How In The World Am I Supposed To Get This Flavor Out Of My Tank?

Hey all, I have just upgraded to the Nautilus tank and my first choice of juice was a peppermint candy cane that I made. It's very good however I am getting burned out on it but when i tried to clean everything and put in a new coil it still tastes and smells like peppermint. I have tried everything, grain alcohol, hot water soak nothing seems to work!!! I love my tank and want to use different flavors but this is really starting to pee me off! I am half tempted to use a mild solution of bleach just get the flavor out!! but that I think would not be a wise decision

anyone got a solution to try?  

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Premature Coil Replacement, And Care?

Hello knowledgeable guys and gals of ECF!!!

I like to switch flavors a lot, perhaps a little to often. I have read here that flavors can linger within the wicking material for quite some time. So long in fact that my habit of switching flavors doesn't provide enough time to work the old flavor out entirely. I have a bunch of extra coils for my nautilus mini and my Subtank mini. For accurate flavor I will switch out a coil for a flavor change. So I essentially have a coil for each flavor.

So here is my question!

How can I properly care for, or store these coils when they are not in use? Right now I have them sitting in a little dish of water so the juice doesn't dry up and gunk them up. Will this method harm them? Can I leave them in the water for a day or so, perhaps a few days even?

Thanks for taking the time to read this! I hope I'm not damaging my coils!  

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Any Drippers Out There That Take Pre Made Coils?

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Best And/or Max Safe Watt Use

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Well It Happened.

I make the choice that I'm certain I'll be vaping forever. I figured since I enjoy it, I'm gonna learn everything I want to know and make it a hobby.
Me being a perfectionist, I decided it was time to piece together a setup that was not only powerful, but pleasing to the eyes.
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So this is what I ended up with.
Aspire CF VV 1600MAH battery. Instead of rocking a VV+ most people use, I went the route I did to get 600 more MAH battery and didn't care about the beauty ring because after all, my Aspire K1 tank is a backup now and can't be used with the VV+
The tank had to be good too. This was where I wanted to upgrade the most. I wanted adjustable airflow, and better coils.
The Nautilus Mini was the only clear choice. 2ml is fine for me as I switch flavors now and then, and the new redesigned OCC coils you can purchase was a selling point.
I've been using the setup since last night, and WOW!!! This tank brings the flavor through in ways I never thought possible. Also, the vapor production is amazing to me. I don't care about cloud chasing so by my standards this is a fog machine at higher voltage lol.
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Also wanna throw out that GWAR Spew from MBV is friggin amazing in this tank!!!!  

Different Nautilus Bvc Coils Floating Around..picture Included

Hey all,

So, I've been really happy with my new setup (iStick 50w and 30w, Nautilus and Mini Nautilus). Everything has been working smoothly, but I have a problem with the replacement coils I purchased (and cannot return).

Went to go change out the coil in one of my tanks this evening. Filled the tank up as usual, made sure the air shaft and drip tip were clean, screwed on my new coil, filled the tank, and let it sit and wick up for half an hour. Took some pulls without firing, dropped it to 8w (to "step up" and prime the new coil), and immediately got a nasty burnt hit that I can still taste an hour later. Unscrewed the tank to see what was wrong, and noticed the wicking material was bone dry.

For the longest time, I could not figure out what happened, why it wasn't wicking...until I looked closer. The e-liquid holes on the replacement coil I have are TINY! The coils that came with the tanks have holes that are at least twice, maybe three times the diameter. The holes are so small that my e-liquid will not even enter them to soak the wicking material. I checked the serial number scratch off on Aspire's site and both boxes of replacement coils I have came up as authentic.

I'm displeased. $22 down the drain, now I have to rush and find a dealer who has the "correct" coils. I cannot use these coils whatsoever, and the dealer I purchased from does not accepted returns on atomizers.

On the left is the coil that came with the tank (both of my tanks came with this exact same coil, and two replacements that look exactly like it, but I've used them up and am on the new ones). On the right, the coil I purchased in a replacement pack of 5. You can see they look nearly identical, except for the size of the wicking holes. Also, the piece at the bottom seems a bit more flimsy, as you can see in the picture, it's not exactly straight with the rest of the atomizer.

So, can anyone point me to a dealer that has the coils I need? I'm afraid of ordering from somewhere and getting the ones on the right, which are useless and do not soak up any e-liquid whatsoever.  

Tank Questions

I'm new to vaping and I hope I'm not beating a dead horse but couldn't find it searching. I have a Nautilus on order and a istick 50w. I've thought about trying a subtank mini too. I'm not looking to sub ohm or rebuild, just a good tank with good flavor. How do they compare with the mini using the 1.2 ohm coil.

Thanks for your time!