303 Vs 316 Stainless Steel Atomizers

Would you pay a ~18% premium for 316 over 303? Talking attys here. My knee-jerk reply is yes, I would pay extra for 316 but then I wonder if the machining would be better using 303. Not saying 316 can't be cleanly machined (as in correctly machined, w/o excessive chattering, rough finish, etc.), but when considering a Chinese clone that sells for less than $20.00, I tend to lean towards a 303 atty having a better chance at cleaner machining, given the probable maintenance (or lack thereof) given to equipment producing cheap clones.


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I just bought this: Sonic Wave Ultrasonic Jewelry Eyeglass Cleaner CD 2800 | eBay

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Am I A Luddite?

Or maybe even a heretic, or a blasphemer?
I like mini tanks and small batteries. My favorite setups are mini protank version 1 clones with 650mah basic ego style batteries. Stainless steel finish, no funky colors or designs. Single bottom coil on the tanks, no air flow controls. Standard voltage batteries, no twisty things on the bottom, no usb passthrough, no digital displays, just a battery. I like the ego style because the protruding button is easier to find and helps keep them from rolling around. The lack of features I don't need means the batteries are small. I like small, sleek, simple.

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Now I'm not knocking all the cloud chasing, coil winding, wick trimming gear heads that seem to dominate these forums, but if there's anybody else out there who enjoys vaping with a nice, simple, inexpensive setup, I'd like to hear from you.