What Is Best Besides Water To Keep You Hydrated?

I can't make myself drink water and coconut water taste like dirt to me. What else is good to keep you hydrated?  

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Favoriate Thing To Drink While Vaping?

I found that drinking Brisk ice tea helps with flavor fatigue and it just taste so good! its my go to vape drink!!! (water just swishes the flavor around in my mouth and does not help) no worries though I still drink plenty of water. So what are some of your guy's n' gal's favorite thing to drink while vaping? I want to see what else people do  

I Am Always Super Thirsty... Help

My stats:
I vape .5 ohm, with dual coils
I vape 6 mg nic
I vape around 25-30w

I've been home sick so I've been vaping a lot more than usual. Even when I'm at work, I drink a lot of water. I am just constantly thirsty.

I also take medications for bipolar disorder and mood stabilizers. I don't think these have anything to do with it.

Either way I am going through water and pissing like crazy. And not just water, milk, pop too.



I know the topic of how to get VG film off glass surfaces has been well explored in past threads. But I just "discovered " by rinsing my reading glasses off in plain tap water and a good wipe dry with a paper towel that water will clean it. I'm gonna do that to my car if I ever get out of the house long enough to do something useful. I've tried various glass cleaners and they never seem to get it all. But water did on my glasses so...just a thought..  

Anybody Use Ispopropyl Alcohol To Clean Coil Heads?

I know the general recommendation is to use Everclear or vodka. I haven't had a drink of alcohol in 22 years, but I see no good reason to keep a bottle of potable liquor around for cleaning my gear if there is reasonable alternative. I just bought a bottle of 70% Isoppropyl alcohol for this purpose from the drugstore. It should be a better solvent than vodka at 140 proof, and it evaporates cleaner than ethyl alcohol. A water rinse should remove any unevaporated alcohol, not that there is much chance of harm from inhaling a miniscule amount of isopropyl. I currently dunk my minipro heads in near boiling water, then rinse in running hot water, which works reasonably well on the exposed wick but probably doesn't do jack for the portion inside the coil.  

Many People Said Like This,

if there is no nicotine, is ecig harmless! right?

but actually that's a definitely wrong info and concept.

e-liquid made by Vegetable glycerin , Propylene glycol , flavor , (nicotine)

so it's not vapor!

you should remind this and also one of ecig's prorperty is absorbing water in your throat thus

u need to drink sufficient water to protect throat.

then if you vape around people, the e-cig smoke can harm other people.

so vapers need to beware these fact well.  

Cleaning And Re-using Aspire Bvc Coils Without Dry Buning

I've read many of the hysterical posts about the wick material in Aspire BVC coils. But I've gotten used to all the chicken little hysterical threads on ECF over the years. In the case of Aspire BVC coils I believe the hysteria to be unwarranted. If you believe it then read no further.

I've been using a Nautilus and Naut mini for a few months now. I can afford the BVC coil replacement cost but decided as an old school vaper to try to recycle them rather than just tossing them. I realize that some have managed to rebuild them but I decided to attempt simply re-using them in stock condition. I certainly don't expect many people to adopt my method but here it is for those who might. You'll need an ultrasonic cleaner.

In retrospect my first step was likely overkill but I'll find out with the next batch. My first step was to force warm water through each coil assembly with a dental water pik. I then placed all the rinsed assemblies in a small ultrasonic cleaner having filled the tank with hot tap water. The ultrasonic cleaner was purchased a few years ago in an attempt to recycle cartos. That attempt was doomed to failure.

My inexpensive ultrasonic cleaner runs three minute cycles and shuts off. Given that I probably went through enough cycles to equal 60 minutes total cleaning cycles with 4 or 5 water changes. When the tank water started to remain clear the coils were allowed to air dry for ~48 hours.

The result is that I am vaping one of these recycled coils and the performance is identical to a factory fresh coil. The first 10 or 12 hits carried a somewhat off taste but then cleared completely. This is FWIW. YMMV.  

My Njoy Fell In Water..

