Anyone Using An Aspire 2.1ohm Bvc W/ Egrip?

Since I have a box of the Aspire 2.1ohm BVC's in my possession I've been wanting to use the coils in my eGrip ever since I found a few videos on Youtube showing how easy it is. But, I've only read and seen egrip users using the 1.6 or 1.8ohm version. I was wondering if anyone in here has tried this out or is currently using them I the eGrip. Pros? Cons?...just wondering  

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Egrip Alternative?

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I Think I Found My Final Set Up...for Now


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About 2 months ago I started again when my buddy gave me his old vv pen(not sure of brand) and his Nautilus (sp?) tank. I liked the flavor much more but it still wasn't cutting it. So I went to my local b&m and ended up with an egrip. Now, that sucker is what got it all started for me.
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I just wish I would have realized this earlier.
Got a picture of it for you, next to can for size reference.
Not sure why the pic is sideways like that but tilting your head makes it look normal ha.  

Rba Is Not My Friend.

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Aspire 1.0 Ohm Coil In Atlantis

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Daily Vaping Habits?

Hi there!
I'm Distruzio and I'm a newb around these parts. I've only been vaping for 6 months but I'm all in for sure. It allows me to satisfy my nic addiction while indoors and spend some quality time with my family (which were the factors pressing me to quit smoking - health and safety were secondary to family obligations). Plus, at this point in my Vaping journey I've found that not only has vaping become necessary for my daily life its become a hobby as well (I've been restricted to 2 coil wraps a day by the wife because I was becoming obsessive with getting the perfect setup... which is understandable ).

After 6 months, however, I've found that certain vaping "habits" have crept into my daily routine.

In the mornings, that first vape we all crave absolutely has to my cappuccino flavored and 24mg/nic alongside my coffee. I walk my son to the bus stop and, for that, I switch to the fruit loops 12mg/nic. For work breaks I tend to drift back and forth from key lime pie to lemon meringue pie at 18mg nic. And after work its back to fruit loops but at 6mg/nic and 95%vg to relax the days woes away.

Aside from the morning cup of joe alongside my cappuccino, i never touch my Aspire Atlantis V2 (which stays filled with that flavor alone). I drip all day. Even in the car which is... hazardous (thus my plan to purchase an egrip Wednesday).

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