Will Cartomizers Make A Comeback Under "grandfather" Fda Rules?

Just pondering upon this for a bit. Any thoughts?  

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Why Are Cartomizers Flat On The Top?

95% of everything I vape is with different clearomizers that I use. They have these tips on the top that fit my mouth nicely, and I like vaping with these clearomizers.

I keep a few cartomizers around for plastic cracking e-juices, and my question is - Why don't cartomizers also have that tip on the top? Why are they all flat?

I far prefer clearomizers over cartomizers for my set up, but for those times when I do use a cartomizer, it sure would be nice if they came with the same tip on top that clearomizers use. Cartomizers should at least let people put their own tip on them, but that's not possible either, at least on the ones that I've seen.  

Fda Grandfather Date 4/14

So hypothetically if the bill Casaa is asking us to support is passed to keep all things on the market created prior to April 2014, what devices will be available? I started vaping this year, does anyone recall the "must have" devices back then?  


So we have all heard it, at least in small fragments. The Head of the witch hunt herself has stepped down from office. The grandfather date to the regulations has been moved to 2015, and it supposedly comes in effect in either June or July, either way the upcoming date is seriously gunna screw us. But what if perhaps this new head of the Fda isn't so bad? Perhaps the grandfather date will be put back in the terrible spit of 07, or the vaping witch hunt will soon begin again. Either way, we won't know until everything goes public, but what do you think will happen?  

Anyone Else Sick Of Vaping Snobs?

I don't ever gripe ..... about anything ...., I am very quiet and to myself a lot. A proud introvert so to speak. But this has been bugging me a lot lately. People gathered in a group "mainly facebook" and laugh and make fun of their local B&M's House Juice. Because nothing under $30 for 30 ml is good enough for them. I have great juice that wasn't massed produced and labeled "premium" Or others who rip apart someone for having a clone or whatever. Not everyone has the money to spend on this high end stuff ..... So I guess that means they should verbally be ripped to {Moderated}.... and called a cheap {Moderated}. or whatever. I thought the vape community was supposed to stick together and support each other's goal of quitting smoking no matter what device, juices what not. We have more things to worry about with fighting supreme court for our right to vape, not singling each other out based on how much your setup costs. Just my thoughts. Feel free to speak your mind.  

Question From A Luddite

Hi Guys,

I've been vaping for 5 years or so. The main reason I quit smoking and took to vaping was I confess, not for my health, but for my purse. As we all know cigs are too expensive and I actually love vaping more than I ever liked smoking.

Anyway, I'm also set in my ways. Except for a brief foray into tanks, I have used low res cartomizers and have been happy. Now, I am finding it impossible to buy cheap Boge cartos so apparently while I have been happily vaping away without hanging out in the vaping community, the world has moved on and there are all sorts of new fangled products on the market. But, most of the new stuff is ridiculously expensive! I'm just a poor girl, I don't wanna buy fancy crap. Right now I am using an Iclear 16 tank and I gotta say it sucks compared to Boge cartomizers. I use a ton of juice (I make my own juice cuz it is wayyy cheaper) and the wicks only last a couple days compared to 2 weeks for cartos.....What gives?

Isn't there a CHEAP way to vape anymore? I don't wanna buy expensive mods, I use these 10 dollar pass-through rechargeable batteries and everything is cheap and hunky dunky....

Any suggestions on a cheap cheap cheap replacement for cartomizers?



Jokes, Starting With A Bad One

Is that an e-cig in your pocket or are you just glad to see me.....

Told you it was bad, but not as bad as the comeback.
No it's a mod...

Which sounded a bit creepy.  

Help Me Understand Something...

I'm not quite sure what the difference is between operating in VV vs VW is. a worker at a B&M said I'll get more "performance" out of VW mode ... But in my mind Ohm's law rules. If I run my Atlantis .5 at 4.2 volts, that's 29.4 watts. I understand that I can up watts a bit without affecting the voltage reading (maybe it affects it beyond the decimal places the iStick 50 can display?) but am I theoretically squeezing any more performance out of the coil? I'll be honest and say that it only makes a difference when the wattage reaches the borderland between one voltage output and the next and even that seems to be very minor.

I hope that makes sense. IOW, if I like the vape at 4.2 volts, then am I actually gaining anything by upping wattage without changing voltage? My initial experiments tell me "not really," but the science part of my head wants a better answer. Maybe I'm missing something?  

What Would You Call This Build?

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It's twisted 26 gauge space Clapton'd then flat ******* between spacing... any thoughts?  

Do Atomizers "wear Out"?

I have a CLT v2 Plus and a Mutation X v2 running on a Sigelei 150w and an Asmodus Klone v1.5. I am a cloud chaser, just to get that out of the way. Both attys on both mods used to CHUCK the clouds like nobodys business. My builds have not changed, if anything I have gotten much better at it obviously with time and practice. But boths attys on both mods just don't do what they used to. Neither performs in a way that is something to be "ashamed" of, if you will. But they don't do near what I used to get out of them. Maybe it's the batteries? I have 10 18650 batteries, all have been in even rotation for a while now. Although I would think it wouldn't be such a big deal in the Sigelei, it being regulated and all, right? Or maybe I just suck and don't know it? I am not against getting new atomizers, as I love throwing away hard earned money on vape gear I don't really need as much as the next ECF member, but still. Thoughts?  

Silver Solder?

My girlfriend sent me this--

Colorado Lab Results Point to New Culprit in Vaping Cases: A Specific Chemical Used in Cheap Vape Pens

Anyone hear of this? Apparently the "culprit" now is a chemical used in making cheap vape pens, "Silver Solder". Seems to me that they're having a hard time blaming e-liquids without coming down on THC and the black market crap, so now they're blaming the equipment.

Any thoughts? Sorry if this has been posted already.