I'm Probably Overdoing It.

I'm only about three weeks into vaping and I love it. But I think I am overdoing it with chain vaping. I'm retired so I don't really have much to do and for the past three weeks I've been sitting at my computer and researching all kinds of stuff about equipment and juice and DIY etc, sometimes well into the night. It's become second nature for me to vape while I read. Now keep in mind that although I was a PAD smoker till three weeks ago, I never smoked at my computer - didn't want to spend all day in a stinky atmosphere. With vaping I am taking liberties - maybe far too much than what's good for me.

For the past week I have been sneezing occasionally, coughing up sticky mucus, getting a blocked nose. I'm pretty old and never suffered from any type of allergy. It could be a slight head cold but I don't feel sick at all - more like hay fever symptoms. Mostly I vape a 50-50 mix at 6mg but I do have a few liquids that are higher PG.

So will this pass or am I really overdoing things? Should I lay down some rules as I used to do with my smoking?  

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I Might Have To Quit Vaping After 5 Years

I have been vaping regularly as a smoking alternative (got me off 6yrs of cigs) for about 5 years. 3mg nic all the way with rda's, full kanthal fused claptons, CBP cotton, and usually 70/30 vg/pg juice.
Recently I had my gallbladder removed (26yr male..bs) and I've developed allergies for the first time in my life (also some serious bs). Ever since, vaping has been a burden to say the least. Something I once loved SO much now has me seriously contemplating quitting all together.
Every time I vape I feel incredibly sick. It makes my symptoms noticeably worse especially at night. It's like a solid minute or less after I put my vape down my dry cough gets way worse and more frequent, I get slightly nauseous, head and chest hurts, and just a over all weak/ill/flue like/just smoked a pack of cigs and some 70's ditch weed feeling.
This is really not fair because like I said I LOVE to vape, as most of us do. I used to be able to sub ohm chain vape pretty much any juice and never had a single problem. but finding juice I can tolerate is near impossible now and I can't keep wasting money on juice I can't use. Even juice I can tolerate isn't necessarily good and the way it makes me feel just isn't worth it anymore *cries quietly*..
I've gone from dual FC coils to a single FC, turned wattage way down (that's obviously not the issue) and even considered going 0mg but it's coming down to not being able to inhale at all..your boy got the Clinton curse over night and I'm so sad man.
Never thought it would happen like this. If I ever did quit I always thought it would be in my control but it's looking like that wont be the case at all. This might soon be the end for me boys and girls. Wish me luck. And if you pass me on the street, blow a cloud to my back please, as the smell and sight might break my already black and blue heart...or make me sick evidently
*quiet crying intensifies* lol :/

Disclaimer:: this is not to say vaping makes you sick in anyway because that's so not true. This is my own personal experience. That makes no sense to me whatsoever honestly..vaping saved my life and the lives of many many other smokers. This is not intended to put vaping in any sort of bad light at all.
I'm just curious if anyone knows what's going on, can relate in any way, or has any suggestions.  


I'm coughing like mad the past few weeks, even when I'm not vaping, I will feel choking than coughing …is it normal?  

9 Days Down, Forever To Go (& Bf Steals My Vape)

I've tried to quit smoking using vape stuff many times over the last two years or so. I've made it two weeks twice and otherwise have not made it long enough to remember. I had a dream last night that I was vaping. When I woke up I got excited about that (that I wasn't smoking in the dream). I went back to bed and woke up this morning in the middle of a dream that I was smoking. Ahk!

I know that I cannot ever have another puff if I want this to work. There is a thread about how gross smoking tastes after vaping. It's true that for me, smoking is sort of gross and leaves a nasty taste in my mouth, but clearly I like it no matter how disgusting it is.

Around February, my boyfriend said he wanted to quit smoking in the spring. We quit on the same day (last Monday). He uses nicotine gum and I have my vaping. He enjoys taking a puff off my equipment. But a "puff" has turned into about as much as I use it. Last Saturday he said he only had one piece of nicotine gum because he vaped most of the time. I'm trying not to be annoyed, but it kind of irritates me a little. Mostly because I chain-vape and don't want him to take it from me. A few days ago, I noticed he kept adjusting the voltage and handing it back to me without changing it back to where I had it! I made sure he stopped doing that.

