Can Anyone Tell Me What Brand This Is?

Alright can anyone tell me what brand this is pictured? I need replacement parts but don't want a whole 'nother tube in the process.
It's a Stingray clone, so I ordered some parts from Fat Daddy that will hopefully work.
In the mean time, help me out, great people's of the internet. Surely somebody out the recognizes this box, or the sigil in the upper left corner


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Vaporesso Luxe 2 - Trouble Connecting Parts

I can't screw this part in. It falls every time, I don't know if I am missing anything, maybe it's not even supposed to screw in. But still, everywhere I checked, it seems those parts are well connected where as in my case it drops off.  

Fake/phoney Vs. Authentic/legit Apvs - Really?

i always see people bringing it up, "make sure it comes with a security check code" for alot of apvs out.

in all of the time ive ben vaping - i have NEVER seen a fake mvp, istick, or anything else of that nature, besides an ego battery or evod battery/tank cloned.

since those are more of a "style" type thing, i understand them being copied - but name brand devices like MVP, istick, sieglie and the rest, i have never seen a "copy" that used THEIR brand name.

never seen one for the mvp, but i know the istick has a few "sisters" out - with different brand names - obviously not trying to copy/infringe.

has any one ever seen any fake avps? and i mean FAKE.  

Freshening Up An Old Friend

OK - so my nemesis clone from FT has been looking kinda ganky lately. The patina had gotten to a splotchy brown stage. The performance has been suffering too. I had ordered a "hybrid style" connecter to delete the top ring with the posi contact. However, in order to get it to fire, I had to back my negative contact screw out a half turn. The button had gotten both finicky (as a result of the backing out of the negative pin - not recommended procedure) and crunchy (wear, dirt, loose fitting, and poor spring alignment). The whole mod felt cheap and I had to keep careful tab on that negative post.

I decided it was time to spend some effort on my old faithful.

I ordered from Fat Daddy their tobh upgrade kit, which comes with a longer positive post bottom screw for my atty, as well as the nemesis ultimate upgrade kit. They arrived this morning.

I stripped the mod down to individual pieces. All non thread, non plated surfaces got sanded with 800 grit wet or dry. Then, every piece of metal (including the rice pin, and careful extra attention to the threads) got cleaned with paper towel, then paper towel soaked in alcohol (common rubbing alcohol). Dropped the whole mess into a cup full of white vinegar and walked away for an hour.

Followed that up with Mr Clean magic eraser coated with Flitz metal polish. Lots and lots of rubbing, but even the threads shine like mirrored surfaces. Then I coated all the threads with flitz and did a lot of screwing and unscrewing of the various pieces.

Follow up the mirror polish with vinegar then alcohol baths. Seal all threads with just a barely there light coating of Noalox. Reassemble using the fat daddy magnets and extended negative contact pin.

Gave my Tobh clone the same treatment, reassembled with the new screws.

What difference! Not only does the mod fire properly with the negative post screwed in properly while using the "hybrid" top cap insert (making the whole rig look super sexy) but the whole unit feels and operates like a much higher end piece. The button feels great, like I've never felt. Super smooth, and the constant pressure resistance from the Fat Daddy magnets really makes the button feel classy and well made, nothing like the light duty springs it used to have.

This mod hits harder now than it ever did. I really used to balk and doubt on all those who would make comments about Vdrop in a mech, and how hard one hits over another. Well, I'm eating some crow now, 'cause I'm a believer. It's not super duper different in its performance, but it is certainly noticeable.

The magnets are almost too strong. I can put the mod down unlocked, and not only doesn't it fire, but the button doesn't budge, and the mod doesn't wobble any more than my stainless SMPL clone sitting next to it. Really makes the button feel heavy duty and sturdy. Quite the opposite of the chitzy cheap feel it had yesterday.

Overall, I am super glad I decided to put some real effort in to fixing all of the complaints I've been developing with this work horse mod. I've had it for eighteen months, and used it as my one and only for twelve of those, so it's been a good and loyal friend. Now it really looks and feels like it's gotten the love it deserved.

Oh - and a super plug for Fat Daddy - fit and finish for all the parts were impeccable. Materials high quality. Shipping fast. Price reasonable. All told, a real class act!  

Eleaf Istick Secturity Code Not Working

So I ordered an Eleaf Istick 50watt from and when it came I tried to verify it's authenticity.
It looks legit, the only thing I noticed that's different from most I've seen is the Istick logo on the top next to the connector. I paid 44$ for it so I'm not upset it works like a beast I just wanna make 100% sure that its real just in case I need parts or such.

The code is in a format like so

0000 1111
2222 3333

I can't figure out how to enter the code, I've tried from left to right top to bottom and from top to bottom and left to right.

It does have the torque screws though which most if not all clones lack.  

Brand New Oldy

When going through some boxes in storage I came across this one.
A brand new DSE-801 from October 2008
I sometimes received things to do reviews on back then but I guess by seeing the umpteenth 801 I didn't even bother taking it out of the box.
Is there a Vape museum somewhere?


I Met A Representative From Big Tobacco Today.

