A New Convert!!

So the other day my wife says that she is interested in trying vapeing cause she really loves the smell it puts out,I tell her that it has nic in it don't think its a good idea but we will go to the shop and try some zero and see what you think and find you a flavor.Today we went and she had a ball trying different flavors she said "its like the chocolate factory just guilt free"lol yes it is.we got her flavor and got her setup on some of my old hardware and now I can't pry the thing out of her hands.Ha ha I created a monster I love it!!!  

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My Wife Says My Vaping "stinks."

Anyone else have this problem? Maybe it's my choice of juices (I'm still into the tobacco type of vapes, slowly moving into other flavors), but my wife can't stand the smell. And she's a smoker!
Personally, I know I can't smell much of anything, and I have had people at work tell me that some vapes smell "delicious." I just don't get it.  

Menthol Addiction Seems To Be Gone!

I smoked menthol cigarettes for 45+ years. Never cared for the taste or smell of cigarette tobacco, but I liked my menthol. When I tried Blu ecigs, the tobacco didn't taste like tobacco, it just tasted "meh". The menthol flavor was more meh with a mentholesque hint, and they were a freaking hassle. When I finally realized this weird vaporizer shop across the street from the hospital and next to the ambulance company actually sold E-cigarettes, not those things you steam up a room with Vick's Vapo-Rub, I went in and told them about my experience with Blu's and asked if they had anything better. I walked out with an eGo starter kit, some fruit flavors, and some menthol and mint juice to mix with them. Success! Got my menthol/nicotine fix and was able to put down the combustibles! For a year and a half I've been doing the same thing only DYI: Fruit and menthol and/or mint. Just had to have that menthol feel or it didn't do the trick for me.

Last week I got a bunch of new flavors from MFS. I mixed up some desert coffee and a key lime pie concoction, no menthol or mint, and it was GOOD!

Now if only somebody would tell this stupid spell checker there is no "u" in flavor!  

Stocking Up Strategy?

If indeed the vape mail ban puts an end to this party, I'm wondering how people are approaching it. Obviously there is cheap hardware and expensive hardware, with the idea that the "good" stuff will last longer. I'm thinking especially of box mods. For example, DNA chips. Are they supposed to last longer than what you get in a $40 mod?

So, are you buying fewer good things, or more cheaper things? Are you saving the good stuff for some day in the future and using up the cheap stuff now? Or are you using the good stuff, thinking that it will last a long long time.

Myself, I don't have a strategy on this but am interested to hear what others have to say.  

So Whats Next...

sub ohm dropping left and right... i can count on my hands around 10+ tanks already on the market

what else you think they can innovate on?

to me seems like the innovation for bigger and better has a ceiling and we are either at it or near it

a. wattage... 50-150 is "common" nowadays, 7-30w is what most people begin with
b. sub ohm tanks, the one im using has crazy airflow and uses cotton, flavor and vapor is on par with most rdas
c. rdas with multiple ways to build, airflow, color, flavor, etc..

what you think is "the next big thing" or you believe we near the ceiling in terms of innovation  

Smok Vct A1 Diy Coil Kit Is Amazing

I purchased my smok vct a1 at a local vape shop and was told the coils cannot be rebuilt another vape shop had the do it yourself kits for this specific sub ohm tank, the factory coil is a single, but the diy is a dual that tests at .41 my itaste mvp3 loves the diy, the flavor is amazing and so is the cloud, to the smoketek fans out there i highly recomend trying the diy, after watching the build video on youtube  

How Important Were Flavors To Help You To Quit Smoking?

I haven't come across any studies or polls that determine how important flavors are/were to help vapers to quit smoking and remain off cigarettes.

This video is a fantastic testimony on how important flavors are in vaping. It's in an MP4 format, so the link looks funny, but its safe to click on. Mark_Slis-Michigan_Testimony-2019-09-12.mp4

He shares that 99% of his customers choose a fruit or desert flavor. An 87 year old grandmother chose "Fruity COPYRIGHTDMCA Cereal". Yes, older people like flavors and demand "kid flavors".

