Vaping Question

Hello ecf, i recently bought a sigelei 150w and an atlantis v2 subtank (amazing btw). I was outside vaping and a very kind gentlemen came up to me and asked me some questions about vaping. He told me he wants to quit cigs. We were both waiting for the bus so i thought yeah i dont mind. He starts asking me pretty common questions; is vaping safe, do i actually save money, etc. He then asked me a question i havent heard before. He asked me if its worse than cigarettes or if i get more nicotine because of the amount of vapor i was blowing out. (.3 at 85watts pretty big clouds) I've never heard this question before and was wondering if anyone has, or if they know the answer. TIA  

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What's The Reasoning For Vaping 0mg Nic Juice? ... I Don't Get It

I was in a bar / restaurant a couple of days ago and noticed another person vaping (guy looked to be in his late 60s). The guy was using what looked like a non-adjustable EGO style stick battery with what looked like an 'old-school' Kanger T3 clearomizer on top.

I struck up a conversation with him for just a moment and asked him what type of juice he was vaping ... The guy never told me the brand or flavor, but said it was 0mg Nic when I asked him.

That was basically the end of our conversation.

My question to you folks is this .... Why would anyone keep vaping if they had no nicotine in there juice? For me, the reason I vape in the first place is to keep off cigarettes. I am obviously addicted to nicotine, and have replaced the nicotine from cigarettes for the nicotine found in my juice.

If I could wean myself completely off nicotine, I think at that point I would just give up on vaping altogether. Someday I would like to be nicotine free, but for now, I just can't see it in my future.

BTW .... I have not smoked a cigarette for 15 months, but I am still vaping on my fairly strong 16mg Nic DIY juice.  

Some Guy Told Me.

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Xpro M80

So here's my question. First I'll start with some background to hopefully avoid questions in the future. I've been vaping for about 3 months. I have a eleaf 30w, that I usually use a nautilus/ atlantis tank on. I also have a sigelei 150w, that I use a plume veil and dark horse on. So my question is that I really like the cool vape that I get with the eleaf on my tanks. I have been tinkering with the the 150 w/ the dark horse and I finally think I found a build that gives me that same feeling. I would like to know thoughts on if the M80 would assist me in accomplishing this further on my builds with the TC.  

Well It Finally Happened.......

Someone that I know in real life actually said they heard that e-cigs are more dangerous than analogs.

Here is what happened... Last night I was at a potluck with friends. I dual use so I was by the bonfire smoking a analog. The one woman came and stood by me. Although she quit many many years ago she aid she still likes the smell of a cigarette.
I said that I could switch to my e-cig if the real one was to tempting for her. At which time she replied that she had read/heard that they were worse for you than real cigs.

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She then asked why anyone would say that if it was not true? I then explained that e-cigs cut into the profit of BT and pharm co's.
Once I said that it was like a lightbulb went off in her head.

Hopefully we now have one less person believing the lies.  

6mg Sub Ohm 0.2 @ 70w Too Much?

Hey guys,

I’m new to vaping. I have been a heavy 2 pack a day Marlboro light smoker for 20 years. I recently got into vaping and so far it has been an amazing journey!

I started with a small pod device (Caliburn) with 16MG nic salt. I found that I was still not able to quit smoking. I went back to my local Vape shop and got some 20mg nic salt juice, and that was too strong! It made me dizzy and confused and I just felt unwell. Even though @20mg I was getting a lot of nicotine I still wanted to smoke a cigarette.

On a whim I decided to give sub ohm vaping a try. I got myself a Lost Vape Thelema DNA 250c + a Freemax Mesh Pro 2 tank. I opted with 6MG freebase juice at 70/30. And sure enough it worked! I was able to quit smoking and have been smoke free for a week now!

My question though, is 6MG freebase nic @0.2 ohms (dual mesh), 70-80 watts too much? I feel fine for the most part and my cravings for cigarettes are under control. However from what I’ve read (and what the guy at my local Vape shop says) is that for sub ohm vaping you generally should stick to about 3mg of nicotine.

I know everyone is different, and you should do what works for you. But I’m just worried that with the large amount of Vapor I’m producing 6MG might just be a little risky.

I Vape quite a lot (200-250 puffs a day) and probably somewhere around 15-20ml of juice a day (at 0.2 ohms @ 70w the juice burns pretty quick). As mentioned above I generally feel fine. However sometimes I do feel a bit out of breath and like my chest is heavy. This could be gas (perhaps from inhaling so much air?). Or it could just be me adjusting from cigarettes to vaping. I don’t feel nauseous or have headaches.

Please let me know your opinions. Would really appreciate some advice from more experienced vapers!


How To Cut Down On Vaping?

I love vaping and its much safer than real cigs also sometimes I actually think its not bad for me at all. Problem is I vape way way too much. I dont want to quit but just want to cut down by around half the amount I vape. I swear I vape constantly and I think this is the main issue a lot of vapers have when it comes to vaping. Might as well get a oxygen like mask and just vape through that 24/7. What's a good way to cut down on vaping? I don't think it even has anything to do with nicotine but rather there isn't much indication for when you should put the ecig down. With a cig once you smoke it thats the indication you're done and dont need for like another hour. Could also be some sort of OCD towards vaping.  

Vaping And Life Insurance

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Not sure I can do that.

Maybe I could try vaping zero nic...I don't know. Maybe I'll just stick with the policy I already have.  

What's Your Vape Journey

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Little about my vape journey I've been vaping for about 7 months. I started on a itaste 20w with a protank 3, I told my self I was only going to use it till I got off cigs and I was never going to use rda's well now I am using a sigelei 150w with a troll rda haha, and just pre order my first temp control mod evic vt. I've loved every minute of it it's one of the best things that I've got into. Now let's here your story!  

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First off:

What is a good wattage range for the .3 ohm coils ? Im guessing somewhere between 40-70w

Does it have a weird brake in period ? Because it's not producing very much vapor at all...

I put a 3mg juice in the tank and it's hitting like a 8mg or 10mg which is weird.

Anyone else having problems with it ? I'm using it on a 150w Sigelei  

As I Stumble Through The Vaping Experience

Three and 1 half years ago a cancerous tumor was found in the upper lobe of my right lung. The 1/2 pack of cigarettes I had in my pocket were thrown away when I left the doctors office right after the discovery. I have not put one in my mouth since. I had surgery to remove the lobe.
Being seriously addicted to nicotine I asked my vaping daughter to get me started. She came up with some pencil batteries and a Kanger Protank Mini II. I replaced it many times during the last 3+ years with the same tank only "upgrading" to Eleaf Istick batteries. I worked my way down to .2% nicotine juice. I drilled out the air holes in the Protank to get more air flow. Battery life was minimal and refills on juice were frequent, vape clouds were small. I only went to 1 or 2 vape shops through the years not knowing what questions to ask for help with equipment, I just continued with the same set up. The neighbors daughter had an outfit that produced billows of vapor and a dandy looking outfit to do it with. I asked her what the brand was.... she didn't know and there was no writing on the unit.
I've came here looking for help but not knowing what questions to ask. I just looked.
The other day I was reading the GeekVape board and found someone asking for recommendations for an outfit. Most of the posters suggested an Aegis Cerberus 100W unit. I decided to order one. I have some 18650 batteries laying around. It came yesterday. I fired it up, made some adjustments and WOW what a hit. Seems to be a dandy outfit, sturdy and well made........ I ordered another one last night.

BTW I visit and Oncologist regularly and so far I'm cancer free.