Kennedy Spitback

with a possible upcoming purchase of a Kennedy rda (clone or authentic) I was wondering if it would be safe to put this on a hybrid mod as people have reported some spitback and I don't want juice peaking down to my battery

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Evcigarettes (dot) Com ?

Located in Jacksonville, FL. Can you recommend them?

Looking at a kennedy Vindicator 21700. They have colors here not available directly from Kennedy.  

Clone/authentic Thread Outcomes

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I was just curious if anyone ever changed their stance on buying or not buying clones after reading one of the thousands of angry debates about clones vs. authentics.

My stance has remained steady since the beginning. I still don't care what you use.  

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Anybody else?  

Kennedy Competition Rda The Review Is Here!

Sorry for the long wait folks, enjoy  

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Negitive Post Spin Safty

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My question is: the negitive post is already spinning. I can just use a pair of pliers to hold the pin in place while I screw down the post. But is a spinning negitive post safe to use?  

Rda Coil, Somethings Wrong

I'm new to RDA's, I have a Cloud werks RDA. I'm using a GeekVape aegis solo, I put in 1 0.45 ohm Alien Clapton 32gauge A1 coil, not sure if I can put 2 coils in. Anyway I have tried 50W to 100W and get very very little vape out and absolutely massive spitback (burned the F out of my tongue). Can I install 2 coils in this tiny RDA? I need help something is really F'ed up.  

Hybrid Mods- Pretty Insane

Here are Two pics of a hybrid mod top cap I recently bought. As you can see, the positive tab on the battery is directly connected to your 510 pin or whatever it comes in contact with at the bottom of your atty.
Here is a pic of the 510 pin on the bottom of the Atlantis:
The pin simply pushes into a grommet and floats there. If the pin comes in contact with the side of the atty it will short the circuit and if left there will short the battery. Notice how close the pin is to the sides of the atty. If that grommet gets deformed in any way, that pin can touch those sidewalls and short the circuit. After screwing and unscrewing the atty on and off mods, that pin and grommet can move out of its centered position. On a hybrid mod if this atty is over tightened directly onto the positive tab of the battery, the pin can MASH down onto it, deform the grommet and touch the sidewall causing a short. Someone not aware of this with little experience has a ticking time bomb in their hands. Be safe out there.  

About Battery

hi, i have been vaping with same setting for 2 years :
Regulated mod, Single coil rda, 2.5 mm alien coil 0.25 ohm, 30-35 watt, 18560 sony batteries.
I have been using the same batteries over and over for 2 years.
And I consider my self an expert when its come to my setting i mean I really know when its wicking issue or burnt coil or wrong coil position, 510 contact, battery contact etc ....
The thing now is that i feel some thing wrong with my vape, i dont feel it hit hard as it was before, it do spitback the ejuice to my mouth, flavor is little bit down.
So what i am asking is :
- could it be the batteries since I abused them?
- Is it possible that my mod show 30watt in the screen and doesn’t manage to deliver that 30 watt to the coil?
- I know as fact that long time used batteries have less capacity so they will charge and discharge fast, but i wonder if they also will be weak and don't hit hard enough in compared with its original states ?  

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There are so many of us purchasing stabwood mods lately so I thought we should have a thread dedicated to showing them off and caring for them!

Include the name of the mod and if it has an atty on it include the name of that too!!

So since I started this thread I’ll go 1st !!

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