Last night he asked me what stuff I buy (the battery, clearomizers and liquid- sorry, I don't know the correct terminology for everything). He was reading up on vaping. I am hoping he's considering buying his own stuff.

I'm thrilled that he quit smoking and want to be supportive of him regardless of how he does it but I sort of want to say, "get your own!"  

I Have A Serious Question

So today I bought a pack of cigarettes . I havent smoked in a long time and i feel like vaping has turned me into a complete nicotine addict and this is why I bough the pack , I wanted to test myself since I know how much I use to smoke . Ever since I started vaping I have been increasing strenght and quantity of juice per day and I vape a lot , some days , I would vape between 10 - 15 ML of 6mg juice and absorb another ML though my skin while building . I smoked my first cigarette in almost a year and I finished it and guess what after that I wanted another one but I didnt take it .

Well before I started vaping I was smoking one cig every 2-3 hours and now I want way more . I am honestly considering quiting vaping and smoking all together , maybe 1 cig day , that would be it . Or maybe I should switch to non rebuiuldable tanks and stop making my own juice because I honestly feel like DYI and rebuildables is what made me vape more , trying different build on different attomizers , trying my new DYI e-liquids , trying other e-liquids that I bought , trying this , trying that , and at the end of the day 20ML of juice gone .

What would you recommend me ?  

Tollarance Reset?

I like the buzz feeling I used to get when I started vaping and want to feel that again so iv stopped vaping for the past 2 weeks but im afraid that wont be enough.
Any one else do the same thing and how long did you wait and did it work?
Ps I used to vape a good amount, id say i used to smoke about a juul pod a day.  

Social Acceptance Of Vaping

I am used to dealing with social rejection of smoking, having smoked for a long time. I changed to vaping in the last six months. Drinking at a friend's place a couple of weeks ago, it was the first time he had seen me do it rather than cigarettes. He smokes and gave me an increasing load of ribbing about vaping as the night and alcohol went on. The thoughts of others don't bother me, but the need to rebuff his taunts throughout the night did start to wear thin.
Watching Mare Of Eastown over the last few weeks, vaping was what Kate Winslet was referring to when she said she was going to have a smoke. I wouldn't want this taken as an endorsement of vaping, but hopefully visibility such as this will ultimately remove the need to respond to both smokers and non-smokers.  

Trouble Vaping After 4 Years

Hi all-
I haven't posted in a long while. I am in need of some suggestions as to what could be going in with me all of the sudden with my vaping.

Within the past two months I have a very hard time breathing when vaping. I was just thinking at first that I was getting sick or something. Then, I stopped for a few days completely and I felt better so I started again. The evening of the first day back to vaping, I laid in bed trying to go to sleep feeling like an elephant was sitting on my chest and that my throat was closing up. It was very scary. So scary that I have now been to the pulmonologist as well as the cardiologist (because the chest heaviness was bad). My lungs are clear and heart is in good condition. Soooooo....I went and purchased a ZERO nicotine juice thinking that maybe it was the nicotine. NOPE.....that didn't work either, I have used my e-cig only on the past two Saturdays and it has zero nicotine liquid in it and I still have the same problem after the day of vaping. I feel like I am struggling to breath. It is horrible. It takes a day or so to subside. I really enjoy my vape. I quit analogs on April 9, 2011 and have been vaping every since. Does anyone have any idea what the problem could possibly be? Maybe I should try just VG Juices....would that make a difference? Please help....any input would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!!  

Old Vapor, New Sneezing Attacks - Forced Back To Ash Tray!

Last week on a road trip with my motorcycle club, I had to go back to the “ash tray”. It’s to dangerous on the road, on “two wheels” with these constant sneezing attacks. I bummed cigarettes, then bought cigarettes. There’s thousands of road miles planned this summer, I’m leaving again next weekend. I love to ride, hate cigarettes, the taste, smell and cost but vaping will surely kill me!

There isn’t much of anything here or on the WWW about my issue with sneezing attacks. Not just a little sneeze but 4, 5 6 or more with an irritable urge, watery eyes and nose. When I put down my vape for an hour, it goes away, when I hit it, it starts back. Allergy medicine doesn’t stop it and makes me drowsy. This just started about 3 weeks ago, it’s like I’m suddenly allergic to...?

