Things Are Starting To Get A Little Serious

I started vaping a little over a year ago. Like most people I started with egos and clearos. Now things are starting to get a little serious.


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Vaping With Physics, Youtube Channel I'm Starting(started)

So I started this youtube channel Vaping with Physics where I explain the physics of vaping. I figured I would let people know on here if anyone is interested, as the channel is brand new and no one knows about it yet. I'm starting basic with defining the typical electrical terms you hear. So far I have done a video on voltage and one on current/resistance. I plan on doing circuits next, specifically the difference between parallel and series and how that affects vaping. I also did a review of the hero box from drip club just to add some variety. Now i'm not a Phd so I won't be going TOO deep into things, also I want to keep it math friendly for people who aren't already into science anyway. I'm still an undergrad (one more year) but I have a pretty good understanding of most of the stuff, at least to qualify making youtube videos I would think. Let me know if you guys think this is a good idea and if you have any suggestions for topics to discuss. I also am still getting used to recording myself talk so I will improve over time with that hopefully. Right now it kind of just feels like I'm talking out loud to myself lol. Anyway check it out if you'd like:  

Not Sure If I Should Be Happy

I just found out my 17 year old cousin started vaping a few months back and he was afraid to tell me, and his mother! To be honest, part of me is relieved!

a little background: I come from an entire family of smokers, aunts, uncles, cousins, all of us smoke with the exception of maybe 5 (out of 50+ people). Most of us starting at around the age of 13-15, it just seems like the thing to do in our clan I guess. Secretly I worry about my younger cousins picking up on our bad habits, just as I did. Seeing your entire family smoke and being around it all the time, its kind of hard to imagine NOT ending up a smoker yourself.

any who, when he told he was vaping, and that he things cigarette smoke is disgusting... I smiled inside soo much. there is hope for us yet!  

Subohming Vs Low Wattage, Got Me Thinking. What Would You Reccomend To A Newbie?

I remember when I started vaping 3 years ago, the transition was hard and I had many relapses. I started with stick style batteries which were far and different than smoking a cigarette. It was like sucking through a straw for 7+ seconds, with little vapor and throat hit/satisfaction at the end. It worked for a while then I relapsed back to cigarettes. I tried Ego-Batteries with 1.0-1.5ohm cartos/tanks, it came close but so many dry hits, and it still wasnt much like a cigarette so I relapsed again, then towards the end of last year, I picked up a vaporshark and started vaping <1.0ohm coils in tanks/RDA's and it got me hooked, it was very much like smoking a cigarette. 2-4second drags, throat hit, and nicotine delivery.

which comes to my second question, I know there is this whole thing of 'cloud chasers' and 'tootle puffers', but what kept you on vaping and didnt make you relapse? For the cloud chasers, was it the visual aspect? The hobby of vaping, the want to get more and bigger visuals out of clouds, or more throat hit and similarity to smoking with clouds just as a side effect? And for the tootle puffers, did you just get used to taking longer drags compared to smoking, have you tried subohming at high wattage and just found longer less direct throathit was more satisfying to you when compared to smoking?

it makes me wonder how people come to their desired vaping setups, if they came by them by trying to find something similar to smoking, or just fell into something completely new that they enjoy even more.

when I think of how I ended up at subohming on mechs, from starting on egos/30-40w devices. I believe it has to do with me chasing that way i used to smoke, 2-4second drags on newports. For those of you that subohm or low watt vape, what type of cigarettes did you use to smoke before you switched? this could be helpful information for people reccomending setups to those who want to make the switch to vaping.  

Glad I Started When I Did

I joined ECF back in August of 2017. I was sixty-five years old and had been smoking 25-30 cigarettes a day for 40+ years. I began vaping at the same time win the hope I could at least cut down. I dual used for months, continually cutting back on cigarettes. I smoked my last cigarette on May 11, 2018 - I am coming up on my three year anniversary. When I began, I vaped 24mg nicotine. Now I alternate between 3mg and zero nic.

Given how incredibly positive vaping has been for me, I am in shock at recent events. I was down to two working mods. I have ordered four mods, some tanks and a bunch of coils. I am still able to buy some eliquids where I live - but many of my favorites from Halo have been discontinued. I still have some outstanding hardware orders that I hope get delivered.

The treatment of vaping in the media has been a one sided disgrace, and propaganda works. Over the years when I have mentioned to people that I quit by vaping, they respond, ‘so you quit smoking by picking up a habit that is even more dangerous’.

I am set for at least a year. Fortunately I have kicked my addiction to nicotine - I recently vaped zero nic for a month. If I was just starting out, it would truly be panic time, and I would go back to cigarettes for sure. I suspect that many will do just that. Happy I started when I did.  

What's Your Vape Journey

I just wanted to here peoples amazing vape journey. Like how and why you started vaping and what you are vaping on now, how long you have been off the death sticks. And what are you vaping on now.

