Nic Instead Of Caffeine?

Do any of you coffee drinkers feel like since you've started vaping you are drinking less coffee or consuming less caffeine in general? I used to go through at least a pound of coffee beans per week but the past couple weeks I've only gone through half that.  

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What Is Level Of Nicotine That Is No Different Than A Cup Of Coffee?

I'm down from 50mg nic salt to 18mg nic salt. I'm trying to figure out what freebase mg e-liquid to try next.

Here is an interesting article about nicotine vs. caffeine.

Caffeine vs Nicotine - similarities and differences  

Hawaii Vacay

Good morning all, I just felt to post.

I am on the island of Kauai, its early. At home I have a cup of coffee and sit on the porch to vape and wake up. Today I am on the back porch overlooking the lush greenery, drinking Kona coffee and vaping Banana Nut Bread.

Life is so much better without cigs.

Have a great day!  

Vaping With A Hot Tea/coffee= Whoah.

I know a lot of people vape with a coffee...but I am certainly a tea drinker.

Been vaping for about a year, now, and have discovered that even though vaping and tea separately are nice, vaping while having a hot cup of tea is not describeable.

For some reason, it mixes in my system and even for a while after I stop, I may as well have been having a light drink...

Anyone else have this effect? I love it, and its a pleasant suprise.  

Obsess Much?

Just sat down this morning and had a quick look at where all my money's been going for the past few months.
Previously, I had smoking down to ~5 a day. Used to get them all from abroad, so roughly £5 for 20 at most. 40/week so £10/week and £520 in a year.

My current ecig spend:
£30 for first ecig
£25 for a Vision Spinner Battery
£15 for replacement tanks
£40 replacement coils (standard coils, then unicoils)
£100+ - Totally Wicked liquids
£50 - iStick
£25 - Subtank mini
£70 - mixing kit and concentrates
£50 - e-sheesha + cartomisers
£50 - premium liquids

£455+ (and that's just about 6 months, started in October)

I know that most if it was invested in the kit, and now that I have my ideal setup I hopefully won't be making those expensive purchases anymore on tanks and batteries. The DIY kit has enough to keep me going, now it's just buying concentrates that I need for recipes. I would have saved a lot more if I'd got the quality kit early on, but at the time I was new to it and wasn't sure if it's something I'd pursue.

It's probably not even that much in comparison what others spend, but I still feel like I've spent way more money than I should have.
Anyone in the same boat?  

Some Signs Your Child May Be Vaping Include....

While I fully agree that those under 18 should not vape... Who in the world writes this stuff??? lmao
Some signs your child may be vaping include, but are not limited to:
Increased thirst Desire for flavor Nosebleeds Acne Cutting back on caffeine Pneumonia Unfamiliar USB drives, battery chargers or spare parts in their rooms, clothing, bags, school lockers and around the home
Click to expand...

OMG!!! My kid drank a full can of Pepsi! He likes the taste of barbecue chips!! He got a bloody nose during hockey practice!! He has a pimple! He won't have a second cup of coffee!! He caught a cold!! And he has a new Nintendo DS3 charger!! ALL OF THE SIGNS ARE THERE!!! HE MUST BE VAPING!!!

And are any of the symptoms mentioned even remotely related to vaping??  

Working At Home = Vaping Up A Storm

Like most of the Planet, I'm stuck at home. Stuck at home and working. At the office, I worked out my stress with coffee...LOTS of coffee with 4 packs of saccharin per cup . Oh, and Swedish Fish gummies, which our organization provides free (in lieu of a pay increase, I believe). When the Planet was normal, I went through about 2 Alto pods (menthol, thank goodness) a week.

Now that my high-stress job is in the comfort of my own home, I'm going through a pod every 2 days, if I'm careful. If the cat keeps jumping up on the keyboard because I'm not giving her my full attention, I can easily go up to 3 pods.

I was, at first, wracked with guilt..."I've lost control...I shouldn't be vaping this much". Then remembered that a) I still have a job b) I'm earning more now (they are, for the duration, allowing overtime), c) I'm saving money on public transport, d) 7-11 has my brand stocked a-plenty on sale -- thank you, RJ Reynolds -- but most importantly, e) I'm not sick.

When the Planet gets back to normal, my vaping habits will get back to normal. In the meantime, I'll enjoy myself. Thanks for reading, I've got to go vape now.  

Tobacco Flavor & Teddy Bears

Teddy Bears what? I am going to get to that very quickly...