I’ve been vaping since 2013 when my lovely 77 yr old Aunt shared her vape. I had tried everything on the market including prescription drugs and hypnosis to put down my 20 year pack a day stink habit. For 5+ years I’ve been using an RTA and DIY juice. I’ve been using the same DIY products from Nicotine River (fresh frozen) since Dec 2019 as well as same flavors, TFA, LorAnn, Capella and same recipes. using a VG 70/30 @ 8+ Nic.
For 4+ years with zero issues I used the Lemo 2. Yes an oldie, but ya no how it is when you find a good combination. Until last year, I could get all the rebuildable supplies at Fastech. Since 2020 I’ve been buying and using different RTA’s, RDA’s Squonks, mesh coils, etc. searching for a “new love”.
My tanks are Profile Unity, Zeus Dual RTA, Creed RTA, Drop, Brunhilde and Dead Rabbit. JIC it was the new packaged supplied wicks & coils, I went back to my old wicking material which didn’t help. Tried 100% VG with VG Nic Salts, no change. I’m at a dead end, totally out of ideas, I give up, still hate cigarettes but...

Any thoughts would be much appreciated!  

Been Away From Here For A While, And Not Doing Very Good :(

I know I'm not a popular user on here like Baditude and all them, been I figured I'd post my story since I've been away.

I've been vaping for the past 9 months, and within the past month, I have unfortunately started to smoke cigarettes again.

In the past I have had problems with depression and anxiety (it started about 3 years ago) and I was on Lexapro and xanax for over a year. Everything was great and I was able to go places and socialize. I stopped taking it a almost 2 years ago thinking I was fine enough to stop. I was, until about 3 weeks ago, all this anxiety started rushing back out of nowhere. It didn't help that I got some sort of flu that was going around but have since recovered from that. At this point, I am afraid to leave my house. I have been having a hell of a time going to work, which was never an issue a month ago. I have had to take time off for the flu and for my anxiety and depression. I broke down at work in front of my boss (not something I'm proud of) and told him I have had these problems in the past and that I need to get back on my Lexapro. So at the beginning of this week, I went to my doctor, which I had a VERY hard time doing as I wanted to pass out and throw up the entire time. She got me back on my meds, but with any kind of anti-depressant it takes a while for it to build up in your system.

I have already taken 4 days off of work, and I'm still afraid to leave my house to do any basic task like going grocery shopping or even just driving (I start to have a panic attack anytime I get stopped at a stop light in traffic.) I'm afraid of losing my job, but I think I can do the FMLA stuff but I'm having doubts on whether what I'm experiencing would allow me to do that. I'll have to read up on what I can do, but I'm just so afraid of losing my job, which would devastate my girlfriend and I know I would get looked down upon by everyone I know. I've been so stressed about it that my body feels my vapes are inadequate and I unfortunately picked up a pack of cigarettes and started smoking again. I'm just so scared right now and I feel like I'm in a rut that I can't get out of.

I know it's not the end of the world, but my mind is telling me that it is, and it's worrying me so bad  

What To Buy Next?

A quick back story to start. I was a 1-2 PAD smoker for about 5 years. I found vapes and quit smoking. I was able to stop vaping and smoking for 18 months until I picked up smoking again for a few years. I have once again been able to stop smoking and started vaping again. Simple transition, some willpower for sure, but I have kicked the habit completely. When I started vaping again I purchased an Istick 50w and a troll. Have been using 3mg liquid only. It's been about six weeks smoke free again and I want to, not only upgrade, but reward myself. I read and read and watch reviews non stop, my head hurts from all of the stuff out now. I use my mod consistently at 45 to 50 watts. I have a 0.4 dual coil build and a chuff top. The heat from the vape is less than perfect, but I like the vapor production. I am interested in temperature control as well. If I need to buy two mods to have everything I want, so be it. Not that money isn't an issue, but right now it isn't a factor. I have been looking at IPV3, Sigeli 150, IPV4, Mech Mods, you name it I have looked and can probably tell you the specs off the top of my head. I just can't decide! I need your help ECF! I know I want at least dual 18650, as my Istick lasts maybe half a day until I need to charge. Good flavor and large vapor production atty, temp control, and good ergonomics. Thanks in advance for all input and help.