Nicotine Poisoning Death

On 48 hours tonight. A husband murdered his wife using nicotine. So much for the ole "there is not one recorded nicotine caused death ever documented."  

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10th And 11th Vaping Deaths

First vaping deaths in Florida and Georgia bring nationwide total to 11 - CNN Death toll climbs from vaping illnesses as Florida, Georgia report new fatalities First death linked to mysterious vaping illness confirmed in Georgia The state agency said the patient was a man over the age of 35 who did not live in metro Atlanta. He had a history of heavy nicotine vaping, but no history of vaping THC​

Tax Hikes In Many States

Alright, so I was reading over a house bill that just passed here in Hawaii "with amendments"

Not exactly sure what the amendments are, so this could be irrelevant, but the concept still holds true.

The legislature imposes an 80% tax on "Tobacco Products" which they have conveniently bundled electronic cigarettes into.

So, what would stop a vape shop from selling all 0 nic juices, and adding nicotine as a separate purchase. For example, I buy a 30mL bottle of juice with zero nic, and then I buy enough nicotine concentrate to bump it up to say 6mg/ml

They sell me the juice for $15 (Hypothetical here) and sell me the nicotine for $1.00

So all that would get taxed is the nicotine because that's the only "Tobacco Product" (by their definition). So we only pay 80 cents in taxes rather than $12.80

If I ran a vape shop, this is what I'd be doing to prevent my customers from taking their business out of state, or worse going back to stinky sticks...

As far as I know, they would be hard pressed to define any of the electronic equipment as tobacco products, or juice without nicotine.

Is selling the nicotine as a separate purchase a viable strategy for defeating these ridiculous laws that are being proposed all over the country?  

Using Nic Gum While Flying

I'm going to be taking an 8 hour flight next month and I've decided to abandon my idea of stealth vaping, as the rewards are just not worth the risk in my opinion, if something were to happen and if it was discovered. I don't want to be the subject of a news headline "Unruly vaper causes flight to be diverted. Flight boarded by seven sheriff deputies with a SWAT team standing by as backup."

Has anybody ever used nicotine gum before? I was thinking about getting a small pack of gum and using that instead. At least that is not forbidden. I've never tried nicotine gum before, but I noticed that it comes in 2 mg and 4 mg. I'm not sure how that relates to nicotine mg in e juice, but I'll just get a small pack of the 4 mg I guess.

Does anybody else use Nicotine gum sometimes, like when flying?  

Is An E-cig An E-cig Because...

Because it has a coil? Because it has a tank that contains VG or PG? Because the user expels vapor that looks like smoke ? Because it has a battery? Because the tank holds liquid that contains nicotine? What if the tank does not contain nicotine? Is it still an E-Cig?

These are my burning questions for tonight while watching Modern Marvels on H2 (History Channel 2)

That and I really need to know what exactly constitutes an E-cig. I've been tobacco free, smoke free for almost two years. Vaping exclusively. I'm close to zero nicotine now. Will I still be an E-cig user when I go to zero? Obviously yes, but why ?

I really dig vaping a million times more then I dug smoking. I hated smoking. Just did it for 40 years 'cause I couldn't get off the stinkies til I discovered E-cig (24 mg/ml when I first quit smoking) almost two years ago. Still can't believe I've been smoke free for so long.

Hope you weigh in on the subject of "What constitutes an E-Cig ?"  

Is Nicotine Addictive For You?

If nicotine did not exist in any form of ecig product, would the government be looking to tax it all?

When I do not have nicotine in my body I become restless, irritable and generally unglued physically and emotionally until I put nicotine in my body.

I use 3mg nic but vape at least 21mg of nic per least and probably more.

Many say nicotine by itself is not addictive. Through 40 plus years of using it I strongly disagree.

The vapors cause has a double edge to it. The government will eventually tax all ecig products but nicotine is the very reason the government can justify coming into the vape shops and tax to begin with  

0mg Nicotine

Hello! So, for whatever reason, pre-employment nicotine testing is becoming a thing in my field. I use 6 mg juice, so I'm just going to switch to 0 mg. Everything I've read says 2 weeks should be good to pass the test. My question is, how much residual nicotine will be left in the vape from previously using 6 mg? I took it apart and cleaned it.... Is that sufficient? Or am I still consuming enough nicotine to fail a test?

8th Vaping-related Death

CDC Confirms 8th Vaping-Related Death Eighth death linked to vaping as illnesses surge around the United States US vaping illnesses top 500, Missouri man is 8th death Desensitized yet?  

Impossible Sweet Spot : Nic Buzz Vs Throat Hit


I vape since approximatly 2 years.
I think I got a lot of experience (Mods, DIY, etc).

However, I'm still not even able to find my "Sweet Spot".
Between a balance of "Nicotine Buzz" vs "Throat Hit".
For me, I would like to have the "Nicotine Buzz" of the 18mg/24mg.
But, with a small "Throat Hit" of for example 12mg/06mg.

I did notice that Nicotine BOTH strongly give the NicBuzz and Throat Hit.
Even with a 24mg(100%vg on small wattage), the Throat Hit is just too much for me.
I did tests mods, pg/vg, wattage, airflow, drink water, etc etc etc.
I chainvape nearly 10ml/day and since moths I'm killing my Throat.

Is there anyone with the same situation as mine?
Thanks, have a nice day! =)  

Suddenly Intolerant To Liquid Nicotine? I Can't Believe It

Hi guys! First of all sorry for my bad english. I started to vape at February and I love it, thanks to the e-cig I don't want a tobacco cigarette anymore. By the way, for some reason, about 15 days ago I realized that e-liquid nicotine gives me agitation and jittery that I've never had before. Sure, nicotine is a stimulant like coffeine but as we know it's a relaxant, too. And this stimulant/relaxant combo is what I've had with tobacco cigarettes and with vaping until 15 days ago. To be sure that (liquid) nicotine is the culprit, I've tried everything. With nic free e-liquid I have no agitation, even though I become a little sad because actually I can't stay without nicotine for a whole day. You may say: "reduce the nic dosage" and that's what I did, but unfortunately even with 1.5 mg/ml I have this issue And I don't vape too much. So I decided to do another test: for one day I smoked tobacco cigarettes. Guess what? No agitation and jittery. This is so weird, I can't believe it! Because I can expect it if I vape too much at high nic dosage, but I vape at only 3 mg/ml and not too much. And as I said before even with 1.5 mg/ml. I started to vape at February with 9 mg/ml, then I gradually lowered the dose without any problem (until 15 days ago). Also, I've tried different nicotine e-liquids but nothing has changed. Now I don't know what to think other than I suddenly become intolerant to liquid nicotine, even though I don't have nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach problems and other symptoms that make me think: "you're intolerant for sure". What do you think guys? Is there something that I can do? I don't want stop vaping, especially because I don't want to smoke again Thank you so much in advance guys.  

Nicotine Absorption From Juul, New Study

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