Ohms All Over The Place For Vw

I'm not that fond of VW because I find most inboard ohm meters are all over the place. It's either low or way too high. I know, the resistance changes as to the voltage applied, but I don't find it so convenient as VV. As for now is mostly vape by taste, and I can never be sure if it's going to be good or mediocre, just depending on the ohm readout. Just now, an 1.8 ohm head Nautilus is reading 2.5 on my iStick 30, 1.7 on my IPV mini and 2.0 on the Sigelei mini. I just can't understand how you can vape on this, I thought it was my rebuildables, but no, it's the onboard ohm meter.  

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What Are The Benefits Of High Vv/vw Mods?

Hi all

So I keep hearing about mods that go up to 100-150w. Right now I'm using an istick 30 with the aspire nautilus and whenever I vape above 19VW I get a burnt taste. I use 100% VG juice at 6MG.

If I pair a subtank sub-ohm tank with a high voltage mod will I be able to vape above 19w without a burnt taste?

If I could, what will a high VV/VW mod actually do to enhance my vaping experience? Stronger nicotine hit?

From using the istick at 19VW I don't see any difference from when I was vaping at 11.0VW on the MVP2.

Also, isn't it dangerous after the coils exceed a certain temperature?  

Tank Questions

I'm new to vaping and I hope I'm not beating a dead horse but couldn't find it searching. I have a Nautilus on order and a istick 50w. I've thought about trying a subtank mini too. I'm not looking to sub ohm or rebuild, just a good tank with good flavor. How do they compare with the mini using the 1.2 ohm coil.

Thanks for your time!

Aspire Nautilus Mini Not Firing?!?!

OK so I got an aspire nautilus mini for free today (my close friend upgraded and gave it to me) and I was using it on my Istick 20 watt for a couple hours and then out of no where it started saying no atomizer and it wasn't firing at all and the Istick wasn't even reading the ohms it just says 0.0 it so I put it on a Itaste VV and it wont fire on that either I have no idea what to do?  

At My Wicks End!

I'm at my wicks end with this whole rebuilding thing!

Having given up anologs with my Nautilus Mini, I thought I'd treat myself to an authentic Kayfun v4.

My first rebuildable. It vapes great, lots of dense smooth vapour, but the cotton tastes awful!!

Tried cheap cotton from the chemist. Tried Koh Gen Do. The best so far has been Klaud cotton, but there's no denying it. While the vapour is superior to my Nautilus the taste is no where near as good.

Everything in my Kv4 tastes of cotton with a hint of the juice flavour.

I've watched all the videos on you tube, it's wicking fine, but cotton just tastes bad!

7wraps, 3mm ID, 28g Kantal, 1.4 Ohms.

Promised myself a Vapor Flask DNA40 for the Kv4. But if I can't get it tasting better
then this the Kayfun can go in the bin, I'll stick with the Nautilus Mini's on iStick 20w's.  

Nautilus Mini Spitting?

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Usa Ohm Meters - New 3d Printed Meters

I decided to retire my cheesy Eleaf ohm meter and step up to something unique and of much higher quality. USA Ohm Meters is now making 3D printed meter cases with a stainless steel floating 510. Accurate to +/- 0.018 Ohms. Very nice indeed. Can't wait until this thing shows up.


Coil Ohms And Wattage Solution

Hello Been vaping about 2 years now
My setups are Vaporshark Rdna 30 Istick 30 watt and a provari 2.5 and a IPv mini v2 30 watt
So like many others I have been juggling with wattage I currently Use A couple of kanger subtank minis using the RBA and a kayfun v4 I've been all over the place building ohms but have settled on 1.2 - 1.4 ohms BTW I'm not into sub ohms
So after many months of different ohms and watts with the help of steam engine I have found I like my vape at a heat flux of around 175 so to get to this and I can't believe how simple it was I just take the ohms I am using such as 1.2 @ 12 watts = 178 heat flux 1.3 @ 13 watts = 178 heat flux and so on I can't believe it became that simple
So I suppose all it takes is to find what heat flux you enjoy and adjust from there
I never bought that what I have read thru the last 2 years that 14 watts is 14 watts no matter what ohms you use it seems to me there had to be more factors involved
Just my thoughts

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk  

Sigelei 50 Watt Vr2 And Subtank Mini Upgrade Opinions Needed

Hey all. Been awhile since I’ve posted but I still snoop daily. Happy to say that this month makes a year off the cigs!!

