Zero Resistance Problem

Put a new build on an authentic derringer. Was working fine before...put it on ohm reader before pinching can't get any reading. Just says .00. Other attys read on the meter. Even simple 28g single wrap won't read either. Any help would be great.  

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Ohm Meter Accuracy

Hi all,

I have a quick question - I have been getting some inaccurate readings on my coils and I'm trying to figure out which is the closest to the real reading. I have an ohm reader I purchased at Mad Vapes that reads my coil at 1.93. I bought a new ohm meter from USA Ohm Meter (?) that reads it at 2.05. The Cloupor Mini reads it at 1.81 and the HCigar Heart beat reads at 1.83. Provari reads at 1.9. It is 8 wraps of 30 gauge Kanthal. Do any of these numbers even sound accurate?  

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Thanks for your help guys!  

Rebuilding Kanger Heads , Help Please

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What The Hell Is It With Vapordna's Project Subohm Rdas?

I have bought four RDAs from VaporDNA, all Project Subohm. First was the CLT V3 Infinite.

It read at a 0.09ohms on my reader unbuilt. So I emailed them, and they sent a replacement. In the mean time, I managed to fix the first one. The second one also read at a 0.09ohms on my reader, but I managed to fix that one, too. (BTW, by "fixed", I mean "got to read at a 1 on my ohm reader unbuilt). Bolstered by my experience being easily able to fix the CLT, I ordered a Swirlfish. Same issue, but this time, I couldn't fix it.

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But there is simply no way I'm the only one experiencing this. It's not my ohm reader, which has fresh batteries and reads all un-shorted, built RDAs accurately. And yet I still got a Smok Omnitester which is on its way, just in case.

So what in the hell is going on, here? I may get a regular, non-Project Subohm Mutation V4 from somewhere else and just get my money back on this one or something, but I'm really at the end of my patience with this. It's ridiculous.

If you get Project Subohm RDAs, please check them on your ohm readers. Somebody... please somebody... say I'm not alone in experiencing this.


No Ohms Being Read?

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How do i go about testing the ohms without an ohm reader  

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How do I read the specs for other such as: Alian, interlock Alian, staggered fused Clapton, parallel clapton.?  

2nd Build

Okay so not sure if this is the right section or not but its the only relevant place I could find. .

My first build was okay coils turned out fine but the wicking and position of the coils where terrible. So I decided to have another go.

Opinions appreciated.

Using smok xpro m80
Plume veil v1.5 clone
26gauge kanthal
Wrapped around a 2mil precision screwdriver.
8 or 9 wraps can't remember.
And reading at .46 ohms

P.s don't know why the coils look like there glowing purple but I promise their not haha.