis at 3mg.

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Snooty Vaping Hipsters.

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Weirdest Bottom Feed Issue Ever. Long List Of Troubleshooting

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I have a boxer bf mod I have numerous Rda I am vaping mtl a juice I’ve been vaping 5+ years.
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Have any of you ever experienced this kind of flavour terrible all of a sudden? I have now tried 4 bottles with four tubes. I have cleaned every element at least five times. I have confirmed I’m not just tasting it wrong by dripping.

it’s clearly not the atomiser or build related. I have a hard time believing it’s bottle related after what I’ve done to them.

I just cannot figure this out. The next step of course is going to be to try and use the same bottles /atomiser on another mod but I thought I’d ping you all to see what your thoughts are - because in ten years of vaping I haven’t experienced this, and troubleshooting has taken hours so far.

Just a few final points
no shorting Very minor sparks as you’d expect from this mod and the way it makes contact at an angle Been vaping a very long time and building since almost day one The rda’s are authentic, stainless etc I’ve tried 3 of them at least It’s not wire or cotton
I’m stumped. Appreciate any thoughts.  

Rewicking Kanger Coils

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One last thing! I was kind of put off of the fact they called it the Atlantis Mega! When there's Kanger AeroTank Mega! I would of thought they would make the effort and come up with something more unique!

Video he  

Increasing Ohm's On Coils

Hello everyone!

I did this pretty interesting experiment on using a set of coils for years.
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Almost everyone says, when a coil turns black, trash it. But you can also burn the excess gunk, wash them, and reuse them a couple of times!
But what if I were to clean them all the time and vape further?

Well, after around 2 to 3 years of vaping, cleaning, and reusing the same coils, I can finally answer.

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The coils are always black or dark brown. Never to be cleaned like new. Each drip is full of taste, even after cleaning/burning excess off.

If you have any questions, be sure to ask!

That's all for today!  

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I'm thrilled that he quit smoking and want to be supportive of him regardless of how he does it but I sort of want to say, "get your own!"  

Preventing Residue In Pc Case?

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Hypothetically, it shouldn’t have done that. It shouldn’t be conductive or corrosive from what I’ve read, but that’s what happened, honest truth.

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Is there some kind of way I can prevent this residue from building up in the case? Just been trying to keep a window cracked and blow my vapor out the window.

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Non-smokers Starting Vaping - Disturbing To Me

I've been away from ECF for awhile but due to the influx of new devices, I recently returned (and got a bunch of new vape gear, but that's another story ).

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I just can't help to think that all these young (I'm assuming) non-smokers taking up vaping and "blowing clouds" can't be good for our cause and I find it quite disturbing.

FULL DISCLOSU I currently vape on an SX Mini / Goliath @ .4 ohms and can blow some pretty good clouds, but that's not what it's all about for's about staying off the ciggies.