What Do You Drink And Vape ?

So it can't be just me, I've found that certain drinks enhance the flavour of vapes, for example..

I love a pint of Guinness with the juice Goop

In the evening I like a cup of tea with my custard vapes..

So guys and girls, what do you drink and vape ?  

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Vanilla Custards And Alcohol

Hey everyone,

I do not drink often, but I enjoy a drink maybe twice a month. I vape Vanilla Custards almost exclusively.

I have began to notice that when I drink, these VC juices all begin to taste completely different, and not in a good way. It almost tastes like they spoil and become like sour milk.

It's so strange! It last for about 3-4 hours after I finish whatever drink I'm having that night. I absolutely cannot vape a VC during that time because it makes me want to gag. But then it's completely normal amazing after. It happens with all of my DIY custards, as well as Nicotickets CLS and ACB.

It's because of this I always make sure to have a fruit vape if I'm going out to drink because those taste totally fine!

I'm curious, does anyone else experience this? Am I the only one? Does anyone might have any idea what is causing this? I'm interested to know.

I'd love to hear what you think.

Vape Happy,
Cullin Kin  

Favoriate Thing To Drink While Vaping?

I found that drinking Brisk ice tea helps with flavor fatigue and it just taste so good! its my go to vape drink!!! (water just swishes the flavor around in my mouth and does not help) no worries though I still drink plenty of water. So what are some of your guy's n' gal's favorite thing to drink while vaping? I want to see what else people do  

E-juice Switch Up

OK back story here ...

I had been vaping on this juice called Monkey Fart .. comes from Slim's E-Juice .. you guys might know who he is - makes some pretty good stuff.

Anyway, it's sort of a lighter vape - supposed to be like, banana nut bread... but its not very heavy at all, almost kind of refreshing ... Took me a day or so to get into it, I don't know if this happens with anyone else or not ...

Switched to Five Pawns Gambit this evening, which I absolutely love .. and that's a very rich juice ... and the first few vapes was like that feeling you get after you eat a bunch of something really rich ... it was like ... cloying to me ..

Does one get accustomed to this after awhile? Myself not being a dripper, I'd imagine this has to be about 20x more intense with an RDA...

I'm probably not announcing anything new and shocking here - I'm sure a lot of people have had these experiences .. but thoughts?  

I Think I Did A Good Thing.

So, I was traveling for work today, and I had to stop at a gas station to grab a drink and use the restroom. As I was checking out, I overheard one of the other customers asking the clerk if he had any vapes. The clerk told the customer they only had the Vuze e-cigs. The customer was bummed out because he had forgotten his setup on the counter of a vape shop in Sacramento, which he was sure was gone by now, saying "Those things aren't cheap," and I told them I know all about it, lol. He was waiting for some food he ordered to be ready, so I went ahead and made my purchases and went outside to take a vape break. When he came out, he lit up a cigarette, having succumb to the urge and the not having a vape. We got to talking, and he told me that he was a veteran, having been discharged after his Humvee was blown up by an IED, leaving him with a TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury. He has a hard time remembering things, and that was part of the reason he left his vape behind. He told me he was using a mechanical (I deduced that after he told me it was a metal tube with a button on the bottom) with a cheap clearo that had a very tight draw. He didn't really know much about vaping, he just knew that it had help him go a month without smoking. I showed him my setup - a Smok Xpro M80 Plus with an Artic tank using the .2 ohm coil, filled with Vape Wild's King Cake at 65/35 VG/PG 3mg nic - and he was pretty impressed. I let him try it out, and he was just blown away by it. He really enjoyed how well it hit, how much he could taste it, and how much vapor it produced, saying he could really feel the nicotine, even at 3mg. He told me a guy at the vape shop he goes to gave him a box mod, and he showed it to me, a simple unregulated box mod - an 18650 Hammond box with a missing back, no MOSFET, no nothing. I told him he should get a couple batteries and find a back to go on his box, even told him I would be on the lookout for one. I also gave him one of my drippers, a TOBH Atty clone, and told him about coil building, and how drippers work. I also gave him a couple bottles of Vape Wild's Dragon Juice 3mg, 65/35. The last nice thing I did was to tell him about this place, telling him that everyone here is more than happy to help answer any questions he might have, and to give him some advice. Anyway, just wanted to tell you guys a little about my moment of Vape It Forward tonight. Hopefully he ends up showing up here someday. Support the troops, guys and girls, they need it.  

