So I Finally Saw It Happen...

A few days ago I noticed a new co-worker of mine was a vaper. He had some kind of old, ratty looking mech with some kind of tank I'm unfamiliar with on top. This guy doesn't strike me as the type of person who would be responsible with a mechanical, but trying not to be judgmental, I kept quiet. So yesterday a friend of mine says "look at that guy, what's he doing?" I look over and see this guy dancing around, frantically pulling everything out of his pocket. Out comes an 18650 battery, with a key WELDED to the end of it, still throwing arcs! By this time, his pants were actually SMOKING!!! We go over there to investigate, and he had put a fully charged battery without any kind of case or covering in his pocket with a bunch of change and his keys. The old ratty battery no longer even had the plastic shrink wrap sleeve on it, just a silver cylinder. When it was cool enough to touch, we examined it, and the positive terminal had completely burned away, and it had burned a hole in his pocket about the size of a half-dollar. After lecturing him about using a battery case, we asked to see the battery in his mod. He pulled it out and it was in worse shape than the one that shorted out in his pocked. No insulated wrap, big gouges in the side, burnt spots on the positive end. All we could do was warn him to get new batteries and go about our business. I have a feeling our warnings fell on deaf ears. I even showed him my little $0.99 battery case. I can understand someone not being completely knowledgeable about all the technical stuff, but isn't this just common sense? Sigh.  

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Calibrating Batteries And Battery Meters

A long time ago, talking to a friend who's an electronic engeneer, he advised me to do something and so far works beautifully. It's specially true of cellphones and integrated battery stuff, so you might as well do it to your iSticks and your Kindle as well.

When you receive a new device that has an integrated battery and charger, both have circuitry controlling the charge. The first week of use or so (in the case of the Kindle the first few weeks or months) do complete discharge (until it shuts down completely) and charge completely cycles. This calibrates the battery and the charger to make a more efficient use of the energy.

Just now I'm putting a new iStick 30 though its paces. First day lasted me about 6 hours. Second day almost 8. Yesterday a full 12 hours. Doesn't matter the voltage. Charge it completely and discharge it completely a few times. You'll see how performance increases dramatically.  

Xtar Vc2s Charger Question

Hey guys,

I finally updated my charger a few days ago (I think before I had the VP2) or something like that. Quick question on something I'm noticing that seems a bit odd to me.

When I charge (for example 18650's), a battery that's fully charged in channel flashes FULL/0.00 mA, I remove the battery. A few minutes later, I'll put the battery back in the same bay, and all of a sudden there are a few hundred mA's that show up on the screen that need to be charged back into the battery and it takes a few minutes for channel 1 to recognize the battery is fully charged and flash FULL/0.00mA again (although it does show above that's fully charged at 4.2v).

If I take that same battery and do the same test but this time in channel 2, within a few seconds it recognizes that the battery is fully charged and flashes FULL/0.00mA. So it seems channel 1 is not working as well as channel 2 is, when it comes to recognizing information from the battery.

Is this normal for this charger or do I have a defective charger?  

Vape Shop Sued For Over A Million Dollars Because Of Exploding Battery

This was on the news this morning. The rechargable lithium-ion battery was loose in his pocket. My guess is that he had keys, change, etc in the pocket as well.
It's a shame that the media will blow this out if proportion and cast a bad light on vaping in general. All because of one individual's stupidity.

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Wismec Luxotic Surface Battery Low Issue

I got a problem with my Luxotic Surface. I'm using a LG Choco Battery 18650, it was fully charged and when I press the fire button suddenly it appears for Battery Low even the battery was on fully charged. I tried my spare battery maybe its just a mistake putting a fully charge battery, but it was the same issue also with the spare battery. I tried the 2 batteries with my Geek Vape Aegis 100W to check whether my batteries are already broke but it works fine. I was vaping for my Luxotic Surface by 55.0 Wattage, 0.21 ohms, 3.40 Voltage. Can someone help me out to fix this problem?  

Hybrid Modification For An Rda

Hello All, I have a question regarding the modification of an rda adjustable positive pin to work (better & safely) with a hybrid connection top on a new mech I purchased. The mod is not a true hybrid since it has the flush sitting 510 threaded top cap without a pin inside, allowing the atty to make direct contact with the battery.
My question is, can you take out the adjustable positive pin and put a kind of insulating "washer" between the pin and the negative threads to ensure the outer threads do not make contact with the positive terminal on the battery? I would also like to put a better, wider pin in that will make a better connection and not indent the positive terminal on the batt. Anyone have any advice for this?  