So the whole premise behind the 'flavor' ban seems to be premised on the idea that tobacco flavors are acceptable, but fruit/candy flavors might entice our teen children. Our children, as we refer to them, about to be 18 year old legal 'Adults' in the USA in a short period of time, 18, age enough to join the military, will find the flavor of tobacco so offensive, that they will be unable to handle it?

"Son/Daughter, are you vaping? No way mom, tobacco is so icky! Can I have another bowl of fruit loops?"

It reminds me of coffee, and how many here thought their first cup of coffee was kind of nasty tasting, but you grew into it, even enjoy it? Somehow though Starbucks has survived and thrived. Did you know that coffee can raise your heart rate? Maybe we should keep feeding our teens the McDonald's child meals, because you know, the flavors get to be more challenging as you grow up. (yes I am being very facetious).

Is this really the way we see our teenagers now? No flavors but candy/fruit will entice them, and Teddy Bears of course, teens don't outgrow their stuffed animals either.

This is our government's solution though, ban flavors other then tobacco. It's so deeply incorrect in premise, it's hard to even argue why it's flawed.  

I Am Soooo Excited....that I Just Can't Hide It...

I am enjoying vaping soooooooooooooooo much..

I know most of people here are veterans and won't be Soo excited ofc anymore

But first attempt on vaping was in 2014 and for many reasons didn't go well and I was back to cigs...ew

Anyways... now it's being 4.5 months vaping
I started with a drop in coils atomizer and now I use rebuildable also and make my my own e juice ofc and blah blah.blah....

Vaping is soooooo good.....never going back to cigs eeeeeever....actually cigs seem sooo bad now and I hat a hit to remind me what a nasty thing I was smoking all those years....ew

The benefits of vaping are more that u think and u only realise when u start it...

Besides health benefits...that ok some may say vaping is now sooo risk free but I don't care even if was same bad as cigs...even tho I am sure it's not

My sense of taste and smell is much better now....

I can adjust my nicontine levels and lower it and now I have less cravings...(I was crazy smoker)

My hands or facial hair don't smell and they don't get a yellow colour from cig smoke that I had to pull off my skin to remove ...(I was always with a cig on my hand)

Clothes don't smell and I don't feel bad to hug my niece now

My car don't smell kitchen don't smell cigs...(I used to smoke to kitchen)

My mouth hygiene and gums is better now confirmed by dentist also...already only 4.5months vaping!!!

I sleep better and wake up better no cough or hard breathing...

In my case I used to skip brushing my teeth sometimes cause in my opinion it would ruin my smoking experience but with vaping I tend to want to brush my teeth after every meal if I can cause I enjoy vaping taste more

I still drink coffee but water is a great match with vaping for me cause it reset the flavour in mouth so I drink less coffees and beverages...
with cigs I was always drinking loooot of coffee or some kind of beverage usually unhealthy cause it used to match with horrible taste of burned paper and tobacco lol

If I needed my nicotine I used to roll a cig and then I was smoking it all ofc...even tho I wanted just a few puffs...with vaping I can take my puff aaaanytime I want as much as I want...

The cost is less even tho some may spend a looooooooooot money hhahaha but if u are a casual vaper is cheaper ....but even if was the same or more still worth it....

P.s I know I don't say anything people here don't already know but just happy excited about vaping and sharing it  

Rip Little Buddy

it finally very first Ego battery has died. I've used him faithfully for almost 2 years...suprised he lasted this long.

Even though I upgraded long ago to bigger things, he was always with me and my mini protank, full of something light to get me started in the morning with my coffee.

have fun in battery heaven little guy.

you will be missed.  

I'm Probably Overdoing It.

I'm only about three weeks into vaping and I love it. But I think I am overdoing it with chain vaping. I'm retired so I don't really have much to do and for the past three weeks I've been sitting at my computer and researching all kinds of stuff about equipment and juice and DIY etc, sometimes well into the night. It's become second nature for me to vape while I read. Now keep in mind that although I was a PAD smoker till three weeks ago, I never smoked at my computer - didn't want to spend all day in a stinky atmosphere. With vaping I am taking liberties - maybe far too much than what's good for me.

For the past week I have been sneezing occasionally, coughing up sticky mucus, getting a blocked nose. I'm pretty old and never suffered from any type of allergy. It could be a slight head cold but I don't feel sick at all - more like hay fever symptoms. Mostly I vape a 50-50 mix at 6mg but I do have a few liquids that are higher PG.

So will this pass or am I really overdoing things? Should I lay down some rules as I used to do with my smoking?