Sigelei 150w Is A Beast!

If anyone is on the fence about buying a Sigelei 150w... BUY IT.

This thing has been great so far. Absolutely no problems and I like it much much much better than my Hana Modz DNA 40. For $110, it's as good or better. All the problems other people have had with this thing, I have experienced none of them. I was vaping for four days with a .2 ohm build on the Doge v2 running between 60w-80w and it still had 50% battery life. The performance is ridiculous, especially for it's price tag. I'm so happy I didn't waste money by over paying for a VaporShark or Vapor Flask. Just because something is more expensive, it doesn't mean that it is better...  

Similar Content Has Finally Happened finally happened /: i lost my Sigelei 150W with my Royal Hunter i had just purchased recently. It hurts. The first thing that goes through my mind when i wake up, how could i be so stupid..

Anyways. Life continues, with or without it.

Now what is a Box Mod that compares to the Sigelei 150W where i can adjust it by wattage that'll perform as good and last as long. I use RDA's & Tanks of all kinds on it and need something that ill enjoy everyday. Must be my go to, when i dont feel like using my mechanicals.  

Decisions, Decisions...

so i have been asked a few times what i want for my upcoming birthday. at first i was going to go with the zombie splatter flawless tugboat mech mod/rda combo, BUT flawless decided to have a 50% off sale on Monday so i got it myself

i have been wanting to get a nice box mod for quite some time, but cant really decide on one. my main thing is i'm looking to get a dual 18650 device, for longevity.

right now i'm bouncing back and forth between the iPV4 and the Sigelei 150w. i am also open to using an unregulated box mod, although i don't have much knowledge of those - specifically the difference between parallel and series.

on one hand i like the idea of having the ability to run temperature control, although i don't know how much i would really use it. i also like the aesthetic look of the sigelei 150w.

who owns one of, or both, of these devices? which do you prefer? what box mod would you suggest instead of these?

price range, below $200 is ideal.


Sigelei 150w Thread Or Discussion?

I feel liked I looked everywhere on this forum I can't find a sigelei 150w thread or discussion or anything. Can any one point me in the right direction?  

Aspire Atlantis 2 Question/problem

So I just picked up the Atlantis 2 today and I have a few questions/concerns.

First off:

What is a good wattage range for the .3 ohm coils ? Im guessing somewhere between 40-70w

Does it have a weird brake in period ? Because it's not producing very much vapor at all...

I put a 3mg juice in the tank and it's hitting like a 8mg or 10mg which is weird.

Anyone else having problems with it ? I'm using it on a 150w Sigelei  

I Can't Stop!

This is bad, and what's worse is I know it's bad but I can't seem to stop. I keep buying mods and tanks and juice and accessories. I've been vaping for almost a year now and for the most part I was happy with my setup (once i got past the cheap ego battery setup I had). I was rockin an MVP 2.0 and a nautilus tank. Loved every second of it. But recently the MVP threads got messed up so no tank would connect to it. So I decided to upgrade my setup and get a Sigelei 150w. Now THIS thing is amazing.

You would think since I was happy with my setup that would be enough. NOPE! I ordered an RDA (Mad Hatter) to go with the sigelei because the nautilus just wasn't fully utilizing the mod. I ordered wire, wick, ohm meter, the whole kit and kaboodle. But I also ordered an MVP 3.0 Pro for the times the sigelei batteries were dead or I just needed a smaller device. Got the MVP in today and it's amazing. I definitely love Innokin products.

That's it though, right? NOPE! I haven't even recieved my RDA yet and I was browsing the interwebs looking at forums and reviews and came across the Kanger Subtank Mini. Looks awesome. So I ordered it. But not by itself, oh no no no, I saw a kit with a Kanger Subox Mini and Subtank Mini starter kit. So I ordered it. Oh god will the impulse buying ever stop!?

Let's not get into my juice collection. I have more bottles than I know what to do with. Originally it was a handful of bottles that could sit on my desk, now I've had to rearrange my dresser so the multitude of bottles can sit up there. I have so many flavors that I love that I keep switching them around and it's driving me crazy. And everytime I see one of you post about your new favorite all day vape flavor I look into it, think it sounds amazing, and end up buying more.

Aww screw it, I love vaping. I'm sure i'll buy something else real soon. Speaking of which...I could use a new drip tip to go with my new tanks. Gotta go.

(thanks for reading my rant)  

Ohms Jumping On Sigelei 150w?

Everything on atties is secure.. tried several different atomizers & having same issue. Even put a iclear 30 on there & same thing is happening. Help? :/ this is very frustrating  

Big Discount On Sigelei 150w

Just seen this on GearBest

If you use discount code Sigelei150WCY you can get the 150w for $88.99 with free shipping too.


Hana Modz Dna 50 Clone Voltage?

For all you brainiacs and problem solvers out there. I've just recieved my Hcigar DNA 50 Hana Modz Clone from our friends at Fasttech. Overall it seems like a niece piece for the price. I've only really one issues with it which is as follows. The voltage read out is fairly accurate up to 40w but can't seem to go higher than 6.4v all the way up to 50w. 50w should read at 7.07v given the below build.

I'm currently using purple efest 3100mah batts with a 1ohm dual coil on a plume veil.

Is it that the display is faulty, (doubt this), I need higher drain batts (probably not as not pushing the amp limit here), or simply just that it's a clone and the chip isn't all the way up to the job?

I'm leaning towards the last one but can't complain, as an (essentially) 40w mod for the price is pretty flippin good!

Any ideas or suggestions would be great.

Cheers folks!  

Sigelei 50w V2

Good evening ladies and gents! It's been awhile since I've been to this site. First off, I've been cigarette free for two years, eight months.

I first started with a pair of Ego Twists. They are still working with a lot of use! I decided to go with something that uses a 18650 battery and chose a E-Vic. That turned out to be a piece of junk. After that, I purchased a Z-Max which while being a good device, but hit the button wrong, and it will change settings. I thought it straight-lined (it didn't). I guess i hit the button wrong (again).

I ordered a Sigelei 50w V2, and have been using it for three days. I really like that it didn't cost an arm and a leg, $60 from BeVapeHappy. Yes, I could have spent $150, or more, but I have bills and such to pay.

The Sigelei is very simple to operate, and using 1.8Ω cartomizer and a IBTanked at 10w, it's amazing!  

Vaporizer Chief??

Has anyone ever done business with a company named Vaporizer Chief? If so, do they sell authentic products or clones? They have the brand names on their Sigelei 150W, however, I do not see the name Sigelei on the box mod itself.