90 Days Down

I have hit my 90 days... Where do I pick up my chip?!

Every time I have a few drinks I think I want a smoke, but I always resist. On Saturday I was at a party and got a wee bit silly shall we say. I took a drag off a friends cigarette..... OMG!!!! That was hands down the worst thing I have tasted in ages! I actually spit and gargled with my drink!

I think I'm good. How on earth did I smoke like a chimney for 33 years?!  

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Feeling Pleased With Myself Tonite

I've been messing with my mech mod, got it working ok. No danger. I also found some of my last 22ga kanthal and made me a pair of my all time favorite coils. 7 wraps on 3mm. Just plain Jane, round wire coils that for me, have performed famously every time I make them. I also got myself a new toy, voopoo drag 2 platinum. Same chip as the original drag I think and since I gave that one away last year, I'd forgotten how responsive that chip is. Quite nice. And I still have the switcher. So now, all at once it seems, i have 3 working mods and feeling pleased with myself. Playing mix and match too, put my dead rabbit on the tsunami mech and using the tsunami rda on the switcher. That's the one I just put the 22ga kanthal on and yeppers its kickin'. Just gotta work the new cotton taste out of it. Maybe I'll pop an ant down in there for old times sake. Or not. The memory is still fresh. And another thing, just a couple months away will mark 3 yrs in my vaping journey. I want to thank all my friends on the forum here who have helped me along the way, answered questions, and generally put up with me all this time now. And I truly believe I'd rather vape an ant as to smoke a cigarette. Not that i actually will again, the ant was kinda gross really when I think about it. But all in all, yep. Vape on.  

Im Back! 5 Years Ago I Was 1 Year Tobacco Free, I Ruined It.

I had quit, FINALLY, after 15 years of a pack or more a day smoking. What an accomplishment! Something i would be proud of for an entire year. The benefits I had seen were amazing! I could HIKE again, 3000ft elevation gain in 3 miles! Wow! Something i had not done since i was 13. Well, there I was... Camping with some friends.

I knew I should have brought my backups, I KNEW IT! All i had was two 18650's, my mini mech which took 1 and an RDA... It was only a matter of time before something went wrong. I did not bring the tools to rebuild the atomizer. I had no charger for my batteries- and we would be here for a week. What the hell was I thinking?

The trip was a blast, we did a TON of fishing, nights were spent with our group of party-goers by the campfire. We drank ALOT and we shared our stories.. In the back of my mind, i knew... I was going to be without nicotine at some point in this trip. WHY, Why did i not come prepared. Something SO IMPORTANT to me and i did not bring what i needed.

Then it happened. I was on my second battery- three days into the trip. The vape was becoming very weak, I was almost done. I fought hard to conserve, only vaping a puff or two every hour or so. I still needed SOME nicotine. It was about 8PM, time for another puff... Only.. Nothing. "OK" i said. "I can still do this, I dont need it". It had been an hour since my last puff and honestly, I did need it.

9 O'clock rolled around, we were hanging out around the fire drinking... everyone was smoking and I had nothing to occupy my hands. I was desperate. "I can go lay down, maybe if I go to sleep, wake up early and pack up- I can make it home and this will all be over". I laid down... Restless. The next thirty minutes felt like 10 hours, I did NEED it.

I will just go hang out some more, forget about it. I climbed out of the tent and rejoined the group around 10, seems like no one was tired. I knew i couldn't sleep. The alcohol was starting to loosen my grasp on priorities... Ok, just one drag, something to get me by. I looked at my buddy smoking and decided I would ask.. "hey man, let me hit your cig". Huge mistake! "Here, just have one" he said. Ok, what harm would a couple drags do? I lit the cig, inhaled deeply and noticed a few things.

The first drag was very weird. It tasted very bad, completely like chemicals. It was so satisfying though! I smoked that cigarette and enjoyed it, every moment. The campground we were at had a store that was open until 11, and guess what.. I needed nicotine. They sold cigs. The rest was history. I regretted that to this day. I had messed up, so bad. I had so much under my belt, so much accomplished- i was a loser that day.

Its been 5 years since then. My lungs have gotten so bad. I smoked 2 packs a day, marb 100's. I cough in my sleep and when i wake up. I vomit sometimes from how bad it is. Sometimes, i have a hard time breathing- something new and unfamiliar... I know why though. These past 6 months have been bad. It was time to make a change.