I’ve had a couple njoy batteries that I’ve replaced when the times come. I just got a brand new one yesterday and it fell in water. I’ve put it in rice and it hits okay but once I hit it the light stays on afterwards for a long time. And the light is faint and flashing when it’s on the charger. Is there anything I can do to fix it?  

Cleaning Airflow Control Base / Valves


Just wondering how to get a good clean of dirt and juice residue buildup on airflow base part for tanks and rda's. I find this part to be the hardest to clean. Not sure if you can run it under water or just try and get into the itty bitty cracks and crannies with a paper towel like I currently do. The tanks I use are mainly Nautlus Minis and Subtanks. The RDA's are freakshow, derringer, tobh, magma, etc. HOW do you get a good clean on the AIRFLOW CONTORL BASE/VALVE​?  

Has Anyone Quit Vaping And Still Dehydrated/ Cotton Mouth

Vaped for 2 years , had my e cig in my mouth for most of that time . I suffered from pasty mouth all the time only since I started vaping .

I stopped vaping a week ago and have been downing water but it seems like 5 min after drinking I get pasty mouth and can chug so much water again . I don't like this because I often wake up with a really dry mouth and my lips are always chapped.

I have no other underlying issues . I know its only been a week but still !
anyone else with similar experience?


How Vapor Is Born

I have seen very different explanations of vapor production on ECF, sometimes quite weird. So, I decided to clarify a bit the process.

Disclaimer: I am not involved in any e-cig research, but I have some background in physics.

Aerosol – a cloud of tiny particles (for us – liquid droplets) in air. Each droplet is too small to be visible individually, but it reflects a tiny amount of light in odd directions and all droplets together look like a cloud or fog (clouds and fog are water aerosol).

Solubility. Solubility could be full (infinite), like PG in VG or alcohol in water, or limited, like salt in water. If solubility is limited, then saturation point exists – excess of salt will not dissolve in water, will stay on the bottom of the cap. If we leave a cap with solution, water will evaporate with time and more and more salt will settle on the bottom (like in Great Salt Lake). The same true for air. For example, water is soluble in air, but its solubility greatly depends on temperature. If after a hot humid day we have a cold night, amount of water which was good for air at high daytime temperature will become excessive for low night temperatures and excess of water dissolved in air should “settle” somehow; the result we usually see is dew or fog.

Human lungs are famous for their wetness and they provide exhaled air with a lot of water in gaseous state at the temperature of a human body. But when a human body is outside at low temperatures exhaled gases (warm air + gaseous water) are chilled and will contain excess of water, which will “settle” as tiny droplets, i.e. aerosol, and we will see clouds of exhaled breath. Nice evaporator, always with us (just add a cold room)…

Boiling. Easy explanation for single liquid system (like water). Heated to boiling point temperature water will boil and produce water vapor. A bit more complicated is boiling of two component liquid, like PG-VG mixture. Liquid will boil as a single system (no separate boiling of its components) at a temperature between boiling points of its components and it will produce vapor of both PG and VG.

Now to vaping. Coil heat liquid supplied by a wick and transfer it into gaseous state (by boiling). But this vaporized liquid can stay in gaseous state only in small area of hot air surrounding a coil. Air draw is chilling this gaseous mixture and PG and VG form tiny aerosol droplets, our beloved clouds.

What’s wrong in my simplified explanations. When multicomponent liquid boils it produces more vapor of its components with lower boiling point, sometimes much more. For example, if we vape 30/70 solution of PG/VG, then PG (boiling point 371 F) will evaporate much faster than VG (477). If things were going as I described above, pretty soon we will be vaping almost pure VG (PG will be gone). It could be even worse. Suppose we have a third component – raspberry ketone (raspberry flavor) with boiling point of just 284 F. It should be gone in no time and most of the tank will be left flavorless.

Fortunately things are a bit more complicated then were described (a bit more complicated than my ability to comprehend them fully). In reality we have a mild overheating and a mild undersupply of liquid by a wick, plus mostly unidirectional liquid movement along a wick. In these conditions boiling produce vapor which is much closer in it composition to composition of a juice.