Ml Per Day Question

I have always vaped anywhere between 15-20mls of juice a day. Three weeks ago I finally convinced my brother to switch from cigs to a mesh tank vape kit. He vapes anywhere between 45-55mls of juice per day. Should I be concerned about it? He is doing fine, bit it seems like a bit much. What do you guys think?  

Are There Any Vapes That Are Easy On The Throat?

I'm using an Aegis mini and I have a habit of drawing the vape right to my throat. I've tried to keep a it in my mouth and then blow out, but I often forget and go back to deep vapes. Is there a vape device out there which will be gentler on my throat, maybe something that makes it harder to take throat hits? I enjoy vaping but having a sore throat is becoming a real problem.  

Fda Looking To Ban Menthol Cigarettes.

Before I started vaping 6 years ago. I smoked menthol cigarettes. With the vape mail ban, even after stocking up, I was considering going back to smoking what I used to after my supply runs out. Now even that is in jeopardy. Why not make ALL tobacco illegal? Better yet, ban anything that could potentially kill us? What is happening to our freedom of choice? I don't smoke weed, but if others want to then fine, that's their choice. I dont drink alcohol very often. If others want to have a drink when they want to, then fine, that's their choice. Sorry, just venting.  

I Kind Of Like It When

Im vaping a nice juice and some of it flows into my mouth from a strong pull.

If it happens when Im vaping nana cream or space jam, god that is delicious.

Would drink if possible. Some of these companies should make hard candies in the exact flavour the ejuice is.  

Progress On Restoring Vapes!

It's been a few years since I joined the vape community. For the whole time I bought only new vapes, as older ones were left behind. Getting rid of my old vapes and buying new ones.

But recently it all changed, since I decided I'll try restoring old vapes!
That's the thing, people scratch them, maintain poorly them, but they're still usable. Their prices drop dramatically with their looks. But they still work fine!

So I decided on restoring scratched, beat up vapes and giving them a whole new look!

So this is a greatly aged, one of the first versions of Smok Alien 220W from 2016! It originates from the UK, coming all the way to Baltic states. It looks all beat up, got it for a really good price!

Did a paint job on the line metal, brushing the buttons as well as sanding down the metal. Wanted to do a Storm Trooper replica, but the paint started sagging, and overall, was an awful paint.

Next one is a Joyetech eVic Mini, don't have a lot of pictures of it, but overall was a scratched, bruised vape. So I sanded it down, painted it and gave it a new look!

The third one in progress is another Smok Alien 220W

Hopefully will turn out just as imagined! Stay tuned!  

Pg Free/100% Vg Disposable?

Hey everyone,
I am very new to vaping since I just quit smoking cigarettes. I have been buying disposable vapes and have one refillable pod system that I haven't been using much. But I recently came to the conclusion that I have a sensitivity to propylene glycol, which is in every disposable vape I have found so far. It has made my lymph nodes very swollen and sometimes I feel like there's a lump in my throat that won't go away except on days I don't vape as much. Before realizing it was the PG, I had a doctor's appointment to examine me to see if it was cancer or something serious, and I even had a dentist appointment to rule out tooth abscess/infection too just to be sure.
Long story short, I was wondering if anyone knew of a disposable vape brand that does not have any PG in it. I don't even care about the flavor at this point.
If these don't exist, does anyone have a recommendation for a good PG free vape juice?
Thanks in advanced!