I proposed something to my wife; who does not smoke and never has. She loves sugar, if she could quit that... something i did 7 years ago... Then i would quit smoking. DEAL! She was onboard. Two weeks have passed, she has quit sweet creamer in her coffe, candy, chocolate, sweet tea, everything. She did it. Ok, My turn.

I went out tonight about 6 hours ago and bought a new vape. I have not smoked since i bought it! I can do this, I know I can! She is already proud of me, and I am too. Its time to quit once and for all, and I know i can do this... Here's to believing!  

Done With Tobacco For Sure!

Today I decided to smoke just out of curiousity, (haven't touched a ciggy since the end of march) I thought it sounded like a good idea. Went in the bathroom and stood under the exhaust fan (in the shower lol) and lit one up. Blegh! Took about 3 puffs and threw it in the toilet. Never again. Tasted horrid, no nicotine buzz, and even after showering snd changing clothes I swear I could still smell it. I quickly took a hit from my Istick 30/Subtank nano, and still tasted like crap. Brushed my teeth and could still taste nasty smoke all day long. I don't know for sure if I'll continue to vape long term, but will definitely never smoke again, even the few I smoked before (a few a week). I don't know how smokers that haven't yet discovered vaping do it.  

32 Days And No Traditional Cigs--not Seeing People Smoke Might Be Helping

hey All,

I joined here several months ago. Posted that I had done e-cigs for march to about June and then switched back to traditional and came back here for support and knowledge which I have received in spades here.thanks.

32 days ago I came down with low grade fever, 100.5 at most slights aches and fatigue..nothing major but certainly not ordinary. At the time I was back to 10-15 traditional cigs per day. But with the fever and fatigue I immediately stopped tradtional cigs--as I thought it could be Covid and honestly had no desire.

Turns out it was NOT Covid and in the 32 days I have had a total of 3 puffs from an e-cig in my desk drawer. I'm otherwise back to normal and only slightly crave a hit of e-cig and I know can use it I need it but the cravings only are short.

I think one part of this is with Covid and being in NYC--I'm not on the streets as much and I never see hardly anyone smoke or even vape. I do go to an office 4 days a week and the walk to the office is 12 minutes. And like a normal city--pre covid you'd always see people outside having a smoke or a vape and enjoying themselves and for me that's what kind of drove the cravings and addiction. now when I come home from work, I don't have a craving need.

After 32 days without a traditional cig and only 3 puffs of an e-cig --does that happen to people? In my head I have committed that I will be a non traditional cig smoker and if I need the e-cigs I'm fine with that. There is a slight concern that if we ever get back to normal and I " see" people smoke that might bring it back..who knows? Hopefully I am far along enough now that it wont' effect me. In fact I saw a bke messenger smoking at a stop light yesterday and just looking at the traditional cig kind of grossed me out. so maybe that's a good sign?

The benefits so far a my apartment and clothes smell normal. I have more energy and can breath better.

Maybe for me (and others) the visual appeal or or just seeing others enjoy a cigarette was part of the addiction?  

Don't Know Where To Post This...just So Mad At Myself, I Screwed Up

I haven't had a smoke since June....sure, I never dropped from 24 (nor do I plan to...) but I was doing good!

But today, I took 4 puffs off a smoke and threw it out, my chest hurts and it tasted awful (it was from a pack I had from May)...do I need to reset my counter?

I feel like {Moderated}....all this started this weekend, and now I just let myself down because I get so mad or down sometimes...I am so upset  

Help Becoming Tobacco Free

So here's the issue. After about 5 or 6 years of bouncing back and forth between vaping and smoking, something has to give.

Now I don't need advice on thich gear to buy or which juice to buy because I have all that and and am usually equipped with my DNA mods, various RDA's and Breeze disposables. But my problem is that I live with and am i. A relationship with a smoker who has no desire to quit.

I usually do fine when I'm at work and can manage not to smoke with my vaping products. But when I come home and sit with her when she's chain smoking, I need a cigarette. I'll start by taking a smoke or two from her to buying my own pack sometimes and not vapimg again until the next day. Has anyone experienced this or have any tips to break the cycle? I definitely smoke a lot less than I used to but need to be done with the cigarettes for good.

Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk  

Its My Turn. One Year Vaporversery.

I want to thank ECF for making it fun, Joe for making it his life`s mission, and all the great down to earth people that make ECF the best place for a vapor outside of FT, :?)

Just for fun, here`s my first post on ECF:
Just saying High, LOL.

Been vaping for almost 4 months now. Was smoking for about 35 years with the last ten of them smoking some strong .... cigars (Pepin, Padron, Rocky P, you know). I was never able to look at vaping as a legitimate alternative until I tried to quite the last time. I had "quite" many times in the past, but after I got into my thirties success never lasted more then a few days. Than this last time I quit (Im 48 now), I quit cold turkey for 7 days. Thought the world was going to end but "I was quitting smokes!", ha, ha. Had all those self doubts the hardcore smoker goes through. Was really fighting the lack of sanity and then somehow I got me a ecig (My wife`s ecig (that she hardly used!!) I actually snuck it, ha, ha.
And Hot damn, if that thing did`nt work. Cravings were gone, Sanity felt so much better. It tasted like the waft of a dog turd, but I did`nt like smoking either 35 years ago either, its an acquired taste you know. Quickly found out that if you are`nt committed, and if you are`nt capable of problem solving, smoking will look so much easier. But I`m not one that gives up very easily, so I figured out what was wrong (Kanger quality control pretty much sucks, LOL), tried some more juices, got a bigger tank, tried some more juices.

Its been 4 months of real fun. This is FUN! I control the Nic intake, not the smoke. I can vape a little, I can Vape ALLOT! I really like 36MG but my stomach is very attuned to being able to tell me when to put it down. Me and My better half have been able to stay stinky free for just about 4 months and since that first week, I have`nt really even thought about a smoke. I mean I`ll say it again, THIS IS FUN!! I CAN APPLY CONTROL to the mix of getting my fix. I like Nic and this is the absolutely perfect delivery system for a control freak like me, LOL.

Now I have a Vamo, a KFL, a Panzer with a hypertank. Oh, I got a brass thingy with a brass Stilare on top chucking .4 ohms. A Kcig (Kamry bomb I call it). Getting rid of the plastic clearomisers as they are just too finicky and a pita at this stage. As soon as I can I`m getting a Fooger cause I know that is going to be the ONE. But hey, my first months was spent on a twister and a PT2, so I know it will work if you really, really want to quit.

And if this government gets too high and mighty and regulates that crap out of my Nic, then I`m going to get a box of decent cigars, and a couple gallons of PG, and they can stick their regulation right up the kyster!! This government needs a enema, and I hope they get it this November. Those misguided idiots that try to stuff "Not a smoking cessation program" down the mouth of the general public really piss me off, I mean I get hot and see red when these self righteous know it all`s start spewing their self righteous know NOTHING crap!

Have I said enough? LOL.

My handle means Vapehappy Randall B. Cause that`s the first thing I think of when I think about vaping, its makes me Vapehappy. But of course it makes lots of folks Vapehappy and so we`re all vapehappy and I`ll have to settle for that amalgamation of a handle, but its all good.

Glad to be here.

Its a new addiction, :?)  

6 Years Smoke Free !

Just realized that I have been smoke free for 6 years. Wow. Best thing I have ever done. I went from smoking 2+ pad to quitting instantly. Started with 24 mg (yes, it was necessary with the inefficient systems that were around in 2009 lol) to now using 0 - 3 mg depending on what I feel like.

Happy anniversary to me !  

Vapor Goes Down, Cig Smoke Goes Up

I still smoke one cigarette a day and I noticed that upon exhale, cigarette smoke drifts up, whereas the vapor from vaping drifts down, like dry ice. Anyone else notice that, or know why it might be?  

Wales (uk) To Ban Ecigs In Enclosed Public Places.

Non-smokers just don't understand the difference between smoke and exhaled vapour - a cigarette gives off smoke even when you put it down between puffs, all anyone else gets from an ecig has already been filtered by your lungs.

Its easy to see how non-smokers may see a a plume of vapour as just as much an invasion into their space as cigarette smoke though.

How long before vaping is as restricted as smoking?!!!

They hate it because they've noticed it - and less of them would notice if it wasn't for the cloud chasers.