I Need A New Display Cabinet.

I've just received six trophies from ECF and I've nowhere to put them. Thank you ECF - don't really know what they mean but much appreciated.  

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I Don't Like To Brag Or Anything

...but I just noticed I have, like, a whole trophy case of trophies here at ECF.  

Pico Squeeze 2 Display Position Direction

So I just made a trade and got a Pico Squeeze 2 in all chrome. My other one has the display facing one way but this one's display is facing the opposite direction. Does anyone know if it's possible to flip the screen to the other direction? I looked at an online manual but I didn't see the instructions there. Thank you very much and I hope you all enjoy your night.  

New Setup Review

Well I did a quick search and couldn't find a review for the Sigelei 30watt mini and figured I'd make one now that I received mine. I have no clue how to post vids through my phone so I apologize for the primitive text review haha. So here we go my review of the Sigelei 30watt mini:

Sigelei 30watt mini
Micro usb charger cable (located inside battery slot)

The 30watt box mod is yet another great mod from Sigelei. Standing a little over 3 inches tall and an inch deep it is definitely a stealthy little device. This device comes with the standards of all sigeleis. A fire button, 2 function buttons and a display screen. And of course it's loaded with the standard safety functions:
Low voltage protection
High voltage warning
Reverse polarity protection
Low resistance protection
Short circuit protection
It also includes 5 memory banks for quick wattage changes. Wattage range from 5-30 watts in .1 increments.
PWM mode and DC-DC mode. 5 click power on-power off. Voltage display and ohm display aswell. The device requires 1 18650 lithium ion battery which inserts to the back of the device via magnetic battery door, that's right! MAGNETIC! Now here are some pros and cons I've found for the mod.

Clicky buttons, gotta love the click.

The magnetic battery door

Size, this thing feels great in hand and fits nicely in pocket with a Kanger subtank on it.

It's made of a nice solid aluminum alloy without any goofy etching or screws.(except for on the top and bottom)

Extremely easy interface. As this is my first box mod I found it nice and easy to navigate the modes and memory banks.

Most tanks and rdas sit nice and flush on the box. I'm using a 22 mm subtank mini and there is no over hang. And even with a 25 mm tank there isn't much at all.

Now these aren't necessarily cons but just things I personally didn't find great.

It comes with a silicon sleeve, and I don't feel it necessary. And with it on the buttons become flush and harder to press.

Small screen. I am far sighted so having to squint all the time blows. You 20/20 people will have no problem though haha.

Doesn't include a battery. For something that is definitely targeting newer vapers, not hobbyists, I felt it probably should have had one with it.

The fact that it changes wattage at .1 increments is pointless honestly. I can't tell the difference between 15.3 watts and 16 watts, so what's the point?

For everything it does and everything the device comes with, it's definitely a good choice of beginners or seasoned vapers looking for another nice mod. Price varies from vendor to vendor but is pretty on point. I received mine from VapeHappy.com for 36 bucks. It also comes with a 3 month warranty from Sigelei.
I highly recommend this for just about anyone and give it a 8.5/10 due to the fact it doesn't come with a battery.

Again sorry for no video and no pics but I can't figure that crap out on my phone. I hope you enjoyed my review on the sigelei 30watt mini.  

Lucky Ruckus Vape Shop

I just wanted to say that I am very pleased with the customer service from this company. I ordered a pinoy mod from them (Scud mod) last week and I actually received a phone call the next day to let me know that they received my order and that it will be shipped right away. The owner was very pleasant to talk to and seemed interested in what I had to say about vaping. I have been vaping since 2009 and good customer service is very important to me. Once the device arrived at my mailbox I realized they added two 30ml bottles of eliquid free with my purchase. I have to say I am very pleased. The product came wrapped very well with no chance of it being damaged. I will order from them again. The prices are also very good. I just wanted to put this out there.  

Box Mod

What are the step ups from the ileaf? I have 2 50w's that I just received. What are the step ups? I'd be running a Nautilus and mini on them. Looking for something that is easy to charge and very reliable.


How Many Setups Are In Your Present Rotation?

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Another RTA should be delivered Friday....  

Kanger Subox Kit Coils

Hi! I received my Subox today and I was wondering if anybody knew where I can get the new 1.5 ohm coil heads for the kit. I don't have a subtank to compare to, but these are BVC instead of horizontal. I'm conducting several searches but to no avail.  

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A brand new DSE-801 from October 2008
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Is there a Vape museum somewhere?


Man Down!! Mvp3 With Nautilus Problem....

I'm only on day nine with my new MVP3 and Nautilus tank (started out with the 1.6 BVC) and I'm down here... Yesterday as I was vaping my MVP shut down and wouldn't turn back on. I had just full charged it but tossed it on the charger anyway and it came back on. Took a couple of vapes and BAM, down again... Put it on the charger again and it came on again but this time the display was flashing two dashes in the ohms section.

So, I switched out to the other head that came with it, had a few vapes and WAMO, down again. Plugged it in, came back up, couple of vapes and down again and again this other head now flashes the two dashes in the ohms section. Now here's the weird thing... When I popped the second head on it read 2.3 ohms. I didn't think anything of it at the time, being new and all, but when I just went to confirm which head I used first and second I read the stamp on the second and it says it's only a 1.8 ohm head.... Another strange thing is that as I was vaping on this second head I changed the watts to improve the vape after a couple vapes and I noticed it read 2.5 ohms, then after a few more vapes it went down with the flashing dashes.

When I took out the second head I notice there is juice in the very bottom of the bottom hardware, where the head is screwed into. I'm assuming this means it was flooded, but being a rookie I could be wrong. At any rate.... I'm not happy vaper right now In hind sight I realize I should have bought some extra heads, but again... Rookies make rookie mistakes right In my defense though, the guy at the shop said I should have been good for a month with what I had bought so I thought I'd be good. I uploaded a quick video to show the MVP3 display and the bottom hardware in case it was needed. You can see it he

So now the questions... What would cause two new heads to die like that, or are they dead? Would it be a head problem or a problem with the MVP3? Am I correct regarding the fluid in the bottom hardware being a result of flooding, and if so what would have caused the flooding and could this have been the cause of the dead heads? And finally... What type of wire can I use to rebuild the heads? I've been reading a lot and watching a lot of videos on rebuilding over the past month or so and hear about nichrome, kanthal, and caplan... Does it need to be a specific type of wire or can I use some wire that I have here that I used for other purposes? Maybe an old guitar string? LOL

I'm desperate here.... I need my vape!!! I don't have the cash to buy new heads until around the 18th of the month and there's a carton of stinkys in the fridge and I do NOT want to resort to them if I start going bonkers Any assistance at all is greatly appreciated.  

Atlantis 2 Drip Tip

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