Why You Don't Need an E-Liquid that Tastes Like Cigarettes

So I'm asking everyone in this community to voice their opinion on how important flavors were to get you off of cigarettes when you began vaping, and how important are they to you today to keep you from returning back to smoking? Will you be able to use just "tobacco" flavors if the FDA bans flavors?

Sign the Petition

Tobacco Flavor & Teddy Bears

Teddy Bears what? I am going to get to that very quickly...

So the whole premise behind the 'flavor' ban seems to be premised on the idea that tobacco flavors are acceptable, but fruit/candy flavors might entice our teen children. Our children, as we refer to them, about to be 18 year old legal 'Adults' in the USA in a short period of time, 18, age enough to join the military, will find the flavor of tobacco so offensive, that they will be unable to handle it?

"Son/Daughter, are you vaping? No way mom, tobacco is so icky! Can I have another bowl of fruit loops?"

It reminds me of coffee, and how many here thought their first cup of coffee was kind of nasty tasting, but you grew into it, even enjoy it? Somehow though Starbucks has survived and thrived. Did you know that coffee can raise your heart rate? Maybe we should keep feeding our teens the McDonald's child meals, because you know, the flavors get to be more challenging as you grow up. (yes I am being very facetious).

Is this really the way we see our teenagers now? No flavors but candy/fruit will entice them, and Teddy Bears of course, teens don't outgrow their stuffed animals either.

This is our government's solution though, ban flavors other then tobacco. It's so deeply incorrect in premise, it's hard to even argue why it's flawed.  

Salty/sweet Taste All Vapes Flavors Why?

sup, thanks for reading . I'm vaping for 3 years now, never had problem until now. I taste saltiness on my tongue after vaping for more than 10 seconds. I thought it might be coil so I changed them all. Maybe juice so i tried different ones different flavor. same thing.

I vaped for 3 years just Pomango and Menthol. Never had that problem. Recently I got into DIY Mixing so i ordered 14 different flavors and started experimenting. Mostly Peach, Mango, sweet mango CAP, Green Apple, Pomegranate. never went over % than whats recommended. After sweet Mango flavor CAP 5% solo flavor it started. I thought maybe its the mango flavor so Itried others and same thing, even Menthol. So its definitely something with my taste. I tried to eat lollipop candy and its there but barely noticeable because of the sugar from lolipop. Hmmmm.... Is it because i started experimenting with other flavors and I have so called"Vapers tongue " thingy?

When first time I tried mango and green apple , OMG it was spectacular taste!!!after few weeks now just salt mix with touch of sweetness and a litlle flavor on my tongue and I do let it go thru my nose and stuff too , to get most out of vaping experience, menthol is the strongest from them all that stays but its not the same as it was few weeks ago.

anybody had same issue? I found the thread from 2011 the guy had same issue.

18 days vaping - all juices now tasting salty sweet, but not in a good way.

I do feel,menthol,peach and other fruits flavor for 3-6 sec just after 10 seconds it becomes kinda salty on my tongue and lets see, umm upper patella of the jaw you call it? yeah... and im loosing flavor, very frustrating....

anyone can explain that or had similar experience?


Flavor Chasers

Hi all first off like to say thanx to everyone who answers my newbie question. You guys been alot of help. My vapeing knowledge is improving. Now I have another one for you guys . I am looking to get the most flavor out of my vapes. I own a ipv4 a mutilation x v4 a tugboat and kanger submini and a eleaf 50 watt. I have 26g kanthal 24g kantal . What is any should I get for more flavor . What kinda build should I do ? How many wraps? Please give me a full Break down on the way to get best flavor possible . Juice with more vg I am so new and lost thanx in advance  

Ok, So Maybe I Do Have A One Track Mind...

OK, so the vaping gods sent a sign today. I was cleaning out my bathroom when I went over to my wife's side of the counter and saw a teeny, tiny tube mod. I pick it up, examine it, rolling it my hands. I think to myself "Geez, this thing is tiny! What is it, a 14350. No, maybe a 14240. How does this produce enough current to fire? I don't know, that atomizer has to be pretty tiny. Maybe it's 3 ohms or something. When did SHE get into vaping and where did she find this thing? What a great stealth mod! I need to get one!" Typical vaper thought process, right?

Turns out that it was a stainless steel tube of lipstick.