I’m hoping for some advice on a setup I’m considering upgrading to.

For awhile now, I’ve been rotating a nautilus mini between my provari mini 2.5 and an istick 20w. I find I still get a more consistent flavor and vape on the PV but the istick comes in handy when I’m out and about. Ultimately, I’m looking to enhance my vape experience and hope to get more flavor and more vape production. I typically vape 70VG/30PG 6mg nic juices

I’ve been thinking of moving on up to a kanger subtank mini (found on sale for $30) so I can begin to learn how to build coils, etc. in hopes of saving some extra $$$ on replacement coils down the road. I’m also considering upgrading to a Sigelei 50 Watt VR2 (found them on sale for $50) so I’ll have plenty power for the tank. However, I have no experience with the Sigelei’s, just see that they are a fairly popular box mod with the community and online reviews. Also found the Sigelei 150w on sale for $80 but feel it may be too much for my needs.

So here’s my questions to you fine folks:

- In your opinion, do you think this setup (subtank mini w/ Sigelei 50w VR2) would be a nice upgrade for me based on the price? I’d really like a good setup that I can use to begin learning how to build but also want a mod that is powerful enough so that I won’t feel like upgrading a few months down the road. I also like the fact that I can still use/buy premade coils.

- To build a good sub ohm coil, what supplies are necessary such as what gauge/brand wire, cotton types/brands, tools needed, etc. Keep in mind that I’ve watched a few videos on building coils for this tank but am a complete novice and would need to purchase all the supplies/tools.

- Also, what are the best/safest 18650 batteries to power the sigelei?

I realize that I could probably search for this information individually through this forum and various review videos but am hoping for some additional input/opinions as well. Plus, there's so much information available online it becomes overwhelming and confusing to a noob such as myself.

Thank you in advance.  

Istick 50w Resistance Reading .2ohms High

I have had my istick 50w for about 24 hours now. I the issue I am having is that all my 1.8ohm tanks are reading 2.0ohms on the display of the iStick. This is the case for my Aspire ET-S and Nautilus Minis. On two occasions the Nautilus tanks have read 1.9. Never 1.8. Even with brand new coils. I get the same result on 4 Nautilus Minis and 3 ET-S tanks. I get the same results with the mod turned off when I screw on the tanks as I do with the mod turned on. Any ideas or suggestions?  

I'm Not A Troll

If any of you are from ukvapers.org, you will know my story. I have been trying to get back to a time that I had done 42 days off cigarettes with vaping. But that was over 2 years ago. And I would like to get back there. I have been having a hard time at said forum as Each time I state that I will vape, I tend to go back to smoking and My possible reason for doing so is that it is not cutting it for me.

I have had countless support there but they keep stating about using high nic in an mtl tank. I cannot get along with them as I have used the Aspire Nautilus mini and Digiflavour Siren V2. I use rebuildables to save on money.

My go to tank is the Youde Bellus V1. with peach 6mg/ml. I have quite a large collection of do-it-yourself concentrates. And have 3.7L of 72mg Nicotine.

The reason why I have not posted in over 2 years is that I thought ukvapers would be my home for everything. So I also created a forum for myself and others at MVR Forum.

I know you need tough love to get someone to do as you need them to do something, but as I have paranoid schizophrenia, it is hard to break my habit of smoking. I know that I can and should but it is the very first few days that I find the hardest to continue.

All I want to do is to keep posting about my vaping journey and have support by members stating keep it going or you are doing good. I cannot any longer get this from ukvapers as It takes forever to get a reply. And with me having endless threads there I am seen as a troll when I fall of the wagon.

I would like users here to egg me on and that is all I wanted in the first place.