Little about my vape journey I've been vaping for about 7 months. I started on a itaste 20w with a protank 3, I told my self I was only going to use it till I got off cigs and I was never going to use rda's well now I am using a sigelei 150w with a troll rda haha, and just pre order my first temp control mod evic vt. I've loved every minute of it it's one of the best things that I've got into. Now let's here your story!  

Information And Predictions About The European Union Vaping Excise

As many european vapers might have heard, excise tax will be implemented eventually. Estimates are that this will likely happen between 2023 - 2025 however some countries are starting in 2022 individually.

There are some estimates from proffesionals as to how the European Union will tax vaping products. It is for example really likely that you will be taxed per ml of e-liquid. This tax is likely to be between $0.08 to $1.00. It is likely that vaping products will recieve less frequent tax increases due to their positive effects compared to tabacco. If you do not want to pay this tax, there is always an option to create your own liquid with a bit of spare time on your hands as the products used to create e-liquid will not be taxed, the tax will only apply if you buy pre-made e-liquid. So I'd recommend learning how to create your own e-liquid before 2022 if you're an european vaper, could safe you some money in the end.

Things to note: This has not been 100% confirmed yet, but is 90% sure to happen eventually. They are currently working on making this all lawfull. So a few years could pass before it actually gets implemented. Vaping is probably not at the top of their list with all the things going on in the world right now, and the procedure was just started, with the average procedure taking 2-3 years I wouldn't be expecting it anytime soon.

If you have any questions, please ask. I've done quite the bits of research on the topic and chances are I could answer your question!

Happy vaping!  

So Attached To Vaping... After The Ban Is In Effect... I Dunno

So I heard that the ban in New York will take effect even after the small delay. I'm wondering how I will be able to cope soon. Vaping for me does great things as it keeps me off cigarettes. But one major thing it also does for me is that it lowers my stress level and it relaxes me. Being that I have vaping I have no need to try other things that can be complicated. Someone once told me that my vape is like my pacifier because I always have it in my mouth and I turn to it whenever I am stressed and have anxiety. Truthfully it's terrible that I will be forced to use my pods because Juul couldn't keep their products out of corner stores and leave them for vape shops. When these kids have health issues they blame it on vaping when their parents ask them how it happened and they wanted a high out of school. Even though there is something called deep breathing and vaping isn't done that way I know it cools me off. Many times I was stressed and sweating because, I started to vape and it had it that I was finally able to feel the temperature of the air outside. People need to understand that going with this ban is All Or Nothing thinking, things one is told in therapy to avoid. Now that "it affected a minority" people take it away completely from those who are benefiting from it. Those who are banning - please use common sense - vaping is a lot safer than cigarettes and people are constantly dying from smoke. Vaping was the best thing that has possibly happened in a really long time. Tobbaco plants had a misconception that it was supposed to be smoked until technology introduced a safe method. If it was vaped from the beginning of time people would have lived much longer lives and more people would be born. Those who are cracking down please take this into account.  

Fda Grandfather Date 4/14

So hypothetically if the bill Casaa is asking us to support is passed to keep all things on the market created prior to April 2014, what devices will be available? I started vaping this year, does anyone recall the "must have" devices back then?  

How Have You Progressed Since You Started Vaping?

I started vaping and smoked my last cigarette Oct 12th 2013. I started with this..

This was my first setup and I loved it when I first got it. Then I got sick of dealing with the ego-c atomizers and upgraded to an Evod and boy I thought that was awesome! Lol.
December 6th 2013 I got my MVP2. (I remember the date because I got it the day before my friends wedding that I was in). Then came other clearos like an I smoke bcc mega, protank, etc.
Christmas 2013 I got an iTaste vv3 along with an iclear30s. I used that setup for quite a while until the Nautilus came out. I got one of those and used it up until last Christmas when I got an Atlantis along with an aspire sub ohm battery. After using that setup for a few months I really missed having a regulated device. I missed all the features and the adjustability of the MVP but wanted something more powerful that could power my Atlantis as well. So a few weeks back I ordered a 50w istick and that's where I'm at now.
I have yet to get into rebuilding but would like to try it out with something like a sub tank mini.
So when did you start vaping and how have you progressed?

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk  

The Things You Are Most Grateful For Being Tobacco Free

Hey everyone! I've been casually vaping off and on for two years now, but I finally took the plunge and started vaping exclusively. I am almost 4 days tobacco free! It's the longest I've been without tobacco in 7 years!!! It's been a lot easier than I thought it would be.

Something that keeps me going is to think about the horrible realities of being a tobacco user.

What are the things about tobacco you are glad to have behind you? The smell? The taste? The money? What did you hate most about smoking?

I could really use the little reminders throughout the day.