Mod Acts Up With Certain Batteries

Is there a logical reason why a mod would just randomly shut off very frequently when using one brand of battery and do it much less often with another? And this isn't a situation where I'm only referring to a single battery this is any battery of one type doesn't work well and any battery of the other type that I've tried does. * this is a long post if you don't want to read the whole thing you could just answer that question and that would provide me with a lot of information

My snowwolf mini mod which is the sigelei product not the original snowwolf is having a fairly common issue where occasionally the whole device just turns off. Then you have to loosen the battery cap pull the battery out so it's not making a connection and then put the battery back in and it turns back on. I've seen this reported multiple times. Now when I was using Samsung batteries it was really bad like I would get maybe two Puffs before it would shut off. But with LG batteries it seems like I can use the product almost like normal. Like I can get a good half day usage out of it before it has a problem and then I take the battery out put it back in and I get another few hours.

I know that there is a slight variance in size between these batteries or at least it seems like there is because my drip box gets the Samsungs stuck in it but not the LG which I solve by taking the stupid sticker off of them not the wrap the sticker.

Now I've only had this for 31 days so while it is past the stores warranty it's not past sigelei or snowwolf. I'm debating on whether or not I even want to worry about this warranty situation because if it continues working the way it is as long as I use LG batteries I would rather not take the chance of getting a much worse product. I feel like it's going to be hard to get them to warranty it and at the very least I have a month or two to figure this out.
My question is why would it do this why would it work so much better with one kind of battery and be nearly unusable with the other and also like why would it do this in the first place at all why would it just randomly shut off the batteries are good it's definitely the mod my first thought would be that there's a short but why would one battery cause a short and not the other or at least not as frequently?

I've had such bad luck with sigelei products that I honestly believe if I try to warranty this they're just going to send me a broken device LOL how does that work if they send me a broken device can I warranty that product? Do I get another 90 days? Or do I get the rest of my warranty period carried over from the first device? Or is it a situation where you only get one warranty and then if a device breaks again you're out of luck  

Battery Wrap Peeling

At what point does a peeling 18650 battery wrap become unsafe? Some of mine are starting to peel back where it wraps at the base. Thanks!  

Avoiding Battery Damage In Charger (springs)

My charger has those eeh springy slides to keep batteries tightly set.
Couldn't find a respectable charger without them.

How do you avoid damaging the battery wrap when inserting/removing in a charger?

Inserting a battery is easier as you can preload the slide with a finger.
But when removing a battery the spring slide eats into the battery wrap on the way up.
Would be nice to avoid any wrap damage.

Maybe put a rubber band / twine / other (non-conductive) underneath so it can be pulled and open the spring slide after charging?
Like a slingshot
Other ideas?  

Some Advice Please :)

Hey there!
I have been vaping for a little over a year now and have gone through several different set ups but am fairly happy with what I'm using atm-- I have one of those Aspire Sub Ohm batteries and have been using a Nautilus tank with it. It seems that the coils in the tank burn out super quickly because the battery is too strong for it I guess? Any way the other day my battery and tank (the whole shebang) fell right into the toilet. The only good thing was that the toilet was recently flushed so yeah... I am now in need of a new battery and was interested in one of those lil box mods that everyone in the world seems to be using lol. The tanks I have and would be using with it are my two Nautilus tanks (one is a mini) and sometimes an Innokin iClear thingy (the one with the cool rotating tip). I vape mostly very sweet caramel, cookie and cereal juices at .6 nic and am mostly in love with flavor versus cloud making if that makes any sense. I'm not at all good with any of the technical stuff so have no desire to use any rebuild-able stuffs. Oh and I have an Aspire vv battery but it loses the charge so quickly I am kinda wanting something new...

Any one have any great advice on a new battery for me?  

Someone Help Me.

Hello everyone. I have a problem. I'm gonna need some help to get through this, I may not even make it. Who knows?

I'm addicted. Not the good kind. The kind that costs money... The kind that makes my long hours at work perish with the swipe of my debit card... I'm addicted to.. Upgrading.

So I'm in need some some help from the best of the best with you guys. I'm looking to upgrade! I'm currently looking into going from my istick50w and Subtank Mini, to a mech mod and rda. I'm gonna start my way with single coil builds, and go up to dual. I am thinking I have about $100 I want to work with, so can someone make some recommendations?!

I already have some cotton and kanthal from my rba with the subtank. I'm just looking for a good starter mech and battery set up, with a pretty decent rda. Now, since this is my first, I'm not biased at all against clones. I welcome them! As long as they are decent quality and get the job done, so be it!

But here's one catch: I don't really like shiny stuff, oddly enough. I mean brass, or really shiny silver. I don't like scratches that stuff seem to get in my pocket. I love stuff to look perfect all the time!

So any help or recommendations are greatly appreciated! I have no idea about batteries or their chargers, but I'm more than willing to educate myself.