Don't really know why im sharing this, guess im just wondering if anyone else has had this experience or not. The other day I was at the local B&M and a minivan pulls into the parking lot, im friends with the shop owner so I hangout with him regularly and noticed the minivan as soon as it pulls up, the guy sits there for about 10 minutes just sitting there and writing things down, our conversation goes "Are you expecting a delivery or something?" "no why" "This dudes been sitting here for about 10 minutes just writing away" "Maybe its my first audit or something" the dude finally gets out of the van and comes in "How long have you guys been operating here?" Jon the owner says "about 7 months now, what can i help you with?" "My name is Chris with the National Tobacco (i forget exactly what he said) and I cover everywhere from statesville to asheville, im from asheville but was across the street getting some food and seen your shop, i'd never noticed it before." We live about 2 hours from asheville, I dont actually think he just stumbled upon the shop but who knows. Then he says "We're trying to get into the electronic cigarette market and have started making a brand called V2, ever heard of them?" I said, "I've seen them in gas stations a couple times, but other then that I've had no experience with them" He then says "what about the zig zag kits? Ever tried them?" "never tried one, but i've seen them once or twice" "Well that was one of our lines, the v2 is our next level model to kind of keep up with the new stuff thats coming out, I have a box of them out in my van that i can bring in to give you an idea" the dude then walks out to his van, we just kind of wait on him until he gets back then he returns with this big v2 display box "We're selling these retail for 450.00 but we can sell you three for 150 each, thats around 900 dollars of profit if you buy today" Jon says" Well i've never heard of the brand so i'd have to look into it more first" "Alright thats fine but..." then he gave this super long sales pitch about how it will be better then anything else on the market and ahead of its time with the magnetic tanks and blah blah blah, then Jon went behind the counter and pulled out this huge box and says "This takes three batteries and goes up to 240 watts, starter kits are great and all, but they will never really be ahead of the times unless you can build a sub ohm starter kit and thats not cheap" the sales rep dude then says "Alright, well im just going to leave my card, just give me a call if you decide you need any of our products" And he left, I guess the best thing that comes out of this is i can ask, has anyone ever dealt with any v2 products? How are they with reliability, battery life ect. I'd like to get back to Jon with some reviews, maybe they could be better then the regular egos and this is a good deal for the local shop.  

Bad Luck With Egrip

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On number 2, the atomizer base won't sit flush with the bottom of the device, and I think it's causing all the gurgling and leaking (e juice was also leaking out of the bottom of the device). I tried taking off the atomizer head and reseating it, and that didn't work. I'm hoping a new base might fix this problem. Any ideas?

Both devices are brand new. When I ordered the first one, I wasn't aware that it was available in a wood finish, so I ordered the second one.  

Great Service From A Vendor In China

Usually when I need help with something vape-related -- perhaps trying to locate an out of production part, or even an issue with a vendor about a product I purchased I've not had much success dealing directly with vendors and I ultimately turn to the forum for help. I've even had some very nice members send me parts.

Most vendors will request a video --it seems that is their new thing -like they all got together with each other and said, "Let's make them send a video and hopefully they will go away" and I find it absolutely ridiculous. Geekvape, whose products I really like comes to mind.

Anyhow I made a few orders from Sourcemore recently and I have been happy with the service and orders. I've ordered a few mods and miscellaneous parts. They even included small related to my order freebies with my order which I thought was a nice touch.

On one of the orders I ordered a different panel for my Jackaroo mod. There was a sale and I ordered the G10 Green Anaconda panel -- a really nice one. I ended up receiving an American Eagle panel.

Nice panel but not what I ordered. I'm reasonable and I like it and will keep it so I was just going to go and order the Green Anaconda again and leave a note to make sure they ship the correct one. Well - they were out of stock (hence, why they probably sent a different one) and the price is more than double of what I originally paid so I wrote to them and attached a copy of the order.

They responded promptly and asked me to send a pic. I sent a few pics of the box showing American eagle and the panel. Received a nice note apologizing and they let me know they would send me the correct one. I was willing to pay for it because I am keeping the other one and I told them so. I would have been satisfied if they would have just honored the sale price from the original order.

This morning I received a brief email note again apologizing and they sent me a tracking number. Great service and I have already placed another good-sized order with them.

I am a fairly regular "orderer" and all I ask is that vendors make it right if there is an issue. And when I find a vendor that does just that I am loyal to them.  

Mech Mod Question

So I've been vaping now for almost 5 months. I own 4 different regulated mods, many sub ohm tanks and a few rda's. I'm wanting to pick up a mech mod, but not sure which would be better. I'm pretty much looking at either the nemesis clone or the stingray x clone. Any thoughts on which is better, or any other mechs that I may want to look into?  

Recommend An Easy Set Up Please

Hi all, it's been awhile for me. I've been using an ego like battery with a rebuildable ego vision cartomizer since last May. While its rebuildable I have not gotten into replacing parts. The other day I went to reorder cartomizers to find they can no longer be ordered. I have only ever ordered from one place and I am at a loss for what to top my batteries with. I am looking for something really easy to use. If this is the wrong place to post, please move. I wasn't sure where to post since I still feel new but am not new.